#PoetryDay – 126

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Daily Kind Quote – 5049

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5199

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

#PoetryDay – 91

Road to Success

When you start to realize
A plan you carried along
Maybe you ask yourself one day
If what you do is right or wrong

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Daily Kind Quote – 5122

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

The Freedom to be Me

When I had my blogging break after Christmas, I used the time too for going through old posts and “renovate” them. I came across this one I posted in 2016. When I went through it, I got that feeling that it needs to be shared again. I hope the person(s) it is meant for will find some inspiration:

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Daily Kind Quote – 5080

With Keith’s permission!

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

With Mark’s permission!

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

#JustAThought … What Means Success?

In our society success seems to be defined by sales numbers, collecting awards and degrees, follower numbers, likes, possession… Yes, we all need to make a living and of course, want to enjoy life since money still rules this world. But even aside from the thoughts about our financial security still, the need for having more and more and more doesn’t stop. As long as society plays that game, those plans will work out.

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Taking action.PNG

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

What Would You Do If There Were No Limits?

There are so many projects living in my impatient heart to be realized. Although I would love to go for each one immediately they have to take numbers because I am only one woman ( who is already working two jobs, has a house and garden, is managing a family, and is starting a 3 years education next year,… to mention only a few). Each one of the additional projects in my pipeline is “burning under my fingernails” as we say in German. But each one is also pretty time consuming and would actually need my full attention. Of course, I don’t want to stress myself completely out. But, as I said in Dreams – Reminders Of Your Soul, you cannot silence the calling only because it doesn’t fit in your current agenda. It only gets louder over time. It is who you are and it wants to be lived. It is worse to be unhappy because you don’t live your purpose than having a full agenda but a content heart.

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Daily Kind Quote

Heart and Mind

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote


Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Creative Power

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

No arriving without a start

With Keith’s permission!

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

The Main Ingredient To Succeed


When we look at successful people, there is one thing they have in common: Enthusiasm. People who put themselves into their projects, who invest hours and hours, day and night, who don’t get tired to find ways and solutions, and who are not afraid to walk any necessary path in order to make their project a success, are highly enthusiastic about their vision.

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Pursue Your Dreams


This is the wall tattoo above my bed. I see it daily and it still speaks to me. I often write about dreams and how they trigger our intention to try something new or to explore new fields. Those dreams are like a preview of something we desire to be or to have. They can generate new courage and strength to take steps with conviction and determination towards the realization of that dream.  Read more ›

What do you see: Chance or Obstacle?

Do you know that? Either out of the blue or in steady development new opportunities open up. You are getting offers for a new job or a better position, and you see something that makes you think of taking new steps, learning something new, or of going bigger in business. An idea, a vision forms, and is ignited by the enthusiasm it brings. In your excitement, you are talking to a close person, and… you only hear reasons why things won’t work out or get counted all the obstacles that “may” occur. Read more ›

Fail BIG!

Bildergebnis für it is not about never failing quotes

Denzel Washington is one of my favorite actors. Right, who cares…lol. And what has it to do with my Monday post? After listening to a song on YouTube I stumbled over a speech of Denzel Washington at the Dillard University. Of course, I had to check it out and was amazed. I had no idea that he was such a fantastic motivational speaker. I am sharing the 8 minutes speech (with German subtitles) below. In general, he is talking about things we basically know but it is in the way he conveys and explains them. He nails everything in a way that reaches heart and mind at once. In point 2 of his speech, he said Fail Big. Read more ›

Just a thought…

Bildergebnis für quotes

We all have bad days or days in which we cannot change that we need to do things we don’t really like. But don’t see today’s appearance as a fact of how tomorrow as to be. Read more ›

The Fear to Succeed

Bildergebnis für what if you realize how powerful you are

So often we don’t start a project because we are afraid of failing. We are afraid of being questioned even before we started or before a result is shown. We are afraid of being criticised about how we do it or even THAT we do it. We are afraid that people are making fun of us because we are doing something they might have never dared to do themselves. Or we are afraid because our project also means showing a part of us which we kept hidden for a long. But there comes a time when all those fears are not strong enough anymore to keep us from going for our dream. They cannot keep us from stepping out of our comfort zone anymore. We are full of excitement and enthusiasm and yes, we try it with all our heart and passion. And then it happens…. the door opens up! Read more ›

Dreams and Obligations

Bildergebnis für success Steve Jobs

We all have both of them. And much too often they seem to stand in opposition to each other.  Because what we do and what we would love to do sometimes appears like sitting in completely different corners. But why actually? Why should it be not possible to realize our dreams and fulfill our obligations or even make them our obligations at the same time? Read more ›

The Magic of a Changed Perspective!


A few years back, while mowing the lawn all of a sudden the engine of the mower started to sputter. I stopped and after seconds, it died. Great! I stand in the midst of the lawn not even done with half of it and my mower refuses to work. Now, what to do? Trying to start it again failed. What can be the problem? Perhaps the spark plug. That was always the first thing I checked at my moped. I was used to cleaning or exchanging it and had no problem doing it by myself. OK, so I left the spot behind the mower and walked to the front seeing that the spark plug hung down loosely. No wonder, that the mower did not work and it was an easy task to simply plug it in. All worked properly again! Read more ›

Gratitude – The Power of Awareness


Imagine sitting on the top of a mountain and looking down into the valley. High up above, you see everything from a distance, the bigger picture. You see how streets are leading to each other, how small creeks are leading into a river, how the river flows into a lake. From up there, you understand how everything works together in order to make it all a complete and how necessary every little thing is. Read more ›

Just A Thought…

Bildergebnis für edison quote about failure

The most common reason why we don’t try something new is that we are afraid of failing. And why? Because we don’t want to appear weak, incompetent, dumb, clumsy, … Successful people have not become successful because they had no fear but because they tried it anyway. They may have stumbled and fallen in the beginning but they did not accept it as a failure but as a journey to find out how to become who they wanted to be! Read more ›

Just A Thought… Smile

Kind, Kinder, Glücklich, Niedlich, Mädchen, Lächeln

It is Friday. A work week lies behind most of us. Hopefully, the week was successful. Perhaps you were confirmed that you are right on track. Perhaps you noticed that you were doing things naturally, faster, and totally self-confident which caused you stomach pain only weeks ago. Realizing that, only increases your self-esteem and joy which again supports the further development.  Read more ›

The past does not define the future


In my workshops I ask the question: If you had a magic wand, what would you change in your life? Where would you position yourself? Who would you be? That is the moment when the buried dreams are surfacing. My next question is? And what keeps you from realizing them? Read more ›

In The End, We Are Doing It For Us Anyway…

Dr. Dyer Quote.JPG

It is often said – and I said it too – that we should not do what we do in order to impress others or in order to prove something to others but we should do it because WE want it. The other day, I heard an interesting interview with a very successful Austrian children-book author who sold over 40 millions of books worldwide. He said when he started his career his motivation to succeed was on one hand to manifest his vision but the motivation to do it was to prove the skeptics wrong. Once that was done he only did it because he wanted it to do. That made me rethink my former opinion. Read more ›

The Staircase Shows Up Once You Take The First Step!

Lately, the older of my two sons graduated with really great success. My younger son wasn’t amused that he had to attend the celebration but there was a deeper meaning that we forced him to be there… although we did not know about it before. 

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The Adventure Of The Journey

It happens more than we might recognize: We are starting something out for a certain reason. While dealing with it, we find more in that matter or activity or even something completely new. Without us noticing we are going for it with a different energy and intention although it is the same thing but has gotten a new meaning.

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Starting Fresh … For Manifesting Your Dreams!


This is not a title that came to my mind just so. I had no plan for what to write for today so I took my deck of Gateway Oracle Cards. I bought them for my seminars which are meant to lead the participants toward solutions and to connect with themselves and their inner wisdom. I picked a card but did not turn it around yet. Then I put the rest of the cards together and the card that showed up on the bottom was this one: 

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Suffering Part 2 – What’s the Use?

Last week I posted Suffering Part 1 – The Torture In Our Head . I wrote that this kind of suffering has its origin in the way we think, that we interpret things in our own way, and hurt ourselves with truths which only exist in our heads. I also talked about the magic tool […]

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What do you see: Chance or Obstacle?

It looks like this is becoming the next sequel of a series of posts that seems to be chapters of a bigger post. This is what I replied to one of the comments to last week’s post What if … it works out?: We only need to change the second part of the question and the obstacle turns into a chance!

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What if… it works out?

It looks like this post turned out to be another sequel to my posts Back and Forth and The Necessary Eye Of The Storm. It seems to be an important subject right now.

I was talking about the comfort zone, about making decisions of going towards a new direction or going back, and about those decisions within a bigger decision process. I was talking about that in the end, every decision teaches us something necessary which makes detours or “trips” so important! 

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The Fear to Succeed

So often we don’t start a project because we are afraid of failing. We are afraid of being questioned even before we started or before a result is shown. We are afraid of being criticized about how we do it or even THAT we do it. We are afraid that people are making fun of us because we are doing something they might have never dared to do. Or we are afraid because our project also means showing a part of our inner being, of the real person. But there comes a time when all these fears are not strong enough anymore to keep us from going for our dream. They cannot keep us from stepping out of our comfort zone anymore. We are full of excitement and enthusiasm and yes, we try it with all our heart and passion. And then it happens…. the door opens up!

Here is one example of my life that is one the most remarkable because it was one of the earliest of such experiences.

Many of you know that only 7 – 8 years back I would have never dared to talk in front of people, to share my own thoughts, to stand tall for what I believe in even when no one else believed in it. I would have never dared to say something at all without checking before if there are some who would agree with what I say. Otherwise, I said nothing at all. Then I had my breakthrough 7 years back. I only need to think of that moment and my eyes get watery because I will never forget that feeling of breaking down the walls of my prison.

Here I was, standing in my full light. That light made me see immediately where my path led and I started writing I’m Free – Awareness of Who You Are by Discovering Who You Are Not. I did not know nor did I want to think too far ahead if that book would ever be published but deep inside I knew exactly that this was the journey I was on and the destination I headed towards. When I was done with the manuscript, had given it to others for proofreading, and worked over it again, I felt ready to try something that felt simply impossible to me only 2 years before. I dialed the number of a publisher in order to ask if I may send them some excerpts. They accepted…… and I was full of fear!

Was I afraid that they wouldn’t like it? No, I was terrified that they would love it! The light definitely illuminated my path. It showed me all the things that are now coming my way and I felt overwhelmed in both positive and fearful ways. Can I handle this all? I could be taken seriously! But I was not used to it! I might have to speak about all the things I believe in and what I saw as blessings in life for everyone. But was I ready to do so? I have always dreamed about it but….. HELP…. it works out!!! I felt like losing control over the developments.

Thanks to my ego pride (yes, the ego can be very helpful) there was no way back… I had given myself a promise to never ever return to my old prison. And that means that I need to let my light shine in order to see the path… step by step! As you know, they accepted and my blog only exists because of the English version which was published two years after the release of the German book. Meanwhile, I have given several lectures, have written for newspapers, and have even given 3 English live radio interviews. I accept right away because I never want to give my brain the time to block the plans of my soul. I feel where I have to go and I will never stop following that inner feeling. Did get used to my light? No, not at all! It feels as if I discovered it every day anew. It is a bit scary…. but much more wonderful to see that the world stands wide open to me!

Sometimes we go for something and don’t really consider it to work out. We do it in order to grant our soul its peace because then we can say that we tried it. Even bigger is the surprise (or the shock) when it works. And it scares us a bit more because we feel mentally unprepared. Nothing stays the same anymore. But when things are going smoothly then it is the proof that it is your path and your time- whether your mind is believing it or not.

When we are not used to the bright shine of our light we can be shocked and scared by its immense creative power. The light that we are is pure creative energy. When we let our light shine and only then take action we are on our path and that path will always – all life long – lead to new places. Because we are meant to grow. We are meant to evolve. We are meant to LIVE! It is ok, to be irritated by your light because it is the most amazing power and it is even living within you. But never be scared of it. Trust, that it will always illuminate the path your soul chose way before it came into this body in order to fulfill its plan and give your life the sense and meaning you long for. Your soul is nothing else but the peace of the Almighty.

So when you let your light shine, God shines through you.
That is what the world needs so badly. 

In Love and Light

Give Your Best Anyway!

It is not the first time that I am touching on this subject. Circumstances at work inspired me for going into it.

Imagine that you are excited about something you are about to do. You think you are doing really well and you are definitely giving your best due to your excitement. You make all efforts needed and even more in order to show your joyful engagement. Then it appears that what you did is not good enough but not because you did something wrong but because you did not have all information needed due to a lack of communication. Or you did something that was already organized – again due to a lack of communication. You think your whole work has become useless and the time was wasted. Not wasted in your eyes but you imagine your bosses would think like that.

I experienced exactly that last Tuesday in an intensive way. When I come in the morning I always need to check what happened during the last afternoon when I wasn’t there. At the moment so much is going on about organizing things that still need to be fixed, the material we need, data that have to be put into the computer, and many more things which are not part of the actual work later. On that day last week, I got some things organized and after I communicated it I was told that it all was already done. Great! I don’t want to blame anybody because we all need to get used to this new situation.  But on that very morning, I thought that it was all in vain. The crucial point is that not only my colleague and I start anew but also my bosses do and they need to figure out how to prevent misunderstandings. Anyway, on that day last week, I was very frustrated, to say the least. I also felt exhausted because I really gave it all.

After I felt sorry for myself I told myself not to be silly because it wasn’t my fault. What I did was not wrong. It was just not complete in one way or not necessary in the other way due to missing instructions. Of course, I hope that my bosses see that too but in the end, I know that I did my best and I did it with enthusiasm (which might have actually increased the frustration). If that is not seen then it is not about me either. Sure, mistakes and misunderstandings will happen. But I know that the longer we all work together and the closer we are to reaching the point where we are finally working on the real purpose, things are getting more and more into a routine. I won’t let myself get discouraged by days like these. They will happen at times even a year from now. It is not about such days it is about the greater goal we all have and about moving step by step – together.

When activities are including more people the result is a co-creation. It doesn’t mean that one has only half the responsibility when working with a partner on something. It means that both have 100 % responsibility for the outcome. Only when both give 100 % of what they are able, the trail will lead to a path and the path to a road. Some days there are stones in the way and some days there might be a pothole. One day one has more power to clear the path than the other. On another day both are sharing the clearing equally. Then again there might be times when one clears in order for the other one to go full speed. This is called pulling on the same string. Whatever both do, they should always give their best for the goal they want to achieve!

Whether it concerns work, a relationship, or a personal project you are working on, there can be setbacks. There can be times when you think what you do is not good enough. But never lose the grip of giving your best anyway. Giving your best is not something that should be planned for a specific occasion. It should be an attitude and characteristic constantly. If giving your best is part of your daily actions, it shines through all you do and it gives everything you do a much deeper meaning. You will definitely become much more content about what you achieved during the day. Taking things seriously no matter how unimportant they may appear will make you enjoy doing them a lot more and they will for sure turn out a lot better. Even if things seem to go wrong today, continue giving your best tomorrow. Don’t doubt yourself when things are not working out the way you expected them. Your best depends on so many factors and it is not always the same. But it is your best on that day anyway. Another day – another chance! Seize the day! Decide to make it the best day ever by giving the best you are able to give on this very day.

When doubt takes over
Please don’t forget
Doubts are just thoughts
But not a fact

In Love and Light

The Freedom to be Me

When I had my blogging break after Christmas, I used the time too for going through old posts and “renovate” them. I came across this one I posted in 2016. When I went through it, I got that feeling that it needs to be shared again. I hope the person(s) it is meant for will find some inspiration:

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The Magic of a Changed Perspective!

Lately, while mowing the lawn all of a sudden the engine of the mower started to sputter. I stopped and after seconds, it died. Great! I stand in the midst of the lawn not even done with half of it and my mower refuses to work. Now what to do, I am not an engineer. Trying to start it again failed. What could it be? Perhaps the spark plug. That was always the first thing I checked on my moped. I was used to cleaning or exchanging it and had no problem doing it by myself. OK, so I left the spot behind the mower and walked to the front seeing that the spark plug hung down loosely. No wonder, that the mower did not work and it was an easy task to simply plug it in. All worked perfectly again!

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So Excited!!!

When have you been excited the last time? Did something turn out the way you wished for? Did you meet lovely people? Did you succeed in something you worked for hard? Did things you were waiting and longing for finally come true? How did it feel? Weren’t you filled with adrenaline? Weren’t you filled with a feeling of immense power? There was happiness, gratitude, and contentment in abundance, right? You saw that in the end things are well. You felt what happiness is about, what joy is about, and perhaps even what life is about. But most of all you felt so very deep in the most positive way. And yes, that is what life is about.

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With God All Things Are Possible!


Sometimes we find ourselves in front of a mountain. We know that we have to pass it. Walking back is no option. We are clear that once we made it behind that mountain a world is waiting in which the sun is shining.

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The past does not define the future

In my workshops I ask the question: If you had a magic wand, what would you change in your life? Where would you position yourself? Who would you be? That is the moment when the buried dreams are surfacing. My next question is? And what keeps you from realizing them?

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Control is an Illusion!

Life happens while we are making other plans.

I like this quote a lot. We are making plans for our nearer or further future, scheduling our days and then things happen which can change everything in an instant. The weather changes, someone gets sick, the job gets lost, accidents happen, or even more life-impacting things.  We have no control over what happens around us. This is something we can be scared of or something that can even give us relief because we can let go of the pressure to keep everything under control.

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The Magic Glasses Of Love!

There is a Buddhist Temple I visit every time I am in California. A beautiful huge facility. Even only entering the main temple I immediately feel an energy of calmness and peace. Whenever I go there something is on my mind and every time I gain insights. This time was special.

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Gratitude – The Power of Awareness

Imagine sitting on the top of a mountain and looking down into the valley. High up above, you see everything from a distance, the bigger picture. You see how streets are leading to each other, how small creeks are leading into a river, how the river flows into a lake. From up there you understand how everything works together in order to make it all a complete and how necessary every little thing is. Read more ›

Dreams Are My Reality

Everybody has dreams. There is no one who doesn’t dream about anything. May it be a different way of living, a different job, a new car, a vacation, an achievement, a project, an education, the love of a lifetime, or different neighbors (LOL)… there is so much we can dream of.

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How to live a successful life! Part 5

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This is the last part of the success series. In this part I want you to encourage to faithfully follow your dream no matter if you have to face some struggles on the way, no matter if you already know about the whole plan, no matter how long it might take, and no matter whether someone did it before or not.

Follow YOUR dream!
Life is in constant motion even when we are standing still. The circumstances in our lives are moving which means that we are pushed to move. Therefore standing still is impossible. Don’t wait till you are pushed to be somewhere or someone you don’t want to be only because you are not willing to create your own footsteps. Living other people’s dreams has never brought success but frustration, depression, and diseases. It weakens you since it is not your dream and not your potential and therefore nothing you could give yourSelf. And as Wayne Dyer says: You can’t give away what you don’t have! To be pushed in a direction you don’t feel comfortable with shows you mercilessly that it won’t work since it is not your dream and therefore not meant for you to be.

Take the first step, have faith in yourSelf, keep up a happy knowing that your dreams are supposed to come true since they have grown out of you, watch the first signs of unfolding, and take the next step in faith again. Following your dreams shows your gratitude for what you were provided with to go through this life in your own certain way. If you don’t do it, no one does it!
Believe in you!

Believe in your dreams,
Believe your inner voice.
Believe that you always
Will have your own choice.

Believe in your strength,
Believe you’re unique.
Believe that your power
Is enough to succeed.

Just believe in yourself
Only half as I do
And I give you my promise –
It’s all coming true!

– Erika Kind

Looking back on your own life, what would you say was your biggest success? It was the time when you expanded yourSelf into the outside world.

You will never ever lose your path as long as you believe in yourself, be authentic, love what you do, have an open mind, and follow your dreams steadfastly. Your dreams are part of your life’s purpose. Living your purpose creates your heaven on earth. Never forget the greatest power you always have at hand: the divine energy, that you are, called love! Whatever you do with love in your heart will make everything you do a gift to the world.

Success is only a wonderful symptom that occurs out of your authentic way of living in love – flowing through all of your actions.

In Love and Light!

See the previous chapter Part 4 Don’t doubt but open up your mind!

How to live a successful life! Part 4


In Part 4 of the successful series (see part 3 Love what you do) I am talking about banishing your doubts while working on your project or personal development. Instead open up for insights, tools, and signs which are coming up in the process of walking toward your goals.

Don’t doubt but open up your mind!
Success is to live your purpose! Your purpose can change depending on your age, your family situation, and your personal evolution! We have so many purposes in life. And one lived purpose gives you the necessary experiences that lead you to the next one. You don’t need to know what your purpose will be in 10 years. You simply have to live what seems right and important for you now. The next step will unfold right out of that at the perfect time.

When you start walking a new path doubts are likely to appear. You are taking a new direction which you have no experience with. You have to get familiar with the abilities you need to develop or improve. You are encountering new spheres and new kinds of people, and most of all you get introduced to parts of yourself that you have never known before. That irritates me in the beginning. But don’t worry that’s normal – it is simply new! And being confused about all of this is the best proof that things reorder and that you are about to change your world according to the change of your consciousness. Your intention to expand yourSelf, to improve yourSelf, and to simply evolve your life with yourSelf is the fuel for success in whatever you do!

Success is to keep an open mind for whatever you want to accomplish, for whatever dream you want to realize. Believe that this dream or vision only exists because you brought it into this world. It is a reminder of your soul and says: Don’t forget what you wanted to do. I remind you because it is meant to be. Come on, it’s time now!

There are so many things lying dormant within us to call us when the time has come to go for this new adventure. When you feel to go about a new project then start to take the first step in that direction. You don’t need to know the whole plan. Just start somewhere. Now keep your eyes, ears, and heart open. Watch the signs of the beginning development and grab them. They lead you to more ideas and after a while, you will see more and more of the whole picture. People will appear in your life, you will see headlines in magazines and newspapers, or you will hear someone talking which gives you right the catchwords you needed.

An open mind that looks into the direction of fulfillment is focused on manifestation and nothing else. Its intention is clear and strong. Then doubts are not weakening but even helping to stabilize the progress.

In Love and Light!

How to live a successful life! Part 3


Love, what you do!

Part 3 of my success series is about the powerful energy of love – See part 2 Authenticity

When am I successful? It is when I am grateful and joyful in doing what feels like an eternal flame burning in my heart. Doing something that is joyful to you and simultaneously brings joy into other people’s lives is the greatest fulfillment and success you can have in life. When you do what you do with love, things work faster and easier. Doing something with love makes you more concentrated and focused, and keeps you at the moment.

Love is the highest and greatest force in the universe. Everything that has been developed, raised, or improved by love has the seed of eternity inside. Whatever was made with the breath of love owns a divine core. Since we are all divine beings love is the basis of our existence. It is the essence of who we really are. We were born out of God’s love and we are what we come from. So when we think, talk, act, and create we should do it from this place of love inside of us. Then we put the spark of love into everything we do, which spreads the energy of love. Everything that contains this divine love is filled and nurtured with the greatest supportive power that is available.

There are often things we don’t like to do or are even scared of. Sometimes we can avoid situations and persons. But sometimes we can’t. If you try to resist something you cannot prevent then your inner tension will only grow and make things worse. Whenever something like that is challenging you to make a conscious decision and say to yourself: I have to face what’s coming up. I decide to change my inner concept and let love flow into this talk/task/event. I will love what I do and I know that I will be given the greatest support. In letting love flow through my thoughts and actions things will always turn out perfect.

The decision to let love flow into your projects transforms the quality of your approach. Fear, anger, and ignorance simply dissolve and are replaced by a peaceful and deep knowing that all is well. A challenge faced with love makes you steadfast and is already an insight into which you grow and which strengthens you. It expands your faith in yourSelf and in the divine power you are connected with. At the moment you open up for love you also open up the channel for the divine flow. Divinity will flow through you and into everything you touch.

Let love be the companion of your thoughts, the inspiration of your creations, and the engine of your daily actions. With love as a carpet you walk on your visions and ideas will manifest faster and more exactly since they are born out of the deepest and purest spirit that you truly are. A project aligned with divine love will always succeed!

Next week part 4 will have the title: Don’t doubt but open up your mind!

In Love and Light

How to live a successful life! Part 2


In Part 1 I was talking about the belief in yourSelf. Today I want to show you the importance of being authentic.

Success is not simply getting approval and a shining figurine for your showcase.
It is to act and unfold your life from a place in your heart, where the potential and power of your self have been lying since you were born into this world. As soon as you act out of the nature of your being, you will be lavished with approval, honoring, and compliments. The difference is that you don’t necessarily need it anymore since your success has already been felt in simply doing what you are. When you do what you are, you are authentic. Authenticity radiates strength. And this true strength is what people like. Strength lets others feel comfortable in your presence. They want to be with you and want to be embraced by the radiation of your positive and uplifting energy. When you are authentic, real, and pure, then you are transparent. People will believe you and get inspired to live their own dreams and get successful in leading a fulfilled life in alignment with who they really are.

If you want to be respected, you need to respect who you are in the first place. Accept yourSelf with everything you are today. Show empathy for yourSelf. Be tolerant of yourSelf. Just love yourSelf the way you are. Today you are the best you ever with everything that lies inside of you. All your feelings, experiences, desires, knowledge, and behaviors have created this unique you, who you are. There is no one like you in the whole world and that makes you so special. Be proud of who you are. Cherish who you are. In loving yourSelf and the resulting authenticity you give others permission to do the same. In how you live your life you are always an example to others. The more authentic you are the more others feel liberation in being fearlessly authentic as well.

Say this affirmation and pass it on:
I am a shining being of God and I am here to bring light into the world.

Next week I am going to write about: Love, what you do!

In Love and Light

How to live a successful life! Part 1

What is the definition of success? To me, it is to go for what you feel you are and therefore to unfold your potential for the benefit of everyone.

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How To Live A Successful Life

Last year during the Summer break I wrote a series called How to live a successful life. I am sure that 98 percent of you don’t know about it. Therefore I want to reblog the series for the following 5 Mondays. Here is an introduction with 5 successful inspirations I wrote for a magazine last year. It was the inspiration to do the series:

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Miracles Are Not Depending On Heaven!

I just finished writing my latest book which is about miracles. I thought I write a little about this today. What is a miracle? How and why do miracles happen? We all wished for a miracle at times and I know that some of my friends are doing it right now.

What is the definition of a miracle? I’d say it is a surprising, unexpected, sometimes strongly wished occurring happening, turn, encounter, or “coincidence”.  Of course, we only talk about a miracle when it shows a positive result. If we experience a negative happening we talk about bad luck, karma… But in the end negative like positive has the same root with two different outcomes.

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Self-Love: The Art Of Accepting Compliments!

This post was inspired by a post of a friend I read last week. It was about the problem of accepting compliments. I had a lot of problems accepting compliments until I was 39. I was convinced I wasn’t worth nice words. Yes, everybody is worth nice words… but not me.

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Suffering Part 2 – What’s the Use?

Last week I posted Suffering Part 1 – The Torture In Our Head . I wrote that this kind of suffering has its origin in the way we think, that we interpret things in our own way, and hurt ourselves with truths which only exist in our heads. I also talked about the magic tool of getting still, listening to the wisdom of our hearts, and then align our thoughts with this inner knowing.

Actually as children we were used to listen to our hearts first and our thoughts did not really play an important role in that game. We perceived without judging anything and stored it in our mind. But when time went on we were taught HOW we had to perceive things, persons, happenings, ourselves, our life, our future. We were taught to be this or that, behave this or that way, what is good or bad, and even what we prefer or dislike! But would have been within us already. Read more ›

The Hidden Power

What is it, what we fear the most,
Why do we avoid looking inside?
Is it the unknown or a ghost?
Is it the darkness of our night?

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Only in silence our minds are getting clear –
The clearer the mind, the smaller the fear.

In conquering fears we are progressing our lives.
Satisfaction and love are about to arise.

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Once I Wished for a Magic Wand…

Once I wished for a magic wand…
when I was looking at my broken dreams and fixing my wounded heart.
when I looked at myself as the greatest failure.
when I cried about my helplessness.
when I wished to change what caused sadness and pain by my own actions.
when I wanted to see people as they are in order to not be disappointed by them later.

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How to live a successful life! Part 3


Love, what you do!

Part 3 of my success-series is about the powerful energy of love – See part 2 Authenticity

When am I successful? It is when I am grateful and joyful in doing what feels like an eternal flame burning in your heart. In doing something that is joyful to you and simultaneously brings joy into other people’s lives is the greatest fulfillment and success you can have in life. When you do what you do with love, things work faster and easier. Doing something with love makes you more concentrated and focused, and keeps you in the moment.

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How to live a successful life! Part 2


In Part 1 I was talking about the belief on yourSelf. Today I want to show you the importance of being authentic.

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