Daily Kind Quote – 5100

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5028

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5214

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5206

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5187

With Jan’s permission!

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5149

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5037

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Just a Thought… Stop bowing, start living

“We have always done it that way. You cannot make money with what you would like to do. You don’t have the money to do it. You have to stick with our kind. It is the tradition. It is the culture. The family won’t let me.”

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Dreams – Reminders Of Your Soul


It is not always easy to do that. Daily life, obligations, and responsibilities do have a legitimation in this too! But too often we are scared to even think about following that voice which creates such beautiful and alluring pictures in our heads. Read more ›

Daily Kind Quote

Fear doesn't direkt my life.JPG

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

I Would Definitely Apologize…



435971-Wayne-W-Dyer-Quote-You-can-sit-there-forever-lamenting-about-how.jpgA few days ago our dear Carol Anne of Therapy Bits asked in one of her posts: If you knew you had only 24 hours left to live, what would you do? Read more ›

You Live Your Life Perfectly – Keep It Up!

Bildergebnis für constant growth quotes

This post went in a different direction than I thought when I started writing it. But as we all know, there is a reason and I will let it be as it was written in its natural flow. I am sure it will reach the people or hearts it is meant for. 

On the last day of 2018, I shared some thoughts about the connection of how everything that happens leads us to the place we are today. That also means that no matter how we may feel about our lives, we have never been more experienced than we are today. We are the best versions of ourselves in this very moment.

Bildergebnis für Life is a constant growth quotes

There are setbacks, of course. We start something with enthusiasm and passion. Or something beautiful seems to open up for us. And it is demotivating to see this all falling apart although we put so much lifeblood and effort into it. But that doesn’t mean you failed. Yes, sometimes situations can repeat. Sometimes they repeat because we did not get the whole meaning. Sometimes we need to take a detour to pack something in our backpack which we need in order to continue our journey on the main street.

Bildergebnis für healing the world quotes

What I want to say with this: Whatever you do, whatever step you take, whatever decision you make, how you act or react, it brings you further but never back! Every experience leaves an insight. So never let anyone tell you that you failed. It is your way, not their way. Life will help you to repeat or to go deeper. It is not a punishment it is to support our growth. Even if we cannot understand the meaning or see the greater context when we are in the middle of difficult times – and perhaps we never will – there is always a greater reason behind everything that happens. And the more we follow our inner compass the faster we will get past it and will reach the end of the valley.

Believe in yourself, believe in wise guidance, and believe that in the end, all will be fine. Looking back you will be proud to look down that mountain you just climbed and see that it was worth all the effort. Every little or bigger obstacle you faced and overcame will make the joy of the view bigger.

Bildergebnis für healing the world quotes Michael Jackson

If this year throws stones at you build beautiful castles from it or solid stepstones. From the ruins of broken dreams or relationships build bridges. Nothing that exists gets lost. It only needs to be placed together in a new way. And this world is in a deep need for a new architecture assembled from our own inner healing flames of love and the desire of making it one peaceful paradise for everyone. We are created from love and our natural being is love. Let’s let our true selves shine. The change is already happening. Let’s not get discouraged by any seeming setbacks. Let’s take each other by the hand, follow the light our hearts shine and we can never fail.

Credits: Pinterest|QuoteFancy|onwardnation.libsyn.com|YouTube|majasdiary.com

In Love and Light

YOU’VE GOT ME ALL WRONG 9 -The Law of Opposites


Several weeks ago I picked up one of Walsch’s books and began to read the first pages. After I read the short list of the 25 core messages to explain the main message (in the title) I stopped reading. It was so inspiring and I my mind started spinning. Before I am reading on I want to share the flow of pictures and thoughts of some of those core messages which immediately filled me. Most of those core messages won’t appear new since we are talking about them over and over again. We all share them with our own words. Isn’t that an amazing proof that we are fully aware of God’s message? If you would like to read the previous parts, you can check out here part 1, part 2,  part 3, part 4, part 5 part 6, part 7, and part 8. Read more ›

I suppose… and My Life Gets Complicated

5731600-Miguel-Ruiz-Quote-Don-t-make-assumptions-Find-the-courage-to-ask.jpgWe don’t know how other people feel about certain circumstances. Even if we do it for the best we can still be completely wrong. The way I experience something is unique and no matter how challenging it is for me can be handled even easier by others. Feeling sorry for someone who goes through a time which seems difficult for me can cause me to suppose it is difficult for the other one too. But is it really? And if it is, is it the same difficult? If I believe so then I make that other person’s problem my problem and I may care in a way which can become uncomfortable for them. Perhaps that difficult situation that person is in was caused by a decision I made and feeling guilty about it makes me overcaring. I may try to make something up which is not even desired.  Read more ›

Breaking Out and Taking Action – The Later The More Difficult

Bildergebnis für moving on quote

Last week I participated in the Three Day Quote Challenge. I picked “New Beginnings” for my challenge theme. It turned out as the inspiration for this post.

We all have times in life when not everything is roses. I always say that in the end, we need to look at the complete package. If it looks and feels good some less convenient parts are bearable or don’t weigh that much. It helps to gain the necessary energy and tolerance for remaining peaceful or for facing single challenges on the road. But if we get used to “overlook” the negative side, that positive attitude can become tricky. Read more ›

Open Waters


About 10 days ago I posted the quote above. The truth and wide message it holds went deep. Although I wrote some lines in Just A Thought… I feel like going a bit deeper into the subject. Read more ›

Wrap Your Fears In Love… And The Miracle Starts To Happen!


A couple weeks ago, a friend replied to one of my tweets with “Wrap Your Fears In Love”. I know, I already mentioned this and posted a haiku about it. But the effect of embracing our fears with love is so life-changing that I want to write a Monday post about it. Read more ›

Just A Thought…


Sometimes there is a vision, a dream, an idea of something that is stirring your heart or that fills you with the passion of an adventurer. But often, following such dreams means taking a step out of the known and into the middle of the unknown. Fear, insecurity, and confusion may creep in and perhaps you distance yourself from that dream. Read more ›

Is That What YOU Want?


Flow………… take a deep breath………… flow…………… whatever you have in mind please let it flow for a moment. Just flow. If you are not able to do that then stop reading and get back later. Take a break and breathe ………… Read more ›

The past does not define the future


In my workshops I ask the question: If you had a magic wand, what would you change in your life? Where would you position yourself? Who would you be? That is the moment when the buried dreams are surfacing. My next question is? And what keeps you from realizing them? Read more ›

Communication: Challenge and Solution

For today, I did not have a particular topic in mind, and again I took some inspiration from my Gateway Oracle Cards.  Thank you, guidance. These are the cards I picked:

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The Staircase Shows Up Once You Take The First Step!

Lately, the older of my two sons graduated with really great success. My younger son wasn’t amused that he had to attend the celebration but there was a deeper meaning that we forced him to be there… although we did not know about it before. 

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Be Authentic – Be You – Be Love!

Lately, I came across this topic several times and thought it would make sense to repost an article I wrote almost 2 years ago:

Life isn’t about being someone we think we should be only because it sounds good because others want us to be, or in order to fit into a certain image of society. A faked personality only confuses the people around you and yourself over time more and more because the real identity gets lost.

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Starting Fresh … For Manifesting Your Dreams!


This is not a title that came to my mind just so. I had no plan for what to write for today so I took my deck of Gateway Oracle Cards. I bought them for my seminars which are meant to lead the participants toward solutions and to connect with themselves and their inner wisdom. I picked a card but did not turn it around yet. Then I put the rest of the cards together and the card that showed up on the bottom was this one: 

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The Necessary Eye Of The Storm

After I was done writing this post I noticed that it turned out to be a sequel to last week’s post Forth or Back? 

A sunny Sunday noon. My view goes out towards the mountains. My willow is in full bloom. The birds are singing and life comes back to me. There is a lot of turmoil behind me already and a lot is still in front of me. But at the moment I feel like in the eye of the hurricane. I am content, patient, and full of pictures for a new future. At the moment, the heaviness of the past weeks and months is falling off. I feel light and like moving towards a door that has been already opened and only waiting for me to get there. 

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This post was inspired by a person I got to know during my 9 months at work who is suffering from being neglected, used, oppressed, or simply unappreciated by her own parents. I think it is difficult to imagine how it must feel when you see your sister or brother supported in any possible way and you even have to hang in and support them too because it is expected and demanded. At the same time, you never got that support or attention but it was taken for granted that you cooperate and stand back. 

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The Pressure of Making Decisions!

I wrote a few times about making decisions. Basically, I believe that whatever decision we make will lead us toward the place in our life we are meant to arrive. It is like using the GPS system in your car. You put in the address but there are several options to reach your destination. We also have this inner GPS which already knows the address. We simply choose the kind of road we walk towards it. Every step and pit stop on that road will give us energy and insights to continue our journey or lead us to shortcuts.

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Don’t Let Their Discontentment Control Your Life!

As you may know, some weeks ago I translated for two English mediums at their sessions. It was insightful in many ways. I learned so much and got confirmed in many things I was already convinced about. One case touched me a lot. There was a woman who was involved in a bad accident some time ago. She was close to death but survived. The accident caused massive brain injuries and she still suffers from a limited way of understanding and comprehending. She is slower in thinking and moving, and the left side of her face is still a bit paralyzed. But she has come such a long way due to her strong willpower and she is still progressing. She even started an education on the internet in order to step back into life actively. Now what hurts her so much is that her husband has turned away from her. He is only complaining and blaming her for each and every little thing. She cannot do anything right and gets screamed at all the time. She desperately tries everything to be loved by him the way he did before the accident happened.

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Why Feeling Lonely?

There can be times in life when we feel like aliens. Like there is no one on this planet who cares for us or who is interested in who we are. Many are interested in what we do but those are the ones who may turn away as the first ones when what we do doesn’t meet their expectations. Why do we get to that point? What can be the reason – or the reasons?

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Look Beyond!

Whatever I write about are basically situations from the life we all experience in our own ways. I take them and try to look beyond and around them. Finding out more about backgrounds, contexts, and consequences, and seeing more in a situation than only how it may appear at first sight. Understanding that there is a reason behind all that happens may not solve the problem but it can lead to a solution or give important insights which make us see it all from a different perspective and helps to deal with what happens in a more constructive way.

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Give Your Best Anyway!

It is not the first time that I am touching on this subject. Circumstances at work inspired me for going into it.

Imagine that you are excited about something you are about to do. You think you are doing really well and you are definitely giving your best due to your excitement. You make all efforts needed and even more in order to show your joyful engagement. Then it appears that what you did is not good enough but not because you did something wrong but because you did not have all information needed due to a lack of communication. Or you did something that was already organized – again due to a lack of communication. You think your whole work has become useless and the time was wasted. Not wasted in your eyes but you imagine your bosses would think like that.

I experienced exactly that last Tuesday in an intensive way. When I come in the morning I always need to check what happened during the last afternoon when I wasn’t there. At the moment so much is going on about organizing things that still need to be fixed, the material we need, data that have to be put into the computer, and many more things which are not part of the actual work later. On that day last week, I got some things organized and after I communicated it I was told that it all was already done. Great! I don’t want to blame anybody because we all need to get used to this new situation.  But on that very morning, I thought that it was all in vain. The crucial point is that not only my colleague and I start anew but also my bosses do and they need to figure out how to prevent misunderstandings. Anyway, on that day last week, I was very frustrated, to say the least. I also felt exhausted because I really gave it all.

After I felt sorry for myself I told myself not to be silly because it wasn’t my fault. What I did was not wrong. It was just not complete in one way or not necessary in the other way due to missing instructions. Of course, I hope that my bosses see that too but in the end, I know that I did my best and I did it with enthusiasm (which might have actually increased the frustration). If that is not seen then it is not about me either. Sure, mistakes and misunderstandings will happen. But I know that the longer we all work together and the closer we are to reaching the point where we are finally working on the real purpose, things are getting more and more into a routine. I won’t let myself get discouraged by days like these. They will happen at times even a year from now. It is not about such days it is about the greater goal we all have and about moving step by step – together.

When activities are including more people the result is a co-creation. It doesn’t mean that one has only half the responsibility when working with a partner on something. It means that both have 100 % responsibility for the outcome. Only when both give 100 % of what they are able, the trail will lead to a path and the path to a road. Some days there are stones in the way and some days there might be a pothole. One day one has more power to clear the path than the other. On another day both are sharing the clearing equally. Then again there might be times when one clears in order for the other one to go full speed. This is called pulling on the same string. Whatever both do, they should always give their best for the goal they want to achieve!

Whether it concerns work, a relationship, or a personal project you are working on, there can be setbacks. There can be times when you think what you do is not good enough. But never lose the grip of giving your best anyway. Giving your best is not something that should be planned for a specific occasion. It should be an attitude and characteristic constantly. If giving your best is part of your daily actions, it shines through all you do and it gives everything you do a much deeper meaning. You will definitely become much more content about what you achieved during the day. Taking things seriously no matter how unimportant they may appear will make you enjoy doing them a lot more and they will for sure turn out a lot better. Even if things seem to go wrong today, continue giving your best tomorrow. Don’t doubt yourself when things are not working out the way you expected them. Your best depends on so many factors and it is not always the same. But it is your best on that day anyway. Another day – another chance! Seize the day! Decide to make it the best day ever by giving the best you are able to give on this very day.

When doubt takes over
Please don’t forget
Doubts are just thoughts
But not a fact

In Love and Light

I Wonder …

Last week I featured an ABBA week. While searching for songs I came across so many wonderful ones I have never heard before. One of them was I Wonder. It inspired and touched me deeply and I decided to use it for my Monday post. Read more ›

God Is Spotless and So Are You!

We all carry our backpacks. We filled it with a variety of things. From all that we experience, we take something along and put it in our backpacks. When we are in a situation that feels like something we already experienced, we check our backpacks and take out the insight we once gained in order to deal with that situation in a better way.

Sadly we collect so many painful memories, bitterness, and resentments in that backpack. That is what makes it heavy and what makes us walk slower under its weight. Often we cannot move the way we want because the weight of the backpack limits our mobility. It can even cause physical disorders like back pain, muscle tension, short breath, joint issues, and much more.

When we look at it that way we see how little use it is to carry around pain or disappointments from the past. It doesn’t change the past but therefore, it destroys the present. Easier said than done, right? Really?

Who you really are is a divine being born into a human body in order to experience your existence with more senses. Only in that physical body, you can touch, breathe, smell, and feel a variety of emotions. It is like the suit of Iron Man. It has more functions than the person who directs that iron suit. And so it is with your spirit who needs a body to have more possibilities to experience itself. But the suit is not the person and the spirit is not the body. That iron suit can become a prison instead of a tool if we don’t see the misunderstanding. Who you really are is that spirit who simply identifies so doubtless with its body. Over time, it believes that it is the body, the pain it experienced, and the emotions it feels. But who you are is not the suit that houses you.

Being aware that you are nothing that is part of this physical world makes it so clear that all the pain you experience and the heavy weight you carry around is only an illusion you started to build up in your mind. You are spirit, you are divine, you are pure wisdom. But you want to remember that you are all that. That is the reason why you came into this world. You want to remember your light.

When you realize that your experiences, insights, and also scars are part of your backpack but not of yourself then you can simply take this backpack off your shoulders. Open it up and look into it. Throw out the heavy load or take the backpack completely off. You cannot accidentally throw away a beautiful memory. The insights learned lessons, and joyful experiences are never in a backpack. They have the same energy as your divine being. All the beautiful things which cause feelings of joy and enthusiasm are of the same energy as you are. That is, why it feels so good. It is like you. That’s why they simply strike a chord within you but they don’t burden you. Such experiences merge with you and make you stronger. You gain energy. What is a pain for? Actually only to show you the darkness in order to see your light even better.

You are not what you carry along. You are not, what you experience, you are not what you think, and most of all you are not what you see. But what you experience, think, and see is the blessing you are gifted with in order to feel alive and in order to fulfill your purpose. You are a shining being full of love and perfect in its composition. Because you have the same composition as the source that created you. You are part of that source, a drop of the ocean we call God. God is spotless – and so are you!

In Love and Light

The Blessing Of The Rabbit Hole

This post is inspired by a discussion I had going with Carisa of Sometimes Silver Linings Are Blue about the rabbit hole. Actually, it was more about the positive effects of that rabbit hole experience. Carisa thought it would make a topic for a post. I always love to discuss things with her. Carisa is a treasure box of experience and I honor and appreciate her a lot.

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Is That What YOU Want?

Flow………… take a deep breath………… flow…………… whatever you have in mind please let it flow for a moment. Just flow. If you are not able to do that then stop reading and get back later. Take a break and breath …………

Sometimes we are caught between appointments, obligations, and routines. We simply function. We don’t even think about why we are doing what we do, we just do it. OK, at times it is better not to think about some things we need to do or we would freak out… lol!!! But it is more this unconscious and stereotypical acting in order to simply get everything done.  I don’t say skip things – sometimes simply everything accumulates. But if you can skip things!

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With God All Things Are Possible!


Sometimes we find ourselves in front of a mountain. We know that we have to pass it. Walking back is no option. We are clear that once we made it behind that mountain a world is waiting in which the sun is shining.

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The past does not define the future

In my workshops I ask the question: If you had a magic wand, what would you change in your life? Where would you position yourself? Who would you be? That is the moment when the buried dreams are surfacing. My next question is? And what keeps you from realizing them?

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Control is an Illusion!

Life happens while we are making other plans.

I like this quote a lot. We are making plans for our nearer or further future, scheduling our days and then things happen which can change everything in an instant. The weather changes, someone gets sick, the job gets lost, accidents happen, or even more life-impacting things.  We have no control over what happens around us. This is something we can be scared of or something that can even give us relief because we can let go of the pressure to keep everything under control.

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Are You still Comfortable Or Already Living?

Yes, I borrowed that title from a commercial slogan of a famous furniture designer…. 😁

Last week I was a guest on Kimberly Rinaldi’s live radio show Lessons in Joyful Living. It was a fantastic interview and I enjoyed it from the first until the last minute. It was my 3rd live radio interview. Was I still nervous? Yes, I was; throughout the day! But sometime before the show started this nervousness changed into excitement and anticipation.

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The Magic Glasses Of Love!

There is a Buddhist Temple I visit every time I am in California. A beautiful huge facility. Even only entering the main temple I immediately feel an energy of calmness and peace. Whenever I go there something is on my mind and every time I gain insights. This time was special.

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Walked through the storm

Walked through the night

Through many valleys

In search of light


Then finally this light broke through

The path so clear to see

Looked for the source to hold on to

And realized it shone from me

In Love and Light



So dark and so lonely

My heart was for years

Ruled by my self-doubts

Controlled by my fears

For far too long

I thought there must be

A change in the world

or a savior for me

But nothing did happen

No one understood

No one did care

If only I could…

Being who I am

Or who I wanna be

Not caring if others

Did understand me

All of a sudden

I thought: Why not I?

No one can judge me

Cause no one is I

I started to rise

Started living my dream

Not afraid anymore

That someone could be mean

I respect and I love me –

The person I am

Enabled me greatly

To love everyone

The smile that I’m wearing

Is no fake anymore

It shines from my heart

As the light of my core

Today I am content

No more fears, I am free

With me, the world changed

And the savior has been me!

In Love and Light

I have to make a decision – and that scares me…

Vonita of Passion Through Poetry asked me to write about making decisions and the problem of indecisiveness. I am convinced that at times every one of us is in a place where we struggle with deciding which way to go, which door to close or to choose, and not knowing how it will turn out.

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Be Authentic – Be You – Be Love!

Actually, I planned to post another article according to a request of a blogger friend for this Monday.  I hope you don’t mind that I changed my mind. A lot of things happened during the past few days and it made me spontaneously write this post:

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Dreams Are My Reality

Everybody has dreams. There is no one who doesn’t dream about anything. May it be a different way of living, a different job, a new car, a vacation, an achievement, a project, an education, the love of a lifetime, or different neighbors (LOL)… there is so much we can dream of.

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You Need To Feel It!

Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what you are in the process of becoming – Abraham/Ester Hicks

This sentence was hanging on my kitchen cupboard for the last 6 years. It made me aware of the fact that what I encounter in my life as positive or negative is not something that is sent to me from a higher force but is a reflection of how I encounter life.

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“Wrong” Decisions

How often do we think back and ponder if this or that decision was right? Or we look back and consider a decision as wrong. But was it that really?

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Miracles Are Not Depending On Heaven!

I just finished writing my latest book which is about miracles. I thought I write a little about this today. What is a miracle? How and why do miracles happen? We all wished for a miracle at times and I know that some of my friends are doing it right now.

What is the definition of a miracle? I’d say it is a surprising, unexpected, sometimes strongly wished occurring happening, turn, encounter, or “coincidence”.  Of course, we only talk about a miracle when it shows a positive result. If we experience a negative happening we talk about bad luck, karma… But in the end negative like positive has the same root with two different outcomes.

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Your Life – Your Thoughts – Your Choice – Change!

Your thoughts are an amazing tool to navigate your life. They are responsible for the way you perceive life, for your convictions, and the actions you take as a result. Your thoughts decide about peace or war, empathy or ignorance, about willingness or resistance. But the wonderful thing about thoughts is, that they are not self-acting. They are not independent personality that does what it wants. They are a part of your system and the ruler of that system are you! We are thinking thousands of thoughts every day. They come and go. They simply appear as a reflex.

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The Hidden Power

What is it, what we fear the most,
Why do we avoid looking inside?
Is it the unknown or a ghost?
Is it the darkness of our night?

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You don’t need to fly alone

So many dreams within your heart,
So much you’re yearning for.
You’re hoping and believing that
One day you’ll see that door.

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The Flow of Life

Not driftwood nor can rocks
get stuck in the water’s flow.
It always finds a way right through
or over it to go.

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Follow your dreams

Last week I had an amazing live interview with Kimberly Rinaldy at Lessons in Joyful Living. We were talking about my book, my motivation to start it, my challenges, how I reached my breakthrough, and much more. Since there is so much more to say, Kimberly even invited me for another interview. I will keep you posted on the date.

We touched on one topic that is most important to me. Because it is one with which many of us are fighting during our lifetimes. I too did, because I thought I wasn’t meant for a purposeful life. I simply misunderstood that I am always fulfilling my purpose. But only when I rediscovered my value I started going for my dreams consciously. It was the time when I promised myself: “I will never ever look back and say that I had the chance, but didn’t take it because I was scared. And now it is too late.” Never!

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Footprints in the Sand by Mary Stevenson

While emailing Michelle Marie from http://tellmeaboutit.co/ we talked about the misunderstanding between so many people and God. That reminded me of a beautiful, touching, and comforting poem I would like to share with you. It still gives me goosebumps reading it:

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Don’t be afraid of fears – They are there in order to discover your potential behind!


Lately a friend asked me if I really was such a fearful person in the past as I mentioned in my books. She said, she can hardly imagine me being scared or feeling misunderstood and isolated.

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