Daily Kind Quote – 5090

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Leaving The Past Behind – Remember Who You Really Are

We can leave a place physically or in terms of attitude. I prefer the second option. If we only leave physically but don’t adjust our attitude, everything will repeat at that other place after a while. The same kinds of issues and people will appear. You can run from a place but not from yourself. And wherever you go, you will take everything along that is part of your system.

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Tools That Make You Feel Better

There are times, circumstances, or even only moments when we struggle to see some light at the end of the tunnel. But exactly then, it is all the more important to have a lamp light at hand to find the way out and fill the heart again with joy. Here are some suggestions to set nervosity, anxiety, anger, disappointment, and worries aside and regain inner warmth and power to lift us above that struggle.

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Daily Kind Quote – 5080

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

#PoetryDay – 127

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Daily Kind Quote – 5072

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

What If… I Had Only One Day Left?

Although I did not have much time when scheduling posts for this week, I don’t want to leave you without some Monday Inspiration. I decided to repost this one from December 2020 and hope it speaks as much to you as it did to me again. And just in case you wonder why there are no more posts after Wednesday, I will be off from Thursday until Easter Monday. See you again on Tuesday. Happy Easter to all of you!

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Daily Kind Quote – 5044

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Solutions Come From Acceptance

I am following Eckhart Tolle on Instagram. Often, I don’t read or watch his posts or reels because I don’t have the time to watch everything. But this caught my attention. When something undesired happens in our lives, what is the first reaction? Probably resistance, desperation, frustration, or resignation? Maybe the first thing is that we shake our heads and sigh deeply. However, I don’t think the first reaction is: “Yes, it’s ok.”

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Believe The Signs Of Confirmation!

At the time when I was supposed to schedule my Monday post for today, my health was not in a good condition. So, I decided to share a post from September 2017. I did not pick that one deliberately. I more or less stumbled over it and thought it was meant to be. Enjoy!

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Daily Kind Quote – 5215

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5206

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5200

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and started refreshed into this new week.
The week, when I was about to schedule the posts for this week, was pretty busy. It was the week when I attended my first Christmas market. So, there will be a quote each day and a please song as usual, but no Monday post, and no poem. Have a great week!

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5193

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5176

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5161

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Believing is Seeing

This is more or less a sequel from last week’s post to show how a perfectionist’s mind can get you in the way. A couple of weeks ago, I had this profound insight moment. You know I have published my latest book in May. I have done a lot of marketing in different areas since. As a self-publisher, this is not easy, but a lot of work. Then, aside from kind comments on the related posts, it seemed as if it was not recognized. After a while, I felt some frustration building up and I noticed that something was going wrong. This is not how I want things to be. This is not who I want to be. This is not who I am. With the distance, I looked at everything, I was not surprised that such an attitude (the book is only one outlet of that inner concept) can lead neither to satisfaction nor to health.

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Stop Excusing – Start Changing

Maybe you know this. You have a plan that is still in your drawer or a dream that nudges you from time to time. Although the idea of living that dream brings you joy, the thought of realizing it brings you back down to earth. The reasons can be money, circumstances, self-doubt, or fear in various forms.

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A Pitcher Full of Wisdom

Lately, I noticed in many parts of my life and different situations how things fall into place to lead to one particular experience, result, meeting, or insight. It made me think that everything that happens is tailored to each one’s life and life experience. Much of the information we receive feels more like a deja vu than something new.

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The Problems of the World need to be solved on the Level of Belief

When I was on the plane toward San Francisco, I finally had the time to continue reading one of the books started reading years ago. It is the book What God Said by Neale Donald Walsch. The only problem is that when I start reading, my mind starts spinning, and all kinds of thought fractions try to connect. That happens instantly. So after reading a few pages, instead of reading you found me writing. The last time I read that book was back in 2018 – 4 years before Russia invaded Ukraine. Now I continued reading with a chapter about the cause of issues between one another that can even lead to the development of wars. It amazed me again, that sometimes breaks are necessary to understand a message read later better.

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Daily Kind Quote – 5098

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5092

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

The Potential Of A Miracle Lies In You!

The world urgently needs peace – not only with regard to ongoing wars. The population in general must unite so that we cannot only end wars but also help this planet heal the damage we have caused. That thought reminded me of a post from 2016:

Lately, I came across several posts talking about miracles and coincidences or some conversations turned out to be about them. I love this matter. I also made it the topic of my latest manuscript (which still is waiting in line to be translated and published in English). But what actually is a miracle? Most of us would say: It is an unexpected and sudden change of circumstances for the better. Do you agree? But are they really unexpected? 

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Daily Kind Quote – 5049

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

The Freedom to be Me

When I had my blogging break after Christmas, I used the time too for going through old posts and “renovate” them. I came across this one I posted in 2016. When I went through it, I got that feeling that it needs to be shared again. I hope the person(s) it is meant for will find some inspiration:

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Exceeding Expectations

To receive the best inspiration I felt like picking a card from my favorite deck of Gateway Oracle Cards by Denis Linn. The card I picked is the one above. The year is still very young, and this card appears as a fantastic message to start it. Dream big and dare to expect the impossible to happen.

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Be The Wind And Not The Boat!

It is five years ago that I wrote the following post. I think, reminding ourselves that it is in our own hands to direct our destiny fits well for the first Monday post of this new year. 

Lately, I had a discussion with my youngest son about receiving respect and being taken seriously by others regarding the constant competition between him and his older brother. For a teenager, there is a lot to cope with, for example, the changes that happen to your body, and at the same time to your developing confused mind. Then there is the pressure of school and the decisions about what to do after (another school, apprenticeship,…) which goes along with the challenge of getting an apprenticeship place. A lot to deal with that life brings naturally.

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Daily Kind Quote – 5083

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

#PoeticTuesday – 69

Yesterday I shared a few things about my life with you. So, for today’s poem, I thought it was fitting to share the lyrics of the song I am currently working on. I spare you unnecessary text repetitions. I hope you like it.

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Daily Kind Quote – 5026

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5023

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Setting Boundaries

You have several life sections which influence each other, a job (maybe more than one), a private life, perhaps you are a member of one or more associations, and more. Each part is meaningful to you and causes responsibilities and obligations. Also, you feel committed to the involved people. There can be those times when some of those parts need more room than usual or begin to expand. It can be a business that you are extending (which needs personal engagement), something in your private life that needs attention, and you may have had additional plans already. It is definitely not always easy to do justice to everyone and, at the same time, preserve your own needs.

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

The Hunt For Perfection

I don’t know about you, but I am one of those who tend to push themselves to always have a solution at hand. It may have to do with the desire to help others and to be in control of life. It may also have to do with trained pressure to perform if you were constantly under the expectation to deliver the best results.

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It’s Not The Time, But The Feeling

When times get tough, we tend to think back to “better” times. Times when everything was more relaxed, less hectic, less strenuous. Images of moments come to mind that you begin to miss or miss even more. And maybe you wish you could go back to those times and lose yourself in a bubble of the past. Maybe, you only realize how blessed those times actually were.

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Daily Kind Quote

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

The Hard Way To Unconditionality

About ten days ago, I had a wonderful conversation about unconditional love with Mark of HealingFromWithin. I invite you to read his post about An Unconditional Dilemma. Often we meet people to whom we want to give ourselves completely. They may be in a bad place, desperate, lost, beaten by life. For some reason, there is a sudden connection, a strong attraction, and a deep need to help them heal their soul. Sometimes the encounters happen in such a magical way that you would give a movie a bad rating for being too unrealistic. However, from the first moment on, everything indicates that there must be a higher purpose behind it.

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Daily Kind Quote

This statement includes complimentary words from a quote by Abraham Lincoln.

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Breaking Barriers

It was time again to pull a card from my “Gateway” card deck. It is not that I felt uninspired, but I needed to find the direction. The card I pulled may not only fit my situation, but I could imagine that it speaks to quite a few of you.

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No Escape!

Who has not experienced it yet? Life confronts you with something you really don’t like to deal with. It may be something you successfully ignored, or someone else solved it for you. But for some reason, it seems to come back like a boomerang. Again, you don’t feel like dealing with it. May it be because it makes you anxious or forces you to look at a part inside yourself that you have been hiding and maybe even forgot about it. Maybe, you even thought you made it over it – until a situation happened in which you realized you did not. Not at all!

There is this point in life when turning away, wanting others to solve your issue, or distracting is not working anymore. It is that time when life says: “It’s enough. You postponed the task too often and for too long.” And you have no other chance than to look at it, take it, and end it by yourself. It is human that we try to avoid triggering anything that could bring us into situations that put us in the driver’s seat. Where there was always someone around to step in and make you get away, all of a sudden, no one is there any more to take the steering wheel. That can be even scarier. But since you never learned to make it on your own, life needs to take all possibilities to escape.


But no worries, the task may appear much bigger and more overwhelming than it really is. It only feels like it because you thought it would be that way. And every time you turned away, you added a bit of the negative thoughts that made it grow. However, once you take it to heart, and just go for it, you’ll quickly see that you actually have help on your side. But now, the help you receive is no longer an ease of your task but help for self-help. You learn to master the matter and find constructive ways alone and with support.

The tasks are not getting easier, but you are becoming stronger.

Erika Kind

How often have I thought that I could slip through again, only to see the wave coming back later again and even a bit higher. After a certain point running away was not possible anymore, and I had to face my fears and demons. Every time we do that, we not only untie a task of daily life but also a knot in our soul’s plan. Of course, we cannot be sure, if there are more knots on the same subject. But each time it gets a little easier. Because each time, we experience again that in the end, we do not emerge weaker but stronger, more self-confident, and more relaxed from a difficult situation.

You are the Phoenix.
You are your own salvation.
You are more than any challenge you may encounter.

On a side-note: This post was inspired by me reading about Empress Sisi’s life-long desperate attempts to escape the court ceremonial and herself. The older she got, the more she traveled the world – the tragedy of a broken and restless soul. 

In Love and Light

#JustAThought – Filter


On Instagram, I saw posts about #NoFilterDay. That got me thinking. Does this mean that a lot of people post pictures of themselves with filters, basically? I am not talking about the funny filters with dog tongues, cat ears, and distorted faces but filters that make them look “better” (whatever that means). I never paid attention to this until now because I don’t use such things myself. Is it because these people want to impress others by looking a certain way that they think will get them more followers, or don’t they simply like the way they look? When I think about our “selfie” society, where people focus on themselves and the importance of what they do and eat all day, this would make sense.

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Daily Kind Quote

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In Love and Light

“If You Don’t Get a Miracle, You could Be a Miracle For Someone Else”


Colin of MeAndRay.com shared the video below with me that moved me to my deepest corner and inspired me for this post. If Nick’s example does not lead to more consciousness, self-awareness, and gratitude for who you are and for what you can make of who you are, then what can? If Nick’s story and journey are not convincing you that you can always be who you want to be, that there is always a way and a solution to be who you want to be, then what can?

I printed Nick Vujicic’s words that “If you don’t get a miracle you could be a miracle for someone else”. What an example of no matter who you are, how you look, or where you were born, you have your purpose. That purpose’s seed was planted in you by the moment you were born. However, you are composed it is exactly who you need to be in order to fulfill that purpose and become who you are meant to be. You only need to be willing to look at it and live it. Then life will expand and give you the miracles you are looking for… because you are the miracle.

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#JustAThought … When They Leave The Nest

Many of you have already experienced it when a child moves out. I also experienced it six years ago for the first time. Now the next move-out is coming up these days. I think I can speak for most of you when I say that we are proud when our children take on the challenge and responsibility for their own lives and take the step into their own independent future.

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#JustAThought … To Bring About A Change


There are situations in our lives that we know for sure it would be time to change or end. We know it would make life easier, less stressful. We know that this particular step would create space to feel happier and more at peace again. What is it that keeps us from taking that step?

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Daily Kind Quote

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Daily Kind Quote

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In Love and Light



The glow that I see in your eyes
The burning fire in your heart
The smile that’s getting brighter when
You feel that spring’s about to start

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Accepting and Resigning


I recently enjoyed a singing bowl treatment. If you’ve never had one, you wouldn’t believe what it can do to your body and soul. Before the treatment, we always talk about whether I have any specific requests regarding the outcome. I usually tell her to just do what she feels is necessary. I want to keep my head out of it and let happen what needs to happen. But last time, I wanted her to consistently follow up on any blocks she finds. I told her that I am so tired of a reflexive resistance arising in me when it comes to things that are ridiculous and that lock me up inside. This automatic resistance keeps me from expanding, and I’m so tired of working against it, which only causes more resistance. I said I wanted to be transparent and permeable. After the treatment (which was very effective), she said, resistance is not necessarily a bad thing but rather an intuitive reaction to not letting it all in. That got me thinking.

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The Process of Progress


A good friend of mine opened her new store this morning. She has already been self-employed as an interior decorator and designer. But now she has a beautiful showroom tastefully decorated with perfectly matching items to welcome clients. This way, she has not only the possibility to inspire them and give an idea of what she can do, but she can also sit together with them right there and work out some first ideas. No more visiting them, then preparing drawings and offers at home, visiting them again, and only working with catalogs instead of a choice of samples. Of course, so much went wrong the closer the date of the opening came, but she is such a power-woman. Like a magician, she switched to alternatives that turned out as a much better option than the original idea or order.

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Daily Kind Quote

With Mark’s permission!

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In Love and Light

Allowing the Strength of Being Weak


For today I decided to pick a card from Dennis Linn’s Gateway Oracle Cards. I love those cards since they are like nailing messages to show the way out of a maze. The card I picked is “Accepting What Is”:

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The Brighter The Light – The Darker The Shadows


We all have our dark spots, subtle emotions that show up in certain situations, inner resistance, old wounds that reopen, scars that keep us stuck in a past situation. As I said before, we absolutely cannot ignore them and sweep them under the rug. Just because I don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t still there. But we must be careful not to look only into the abyss of the soul. That is the same misunderstanding as ignoring them.


There may be times, when the past catches up with us, and it seems that for a long time, we have only these dark shadows around us. We can’t see the light. But the explanation is actually quite simple. Imagine taking a photo of an object that is in front of the sun. It will appear completely dark because of the backlight. You are actually taking a picture of its shadow. If we focus only on the shadows, we miss the fact that there must be a lot of light behind them. The darker these shadows appear, the brighter the light behind them.

As soon as you realize that you ARE the light, the obstacles you are working through lose their dark color because you shine ON them. Then they are just obstacles to be overcome. With this attitude, you begin to see them as tasks on the journey, but not as obstacles that keep you from your journey. Again, you stop resisting and start accepting. You go from “Why me?” to “Let’s go!”.


Keep in mind that no matter how many dark potholes you may fall into, you will always be caught by the power of your soul. It knows the way, and its light will let you find the way to get back to the surface, just as you need it. Your life is not meant to be dark, and you are not meant to believe that. It is your strong soul that is determined to resolve as much of the past as possible. Only the strongest are confronted with the darkest shadows. There is so much love in them that keeps them going, that makes them stand up and gives them the courage and determination to go on. And those are the ones who encourage so many others to do the same. Beceause we can!

When you feel like looking into a dark hole
then remember that your light must shine the brightest.

Continue the journey and know
that your light will always attract light
to accompany you on the way.
I honor you for the wonderful soul you are.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

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In Love and Light

Sequels and Progress


Lately, I am digging into working myself through karma. There is quite a lot in motion in my life that provokes me to look back in my incarnation history. It is so amazing how many links I can draw to relationships, my own attitudes or blockages, and the karmic laws. I know, this is something many are a bit scared of since they are afraid of what they could find when looking into one of the many previous lives. Yes, I was quite a bad guy but a blessing as well. As I wrote about two weeks ago, we are going through all kinds of roles in our different incarnations. We build up karma, and we solve it again. By going through hard times, suffering from repeated disappointments, humiliation, or resentments can be an indicator that we are about to resolve a not that nice part from a past life.

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Daily Kind Quote

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In Love and Light

Acceptance is the Way to Healing

Life is amazing. All life is amazing. All lives in all lives are amazing. Last week I touched on the great field of karma. It forces us to clean out the attic of our soul and leads us to the awareness of who we are. When we understand the principle of karma, it is not even that necessary to know the origin of blocking feelings within us or the burdening circumstances around us. Just perceiving what triggers the feelings over and over again is the clue that we may need to experience what we once did and what we need to balance and resolve by living through the emotions we once may have caused in others. Knowing this helps to accept. Acceptance removes the resistance. We allow the pain to surface, look at it, and then let it go.

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What Goes Around Comes Around


I don’t think there is anyone who has never faced challenges, whether they were self-imposed or triggered by something or someone outside – actually, they are always self-imposed, but we’ll get to that later. Also, a challenge to me does not equal a challenge to you. If I’ve ordered a meal and it’s only lukewarm when it’s served, I can make a big drama out of it, politely ask for it to be warmed up, or I can just think, “So what.” A problem is only a problem if I call it a problem. It’s subjective. So, when something is triggered in me to create the image of a problem, it always has to do with me.

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Daily Kind Quote

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In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

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In Love and Light

Simply Enjoy!


This post is the last Monday post before Christmas. It would be obvious to talk about remembering the true meaning of Christmas or to relate to the current situation. But instantly there was one single word in my head: Enjoy!

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What If… I Had Only One Day Left?

It is interesting what thoughts lead to the next one and the next one, and how they take you to solutions or insights you would never expect them to tell from the first thought. Lately, I was helping someone move into a new apartment. They moved into our closer neighborhood. While I was driving to that apartment, I was thinking of how the area had changed only within the past 5 years. Many things came to my mind that changed in general during that time, and my thoughts went 20, 30 years back. I began to think of what my life impacted, what pushed me, what directed me, what guided me, and what I myself moved (with or without the influence from outside). Even though I often think that I got stuck when emotions are surfacing which I thought I had worked out when actually, I was only successfully pushing them back.

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Move On


Aren’t we all disappointed in ourselves at times? We think we “have it in the bag”, or we are convinced about how something works out, but then it hits us unexpectedly that we are mistaken. It can make us lose confidence in ourselves.

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What If Love Could Change Everything?


What is the problem when someone is craving love? That person is convinced that love is outside of them, something that needs to be earned. They think that they don’t have it and therefore are in a place where they experience a lack of love. When we think we don’t have something, it causes us to feel a lack. That energy is sent out, and the universe will answer with the same energy. It is the energy of the feeling of “not having”. What we send out will come back: not having! The irony is that in not understanding that universal law, those people feel even confirmed by the experience of the consequences, and a long-lasting vicious circle can be the result that affects all parts of their lives.

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The Journey To Start A Journey


We all are always to discover our potentials, the limitations we set, our abilities, our higher and personal purposes. With everything we see and experience, that journey continues. We find inspiration, pass so many lessons, we feel the joy of life and encounter its challenges. Life can become a routine.

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Daily Kind Quote

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In Love, Light and Health

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love, Light, and Health

The Fear to Succeed

Bildergebnis für what if you realize how powerful you are

So often, we don’t start a project because we are afraid of failing. We are afraid of being questioned even before we started, or before a result is shown. We are afraid of being criticized for how we do it or even THAT we do it. We are afraid that people are making fun of us because we are doing something they might have never dared to do themselves. Or we are afraid because our project also means to show a part of us which we kept hidden for so long. But there comes a time when all those fears are not strong enough anymore to keep us from going for our dream. They cannot keep us from stepping out of our comfort zone anymore. We are full of excitement and enthusiasm and yes, we try it with all our hearts and passion. And then it happens…. the door opens up!

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Daily Kind Quote

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In Love, Light and Health

Daily Kind Quote

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In Love, Light and Health

Daily Kind Quote

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In Love, Light and Health

Daily Kind Quote

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In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love, Light, and Health

As I Began To Love Myself…


In my post The Opposite Of Fear Is Love I quoted Charlie Chaplin and remembered his beautiful poem. I also remembered a post I wrote about it a few years ago and decided to share it again. Charles Chaplin delivered this speech on his 70th birthday. So much wisdom and experience are lying in these words, reminding that we can lift the curtain of illusion to find the beauty, love and all the answers we have been looking for.

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The Opposite of Love Is Fear


My post Who Is The Thinker caused some interesting discussions. Hugh of Hugh’s Views & News asked why fear can be the opposite of love. He said he thought it was hate. Before I thought of that theory I felt the same about it. I think hate is the first thing that comes to our minds when we think of the opposite of love. But is hate really the end- or only a by-product when it comes to the opposite of love?

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The Choice Is Ours

No mountain too high, no river too wide when it comes to realize our dreams. It may not be easy but as long as we pursue the goal there will be possibilities. I wrote a short metaphoric story regarding this topic and will share it with you today. Whatever is now does not define what will be. You can make it, if you only believe.

I took a walk through the forest. It was a beautiful early summer day. The sunlight found its way through the tiniest spaces between the already leafy treetops, and nature seemed to reach out its arms to me, full of energy. I perceived the humid, spicy scent of the forest air, which gave me a feeling of connection with this place. Although birds were chirping exuberantly and something was rustling in the undergrowth now and then, the atmosphere was so peaceful and harmonious that I almost had the feeling of being in a different world.

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Just a Thought… Stop bowing, start living

“We have always done it that way. You cannot make money with what you would like to do. You don’t have the money to do it. You have to stick with our kind. It is the tradition. It is the culture. The family won’t let me.”

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Just A Thought… Overcoming Fear – Path or Goal?

Carol Anne asked an interesting question about a week ago: If you could be totally amazing at just one thing, what one thing would you want to be amazing at? My first thought was I want to encounter obstacles, challenges, and life’s tests without pushing me through fear first. Then it made me think.

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What Would You Do If There Were No Limits?


There are so many projects living in my impatient heart to be realized. Although I would love to go for each one immediately they have to take numbers because I am only one woman ( who is already working two jobs, has a house and garden, is managing a family, and is starting a 3 years education next year,… to mention only a few). Each one of the additional projects in my pipeline is “burning under my fingernails” as we say in German. But each one is also pretty time consuming and would actually need my full attention. Of course, I don’t want to stress myself completely out. But, as I said in Dreams – Reminders Of Your Soul, you cannot silence the calling only because it doesn’t fit in your current agenda. It only gets louder over time. It is who you are and it wants to be lived. It is worse to be unhappy because you don’t live your purpose than having a full agenda but a content heart. Read more ›

Daily Kind Quote

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Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Do what is important to you.JPG

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Dreams – Reminders Of Your Soul


It is not always easy to do that. Daily life, obligations, and responsibilities do have a legitimation in this too! But too often we are scared to even think about following that voice which creates such beautiful and alluring pictures in our heads. Read more ›

Daily Kind Quote

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Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Fear doesn't direkt my life.JPG

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Don’t Blame Yourself For What The Fool Did!


A lot of people came to my mind who gave their last for someone who took that all for granted or who used them deliberately. Read more ›

Daily Kind Quote

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Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

You only need your approval.JPG

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

I have been interviewed…


… by the AuthorVoices. I feel absolutely honored to be one of their featured authors. Read more ›

The Angle Can Make The Crucial Difference

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A few weeks ago I was picking black currant from the two bushes in my garden. Branch by branch was done.  When I worked myself around that bush I noticed that there are still many berries on branches I thought I already emptied completely.  This happened quite a few times.  They were hidden behind leaves and I couldn’t see them from the angle I was standing at the moment I was picking them although I had checked under the leaves. Read more ›

Daily Kind Quote

Break the walls.PNG

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Ignorance – Weapon and Survival Tool: Bad Behavior

I came across a post which I wrote 2 years ago. I thought it was a good idea to share it again since the content seemed still (or again) timely. I wrote a second post related to that topic which I am going to share next week.

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The Main Ingredient To Succeed


When we look at successful people, there is one thing they have in common: Enthusiasm. People who put themselves into their projects, who invest hours and hours, day and night, who don’t get tired to find ways and solutions, and who are not afraid to walk any necessary path in order to make their project a success, are highly enthusiastic about their vision.

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The Future Is A Lucky Bag – Be Excited


Over the past 1 1/2 years and especially during the last 6 to 8 months I have experienced not only what power our thoughts have but also how fast and reflexively they can influence our feelings and emotions. Nothing may have happened but a simple thought can change the mood instantly. Read more ›

Daily Kind Quote

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Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Who But I Is Entitled To Tell Me Who To Be?

waynedyer1-2x.jpgEverybody has their dark spots, their quirks, their challenges, their achievements, their successes, their joys, and their weak spots. Some people act in their quirks and with that can hit another person’s weak spot. Sometimes it is not even easy to say what exactly it was that brought inner turmoil to the other one. It may be a change in the energy of the counterpart which makes the said things feel differently. And maybe only those two persons feel it. Now, what to do? Read more ›

In Every Ending Lies the Seed of a New Beginning


I think we all agree that probably the only constant in life is change. Whether we want it or not, whether we provoke it or not. Change is the mother of development. It constantly gives birth to new occasions and possibilities as tools to evolve. Change may not always be welcomed and often it cuts our world apart which we were actually fine with. But “being fine” is rather part of our comfort zone and stagnates our development. If we are not willing to leave our comfort zone then life will “help” us to do so.  Read more ›

What do you see: Chance or Obstacle?

Do you know that? Either out of the blue or in steady development new opportunities open up. You are getting offers for a new job or a better position, and you see something that makes you think of taking new steps, learning something new, or of going bigger in business. An idea, a vision forms, and is ignited by the enthusiasm it brings. In your excitement, you are talking to a close person, and… you only hear reasons why things won’t work out or get counted all the obstacles that “may” occur. Read more ›

Home Is In You


When I am coming home, I am entering an island. It is a place where I can tell the trouble and struggle of the day to stay outside. There I can be me. I make my home a place that mirrors me. It is decorated, painted, and furnished the way I love it. It is light and sunny, and cozy and comfortable. Of course, I need to go to work, do my shopping, go to appointments, and more. But even if I did not have to go outside I would not want to stay inside my apartment all day. I need to breathe in and get in touch with life. And once I return, I enjoy “coming home” even more.

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Follow Your Heart!


For months, I let me become completely absorbed by my circumstances, my jobs, and what I needed and wanted to get done in the rare time which was left. I learned my lesson. So, I have been making more room for my-Self again. I started working creatively with my hands as I used to. Right now, I am working on my own 100% natural skincare line. As you noticed, I am posting more about essential oils and body care again which will be a part of it.  I am experimenting with soaps, body lotion bars, bath bombs, hand lotion bars, researching the net, attending courses. I developed my own label and next on my list is a completely revised website which will be a huge project itself. So, it is still a long way to get there but that doesn’t matter. What do I want to say with this all? Read more ›

The Challenging Point of No Return

Due to the current situation regarding my job, I want to reblog a post from a couple years ago. Sometimes you are chances offered and since you won’t let them pass you take them. You are supported and learn a lot but after a while, it can happen that it doesn’t turn out what you expected it to be. You don’t feel comfortable and actually, it becomes a pain in the neck more and more. Maybe you even get sick from the expectations you cannot fulfill since everything inside you starts rebelling against what you are supposed to do. Instead of getting better over time, it gets worse and worse. You know that a change is inevitable. The tricky point then is to disappoint those who gave you the chance and supported you. Can you leave them behind only that you feel better? Can you be so selfish since you know how they rely on you? Sometimes we have to be selfish to move on. Isn’t it actually selfish, too to stay where you are only because you can avoid a conflict with others or with yourself? Perhaps we are taught to make everybody happy but we can’t because there is always this one person being left unhappy: You!

When we are going through life we can find ourselves in situations and circumstances which require our actions. It just happens due to the way we live and also to learn and develop from what we experience. Sometimes certain situations not only hold new elements but are simply new and scary all over. We are asked to decide whether to stay in the old which we don’t want anymore for a long time already or take that step into the new completely unknown which feels liberating and deeply scary at the same time. We are aware that we are standing in front of the point of no return.

It can likely happen that we give in again since feeling guilty and perhaps selfish and taking the responsibility for breaking down everything and affecting the lives of others with it can be overwhelming. It is the moment when we need to step aside and reflect. As long as we are in the midst of the emotional stream we will break down physically and mentally at one point. Maybe we really resign because we cannot take it anymore. But that is exactly that point we need to look closer: Do I want to look back and say “I already made it so far but I did not take that last step only because I was too afraid”?

We need to get into an observing and more objective position. We need to remember what brought us so close to that moment of changing our lives. Was it a mood? No, it was an inner conviction. We headed towards that point of no return because of a reason and we need to recall everything. If this recalling fills you again with determination and the knowing that the difficult way again/still feels like the right one then go! Life is more than what was! If we are directed by our fears or insecurities we will always look at our dreams like clouds that are blown away by the wind. If we want to live the life we feel as ours inside of us then we need to step up for it. Then we need to take the journey through the thorn bush and risk some scratches. The scratches will heal again but not going through will keep us from ever experiencing the side we already see in our hearts as the life we are supposed to experience.

When a change needs to be made it is normal and actually a good sign that we feel emotional because it shows that what was has a place in our hearts and will always have. Life is change. Life is risking something. If we never risk a change how shall we ever know how it feels to really live? What makes us grow is not the security of our comfort zone but the inspiring fresh air of the world that is waiting behind us. Our comfort zone is a small limited space within a universe of possibilities. Yes, it needs a bit of courage to step over the limit line but you feel it in your heart when it is time to do it. Reflect, remember why you got to this point, and motivate yourself not to back out again! You don’t need to explain it to anyone. It is enough when you feel deep inside that it is time to leave for more!

Remember that all you do will lead you towards the destinations you are meant to arrive. The reason you are standing at a turning point is that you have either grown too big or that you learned what you needed and now can continue on the main street again. So, don’t be afraid and take action. Yes, we might disappoint others but as long as we don’t act in deliberately hurting others it is simply life. We are disappointed too and have to learn how to deal with it. Taking responsibility, making that step consciously, and following that path determined will empower you even more because you know that YOU did it. You stepped up for yourself and dared to take action!

In Love and Light

Fail BIG!

Bildergebnis für it is not about never failing quotes

Denzel Washington is one of my favorite actors. Right, who cares…lol. And what has it to do with my Monday post? After listening to a song on YouTube I stumbled over a speech of Denzel Washington at the Dillard University. Of course, I had to check it out and was amazed. I had no idea that he was such a fantastic motivational speaker. I am sharing the 8 minutes speech (with German subtitles) below. In general, he is talking about things we basically know but it is in the way he conveys and explains them. He nails everything in a way that reaches heart and mind at once. In point 2 of his speech, he said Fail Big. Read more ›

You Live Your Life Perfectly – Keep It Up!

Bildergebnis für constant growth quotes

This post went in a different direction than I thought when I started writing it. But as we all know, there is a reason and I will let it be as it was written in its natural flow. I am sure it will reach the people or hearts it is meant for. 

On the last day of 2018, I shared some thoughts about the connection of how everything that happens leads us to the place we are today. That also means that no matter how we may feel about our lives, we have never been more experienced than we are today. We are the best versions of ourselves in this very moment.

Bildergebnis für Life is a constant growth quotes

There are setbacks, of course. We start something with enthusiasm and passion. Or something beautiful seems to open up for us. And it is demotivating to see this all falling apart although we put so much lifeblood and effort into it. But that doesn’t mean you failed. Yes, sometimes situations can repeat. Sometimes they repeat because we did not get the whole meaning. Sometimes we need to take a detour to pack something in our backpack which we need in order to continue our journey on the main street.

Bildergebnis für healing the world quotes

What I want to say with this: Whatever you do, whatever step you take, whatever decision you make, how you act or react, it brings you further but never back! Every experience leaves an insight. So never let anyone tell you that you failed. It is your way, not their way. Life will help you to repeat or to go deeper. It is not a punishment it is to support our growth. Even if we cannot understand the meaning or see the greater context when we are in the middle of difficult times – and perhaps we never will – there is always a greater reason behind everything that happens. And the more we follow our inner compass the faster we will get past it and will reach the end of the valley.

Believe in yourself, believe in wise guidance, and believe that in the end, all will be fine. Looking back you will be proud to look down that mountain you just climbed and see that it was worth all the effort. Every little or bigger obstacle you faced and overcame will make the joy of the view bigger.

Bildergebnis für healing the world quotes Michael Jackson

If this year throws stones at you build beautiful castles from it or solid stepstones. From the ruins of broken dreams or relationships build bridges. Nothing that exists gets lost. It only needs to be placed together in a new way. And this world is in a deep need for a new architecture assembled from our own inner healing flames of love and the desire of making it one peaceful paradise for everyone. We are created from love and our natural being is love. Let’s let our true selves shine. The change is already happening. Let’s not get discouraged by any seeming setbacks. Let’s take each other by the hand, follow the light our hearts shine and we can never fail.

Credits: Pinterest|QuoteFancy|onwardnation.libsyn.com|YouTube|majasdiary.com

In Love and Light

YOU’VE GOT ME ALL WRONG 9 -The Law of Opposites


Several weeks ago I picked up one of Walsch’s books and began to read the first pages. After I read the short list of the 25 core messages to explain the main message (in the title) I stopped reading. It was so inspiring and I my mind started spinning. Before I am reading on I want to share the flow of pictures and thoughts of some of those core messages which immediately filled me. Most of those core messages won’t appear new since we are talking about them over and over again. We all share them with our own words. Isn’t that an amazing proof that we are fully aware of God’s message? If you would like to read the previous parts, you can check out here part 1, part 2,  part 3, part 4, part 5 part 6, part 7, and part 8. Read more ›

You’ve Got Me All Wrong 6 – You Are The Creator Of Your Own Reality


A few weeks ago I picked up one of Walsch’s books and began to read the first pages. After I read the short list of the 25 core messages to explain the main message (in the title) I stopped reading. It was so inspiring and I my mind started spinning. Before I am reading on I want to share the flow of pictures and thoughts of some of those core messages which immediately filled me. Most of those core messages won’t appear new since we are talking about them over and over again. We all share them with our own words. Isn’t that an amazing proof that we are fully aware of God’s message? If you would like to read the previous parts, you can check out here part 1, part 2,  part 3, part 4, and part 5. Read more ›

You’ve Got Me All Wrong 4 – There Is No Such Thing as Space and Time


A few weeks ago I picked up one of Walsch’s books and began to read the first pages. After I read the short list of the 25 core messages to explain the main message (in the title) I stopped reading. It was so inspiring and I my mind started spinning. Before I am reading on I want to share the flow of pictures and thoughts of some of those core messages which immediately filled me. Most of those core messages won’t appear new since we are talking about them over and over again. We all share them with our own words. Isn’t that an amazing proof that we are fully aware of God’s message? If you would like to read the previous parts, you can check out here part 1, part 2, and part 3. Read more ›

In Defeating Fear I Am Releasing Me

81619-Michael-Jordan-Quote-Any-fear-is-an-illusion-You-think-something.jpgI dare to say that fear is the origin of most or even all of our problems and troubles. Fear is a blocking filter built by the mind and it keeps us from connecting with the source of power inside of us. Peace, understanding, development, happiness – to sum it up – love, comes from within. Only if we open up the pipeline to that source, which is the origin of our being, we are able to live the life we are supposed to. We need to identify fear as a lie. Fear is a thought, an imagination and nothing else. It never tells the truth and is a big cheater.  Read more ›

WHY Do We Fear To Succeed?


Before my break, I wrote about being entitled to be selfish and to put things at rest when life developed and changed. Last week I wrote how feelings of guilt can make a situation more complicated than necessary for everybody. Since I did not have much time to write a post on the weekend I dug into my archive and found this one which I wrote more than 2 years ago. When I read through it I was amazed, how perfectly it combines both topics and adds even more perspectives on both.
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I suppose… and My Life Gets Complicated

5731600-Miguel-Ruiz-Quote-Don-t-make-assumptions-Find-the-courage-to-ask.jpgWe don’t know how other people feel about certain circumstances. Even if we do it for the best we can still be completely wrong. The way I experience something is unique and no matter how challenging it is for me can be handled even easier by others. Feeling sorry for someone who goes through a time which seems difficult for me can cause me to suppose it is difficult for the other one too. But is it really? And if it is, is it the same difficult? If I believe so then I make that other person’s problem my problem and I may care in a way which can become uncomfortable for them. Perhaps that difficult situation that person is in was caused by a decision I made and feeling guilty about it makes me overcaring. I may try to make something up which is not even desired.  Read more ›

That Moment…


That moment, when you naturally take a deep breath with a smile on your face. That moment when you see the struggles you are in right now and maybe also the challenges ahead but without feeling under pressure. That moment when you find yourself above the life you lead. That moment when you realize that life has so much more to offer than what it demands from you. Read more ›

The Fear to Succeed

Bildergebnis für what if you realize how powerful you are

So often we don’t start a project because we are afraid of failing. We are afraid of being questioned even before we started or before a result is shown. We are afraid of being criticised about how we do it or even THAT we do it. We are afraid that people are making fun of us because we are doing something they might have never dared to do themselves. Or we are afraid because our project also means showing a part of us which we kept hidden for a long. But there comes a time when all those fears are not strong enough anymore to keep us from going for our dream. They cannot keep us from stepping out of our comfort zone anymore. We are full of excitement and enthusiasm and yes, we try it with all our heart and passion. And then it happens…. the door opens up! Read more ›

I AM … Happiness

Bildergebnis für quotes about happy soul

When I saw this quote – as simple as it is – my mind started spinning because it holds so much meaning in so many different ways. Then again, it nails it all down to the fact that the natural state of who we are is happiness. Read more ›

Dreams and Obligations

Bildergebnis für success Steve Jobs

We all have both of them. And much too often they seem to stand in opposition to each other.  Because what we do and what we would love to do sometimes appears like sitting in completely different corners. But why actually? Why should it be not possible to realize our dreams and fulfill our obligations or even make them our obligations at the same time? Read more ›

The Magic of a Changed Perspective!


A few years back, while mowing the lawn all of a sudden the engine of the mower started to sputter. I stopped and after seconds, it died. Great! I stand in the midst of the lawn not even done with half of it and my mower refuses to work. Now, what to do? Trying to start it again failed. What can be the problem? Perhaps the spark plug. That was always the first thing I checked at my moped. I was used to cleaning or exchanging it and had no problem doing it by myself. OK, so I left the spot behind the mower and walked to the front seeing that the spark plug hung down loosely. No wonder, that the mower did not work and it was an easy task to simply plug it in. All worked properly again! Read more ›

Breaking Out and Taking Action – The Later The More Difficult

Bildergebnis für moving on quote

Last week I participated in the Three Day Quote Challenge. I picked “New Beginnings” for my challenge theme. It turned out as the inspiration for this post.

We all have times in life when not everything is roses. I always say that in the end, we need to look at the complete package. If it looks and feels good some less convenient parts are bearable or don’t weigh that much. It helps to gain the necessary energy and tolerance for remaining peaceful or for facing single challenges on the road. But if we get used to “overlook” the negative side, that positive attitude can become tricky. Read more ›

Gratitude – The Power of Awareness


Imagine sitting on the top of a mountain and looking down into the valley. High up above, you see everything from a distance, the bigger picture. You see how streets are leading to each other, how small creeks are leading into a river, how the river flows into a lake. From up there, you understand how everything works together in order to make it all a complete and how necessary every little thing is. Read more ›

Don’t Excuse Your Purpose – Live It!


Do you know how healthy you are? No, that is not turning out as a post about healthy food. What I mean is, do you know how long you will be healthy, strong, able to approach your plans, visions, dreams? Do you know how much time you are given in this lifetime?
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Insights – Messages Of The Soul

Lately, I was talking a lot with my friends in posts, comments, and replies about the effect of insights and how they come up. What is an insight actually? It is something we understand (often instantly) and which changes the way we looked at something in particular or in general. It makes us see a detail which we might have overlooked before but which was essential to dissolve a misunderstanding or a misinterpretation.  Read more ›

Don’t Regret – Become A Better Person

Bildergebnis für benjamin zander quotes

Recently, Colin of MeAndRay.com shared a wonderful link with me. It is a Ted Talk with the conductor Benjamin Zander. He is talking about the transformative power of classical music. No, this won’t become a post about classical music. What went so deep were Zander’s profound insights about life and beyond which he incorporated in his talk.“I will never say anything that couldn’t stand as the last thing I ever say.” This was the vow of a woman who survived Auschwitz. Zander told the story of that woman at the end of his talk. It is the inspiration for this post. I will try keeping this post shorter than my usual Monday posts because I want you to listen to that talk. Something wonderful will happen inside of you. Read more ›

You Are Stronger Than Your Ego



104803-Marianne-Williamson-Quote-Ego-says-Once-everything-falls-into.jpgI believe that the ego is not only the bad guy who needs to be fought. I rather think that it is a very helpful part we created over time. On one hand, it can support the path of the soul with its strong will. On the other hand, the ego can help to find out who you are and who you are not. It is a creation of the mind – your mind and your creation. That means that you have the power and can create it in each moment. It is created by thoughts and can, therefore, be controlled by the choice of your thoughts. The further away we are drifting from the true self the more power the ego has. It can show up unexpectedly although we think we already know that guy and its tricks. But in a certain situation, it appears reflexively before we even notice that we are already in its claws again. It is then to step back and see where we would end up if following its direction and what if we chose the direction of the self.  Read more ›

Open Waters


About 10 days ago I posted the quote above. The truth and wide message it holds went deep. Although I wrote some lines in Just A Thought… I feel like going a bit deeper into the subject. Read more ›

Wrap Your Fears In Love… And The Miracle Starts To Happen!


A couple weeks ago, a friend replied to one of my tweets with “Wrap Your Fears In Love”. I know, I already mentioned this and posted a haiku about it. But the effect of embracing our fears with love is so life-changing that I want to write a Monday post about it. Read more ›

#Haiku – Cut off the cords


Leave the chains behind

Spread your wings and fly away

Land when you’re tired

In Love and Light


Be The Wind And Not The Boat!


I often wrote about the fact that how we present ourselves our surrounding will answer. Lately, I had a discussion with my youngest son about receiving respect and being taken serious by others. As teenagers, there is a lot to cope with, like the changes that happen to your body and at the same time to your developing confused mind. Then there is the growing pressure of school and the decisions what to do after (school, apprenticeship,…) which goes along with the challenge of getting a place. A lot of pressure that life brings naturally.


And then there is the homemade pressure like the competition under each other: who is the coolest, who is the smartest? This again results in offending each other. At one point, it was one offense too much and the one who is not able to bear it anymore freaks out or is deeply hurt. On the outside, they appear cool and sublime but in fact, it is very painful for and still, they try to stand tall and keep trying to top their counterpart… until that last straw breaks the camel’s back. Crazy how we torture ourselves!

quote-posters_16561-1.pngThis is definitely not a particular teenager problem. Don’t we all want to be respected for who we are? Don’t we all want to be taken serious without fighting for it? Often it seems impossible when we have to deal with people in our family or at work who don’t care about that need but only enjoy being on top of everyone and making others feel smaller just because they can! I even dare to say that they mostly don’t do it on purpose. It happens naturally because the others try to get more respect in joining the game of the dominant persons which provokes them to keep up their behavior.


If we want respect we need to play our own game. Every action causes a reaction. If we are not happy with the reaction of our counterpart we need to change our own actions and reactions. I said to my son, if you want to stop your brother in telling you how dumb you are, then stop telling him how dumb he is or he will keep up proving that you are dumber! And unfortunately, rhetoric and finding arguments are his strength. So you won’t win that battle. Instead, make him a compliment and see what happens next. There is nothing he will say against it AND why should he say something mean to you since you said something honestly nice to him? That way you take the wind out of his sails.


If you want to be respected, then respect others. If you want to be taken serious, then take others serious. When everyone is used to those “games” for a long time already and they happen reflexively, it might take a little. But it has an effect from the first moment on. When we keep up our changed attitude and react differently or don’t react at all a change will happen. The funny thing is that the other one might not even notice that the wind blows fchange.


If we notice people bothering us over and over again, it doesn’t make sense to act like they do and at the same time hope that they will stop their behavior. Either we tell them (as I said, often they don’t mean it because they didn’t notice that their behavior is offending) and/or we work the switches in sending out different signals. In the end, who is the winner? The one who adjusts the sails or the one who blows into them?

Credits: www.brainyquote.com|quotefancy.com|http://quotepixel.com|www.askideas.com|http://www.thequotepedia.com|http://www.hippoquotes.com

In Love and Light

Open Your Arms… You Deserve The Best!


We all experience what we allow ourselves to experience. We only see what we look at. Every day more things happen around us than we notice. And this is ok because we cannot absorb all that happens in all its varieties. That’s why we only see things from the state of consciousness we are at that moment. That is all it needs. Because everybody will find exactly what’s meant for them at that very moment. Isn’t it just amazing to think that even one single situation holds every little aspect for everyone who encounters it in its individual way? I am still mesmerized by that thought.  Read more ›

Is That What YOU Want?


Flow………… take a deep breath………… flow…………… whatever you have in mind please let it flow for a moment. Just flow. If you are not able to do that then stop reading and get back later. Take a break and breathe ………… Read more ›

Consequences – Our Guidlines


We are experiencing consequences day by day and probably moment by moment. Most of those little daily consequences happen unnoticed or unrecognized. When I go outside while it is snowing only wearing a t-shirt, I will be cold. When I touch a hot stove I will be burned. Natural consequences we mostly don’t question. Sometimes they simply remind us of further experiences or (in case we learned the lesson) we already include the experienced consequence in our decisions and won’t touch that hot stove deliberately.


All decisions we make cause consequences. No matter what decision it is. Some are predictable and some are not. The more predictable and calculable they are the quicker we are to make the decision. The more drastic, life-changing, and unpredictable they are (mostly due to other people involved in the process) the longer we ponder.


Consequences are the necessary factor to lead us and teach us. Without consequences, we wouldn’t develop. Whether they are confirming and brightening our days or they are challenging us to the core of our being. They always keep us on track because we experience them exactly the way we need to in order to become the person we are meant to become. Sometimes we ignore them (deliberately or not) and keep on making the same decision repeatedly or we cannot let go of one and the same decision. That means we are experiencing similar consequences over and over again. For those who are not aware it feels like a punishment. Or they see it as a misunderstood confirmation that it is their fate. But in reality, it is only a sign that when they run against a wall they will end up with a bloody nose. Perhaps one day the will look to the side, see the door, and walk through it, walk around it, or climb over it.


Sometimes we need to make a decision without having the slightest experience or idea how it could turn out. We only know that something needs to change. It feels scary and probably it takes us quite a while to make a certain step… if at all. But however it will turn out, they will teach us something we are meant to experience in order to develop. The experience we make from the consequences we feel today is the starting point for the next step in order to experience new consequences/experiences and therefore again development. Even though a consequence we made leads us to reverse a decision (if possible), it is not a step back at all! It may appear that way and perhaps we think we are a failure but that is not the case. Whatever step we make next is always a step forward because we take something along from the consequence we experienced. We know why we go back and we do it determined. It is not the same place anymore to which we return.


Don’t misunderstand it: not taking steps doesn’t keep you from consequences… they only push harder. Also not making a decision has its consequence. Consequences are THE teaching tool for us to evolve. They are the step stones on our journey through this life. No matter how hard they may appear they are no punishment but they show what our actions cause, if we want to keep up the path, or if we want to change the direction. They are the keys to our insights.

Credits: www.brainyquote.com|Pinterest|quotefancy.com|

In Love and Light

The past does not define the future


In my workshops I ask the question: If you had a magic wand, what would you change in your life? Where would you position yourself? Who would you be? That is the moment when the buried dreams are surfacing. My next question is? And what keeps you from realizing them? Read more ›

In The End, We Are Doing It For Us Anyway…

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It is often said – and I said it too – that we should not do what we do in order to impress others or in order to prove something to others but we should do it because WE want it. The other day, I heard an interesting interview with a very successful Austrian children-book author who sold over 40 millions of books worldwide. He said when he started his career his motivation to succeed was on one hand to manifest his vision but the motivation to do it was to prove the skeptics wrong. Once that was done he only did it because he wanted it to do. That made me rethink my former opinion. Read more ›

… in order that I am not disappointed…


Lately, I had a discussion with a colleague at work. She is at a point where I was at her age too. The time when you are more and more uncomfortable with the role you play in your life and in the life of others. You start questioning why you are so fearful and you are so done with that feeling but still you don’t know how to break out of it because you still think you have to play this role. The problem is as long as you stick with your role you will not experience a change. Read more ›



The past weeks and months have not been easy. Not only for me but I noticed that there must have been a general change in the air affecting so many people around me. It appears like a big clearing to me. So many felt challenged in the way things developed, in decisions to make, in things falling apart, in happenings which opened up old gaps and let past memories and feelings rise again, in instantly changing life situations, and in much more. There were states of shock, desperations, breakdowns, and … the rise after the fall. Read more ›

Breakthrough: When Development Causes Pressure

Sometimes it is not difficult to simply present the core message of a post but it can be a challenge to start a post to get there. Very often I start in a similar way I did before but then go a different direction – sometimes deliberately and sometimes it just happens. Isn’t it interesting that we start from the same point but end up somewhere else?

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Do you remember Chiara? In August 2016 I wrote The Healing Power Within about her overcoming anorexia. Chiara is my son’s girlfriend which gives me lots of opportunities to talk to her. She is often found in newspapers talking about her story or sharing healthy recipes. Lately, she has been invited to talk at TEDx (Europe) about “choices” later this year. Isn’t that amazing? You can imagine that I got highly inspired and this post is a result of it.

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Communication: Challenge and Solution

For today, I did not have a particular topic in mind, and again I took some inspiration from my Gateway Oracle Cards.  Thank you, guidance. These are the cards I picked:

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Opinions – A Jungle of Confusion

We all have them. We all have an opinion about everything. Sometimes it is a spontaneous impression, a reflex through something we already knew or a feeling. We even have an opinion although we try to convince ourselves not to have one or when we are insecure we listen to others first and decide if we go with their opinion.

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Believe The Signs Of Confirmation!

Have you experienced that too? You carry something inside of you and more and more you notice hints around you that relate to what you are pondering. You never read the newspaper but for some reason, you get to see a specific headline when you see someone else reading it – and it speaks to you. You start your car and the first song the radio plays (perhaps just a part of the lyrics) speaks to you. You listen to a conversation between two people and a particular phrase or context speaks to you. You read the posts of the blogs you follow and more posts than ever seem to relate to what you are dealing with. 

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#Haiku – My Time Is Now


No more excuses

Life’s purpose is living life

Spread my wings and fly

In Love and Light

#Haiku – Today is not Tomorrow


Confusion clears off

Horizon in sight again

All is possible

In Love and Light

Ignorance – Weapon and Survival Tool: Bad Behavior

Lately, our lovely Himali of Decoding Happiness posted about Silence. This was extremely inspiring and thought-provoking because she asked the reader to think about how ignorance impacted their lives. I don’t want to repeat what I commented on her post but instead, I want to look at a side of ignorance that can even be healing.

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You Are The Difference!

We are all born unique. Even a baby has not only a unique look but also a unique personality. But there is much more to it.  Something magical unseen and yet unknown already lies planted inside that little creature.

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Be Authentic – Be You – Be Love!

Lately, I came across this topic several times and thought it would make sense to repost an article I wrote almost 2 years ago:

Life isn’t about being someone we think we should be only because it sounds good because others want us to be, or in order to fit into a certain image of society. A faked personality only confuses the people around you and yourself over time more and more because the real identity gets lost.

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The Adventure Of The Journey

It happens more than we might recognize: We are starting something out for a certain reason. While dealing with it, we find more in that matter or activity or even something completely new. Without us noticing we are going for it with a different energy and intention although it is the same thing but has gotten a new meaning.

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Starting Fresh … For Manifesting Your Dreams!


This is not a title that came to my mind just so. I had no plan for what to write for today so I took my deck of Gateway Oracle Cards. I bought them for my seminars which are meant to lead the participants toward solutions and to connect with themselves and their inner wisdom. I picked a card but did not turn it around yet. Then I put the rest of the cards together and the card that showed up on the bottom was this one: 

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