The Healing Power Within!

This is a story that moves me deeply not only because it happened in my closest circle of the family but most of all because it shows that we have powers within us that are greater than our bodies could ever be. Actually, those powers are the force to strengthen and heal the body. Yes, we can heal through the power of our spirits which is the power of love!

When she appears at my front door the sun rises. There is ALWAYS a bright smile on her face and her eyes are twinkling like stars. My sister once said, she has smiling eyes! Her face is shining and she is such a loving and warm-hearted young woman. I am talking about my son’s girlfriend, Chiara. She is a gem and I feel blessed that I feel like having another daughter. When you see her today, no one would ever guess what she went through for 6 – 7 years.

Chiara suffered from anorexia. It started when she was 12 years old. For some reason her body refused food. It was not her who stopped eating. It was her body rebelling. Chronic stomach issues and the death of her grandmother some years later made everything worse. When she was 16 she spent 9 months in the hospital with a weight of only 25 kilos (55 pounds). She was on the edge of death! But during her stay, the penny dropped at some point. As she said in an interview, she realized that SHE had to change something. And she did! She was released from the hospital with already 40 kilos (88 pounds) only last summer. Still, a way to go but her zest for life was back! She needed to repeat a whole year in Gymnasium due to her absence from school. That’s when she met my son and some months later they became a couple. They are together now for 8 months and I can tell how she has blossomed since I saw her the first time. It is a joy to see her.

Was she healed by my son’s love? She says that Jason’s love was healing. Love is THE healing power for sure. But his love alone would have been of no use if she wasn’t open and ready to release her own powerful energy into her body in the first place. It was the love within herself that got activated and filled her body with life again. Whatever made her body rebel it was a change within her that was necessary to make step out of that vicious circle of getting weaker and eating less. She needed to look at the situation from the outside in order to see and understand. Then it was her strong mind, the power of her thoughts, which aligned with the power of her soul. Once she started, everything else and all support she needed fell into place.

Our wonderful girl made it. She changed her concept and was open to embracing the world. Today she is giving interviews and sharing her story – not afraid of sharing photos when she was at her lowest point (which I won’t share here). She is most thankful for where she is today and wants to motivate and encourage others that it is possible to change their lives, no matter where they are today! I am so thankful that my son is the one she invited into her new world and I am proud of him too how he hung in and supported her in a way only love can do!

What I want to show with this amazing example is that everybody has this unbelievable power inside. You are not born with this power. You ARE this power. It was born into your body. This power – your soul – is the reason that the body can exist. This power is able to move mountains. And this power is nothing else than the deepest and purest form of love. We are what we come from. We are the power of love itself – unlimited creative power. The only thing that can limit it is the mind that says it is limited. How can the body-bound mind ever understand the force that created it? How can the creation ever define the creator?

There can be many reasons why a body gets sick but one reason for sure is when the connection to our life’s energy is seemingly cut off. It never is but it is enough to believe that love is missing. It often happens unconsciously or due to negative experiences, traumas, or thought patterns which were taken over. Some beliefs are so deeply hidden that we don’t even notice that there is something hidden. But a disease like anorexia and many others shows that body and soul are obviously not working together. It is a signpost and path at once to find back to the connection again. Chiara’s example shows it. When she was at her lowest point she was deep enough down to feel and hear her soul again. She connected and the power, the will, her zest for life, … it all came back. And her soul is shining through her eyes. I barely met a young woman at her age who is so steadfast, so clear, so loving, so compassionate but also so full of self-esteem. When the soul speaks the body is filled with its breath.

In the western world, we are suffering more from mental hunger than from physical hunger. The effect is the same. We not only need food for our bodies, but we also need food for our hearts or we get ill. Of course, it starts with the inner concept. But sometimes a person is not able to see that and needs help from outside to reconnect with their inner being, their spirit, their power, and life’s energy. Don’t look away! It does not always need to be a deep serious talk. Sometimes people don’t even want that (in the beginning). But already a smile can create miracles. All we need to do is care for one another – the How will follow naturally! Just give others the feeling that they matter. Because everyone matters! We may be different in our outer appearance. But even when we look similar we have different opinions, personalities, and histories. We are all different! But once we go only a little bit deeper we are getting to what we all have in common: the same color of blood, the same needs to keep our bodies healthy and alive, breathing the same air, the indispensable need for food: The food for our bodies and the food for our souls – love!

Wherever you were yesterday is not defining where you can be tomorrow. But your attitude and willingness define where you take a step today. You have the power within you to move your mountain. You are the power. You are healing energy. Whatever you set your mind to, you can make it happen. Believe in the possibility. Whatever you wish to change, start today! When a teenager has the power to make that change, so have you!

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


“When the soul speaks the body is filled with its breath.”

Such a wonderful post Erika showing us the power to heal ourselves from within.
What an inspiration Chiara is.. Showing us how through our mind we can heal our body.
And yes you are right it is only from within that mindset that we can choose to heal ourselves..

I believe each cell within our bodies has its own consciousness… And this was brought home to me only this week
When a friends wrote in her blog about her cancer.. How through her Chi Yoga class she got in touch with her liver and she cried like never before, and she understood her liver needed Love, it had felt so alone.. And I am certain from this point on her own healing is now well under way..

The power of LOVE has such a tremendous POWER we totally forget we are ALL Powerful Beings.. And that the greatest gift we can ever give ourselves is to LOVE ourselves..

I know you know of DR Emoto’s experiments with water Erika.. And how by thinking and sending LOVE and Kind thoughts into water we change its structure.. So too our bodies are made up of around 75% of water.. It stands to reason on a Water based Blue Planet we are all of us connected by Water and all of us affected by emotions..

I can see by the words written here dear Erika just how proud you are of Chiara.. Such a beautiful young girl whom I know will now help many more with this distressing decease of anorexia which so many young people suffer from as they grow and do battle with emotional energies which overtake at times their bodies..

Love and Blessings for continued wellness and happiness to Chiara.. And to you and yours Erika..
Love Sue xxx ❤

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WOOOOOOWWWWWW! Sue, what an amazing comment! I am already thankful that you made it through the post but then you are also writing such a detailed and poignant comment.
I have been to a workshop with Gregg Braden. He could prove to us that the organs have memory functions and their own consciousness. It was mind-blowing!
What you just wrote about the water experiement is familiar to me. But I did not relate it to our bodies yet although it makes total sense and yes, this is working. Water transports everything and it is able to transform its structure also within our bodies. As you said even our planet is water based. Rivers flow like veins through it. Wait…You just gave me an idea that gave me shivers… What if we sat on a river or a creec and simply feed it with loving vibes which are transported through so many places. People use that water, get in touch with it … why not trying this… nobody gets hurt but perhaps it has that healing effect for the planet!
But back to your comment. I have such a deep respect for this girl. I believe that whatever happens in Chiara’s life now she knows that life goes on and that it is up to her attitude how it goes on. She made herself happy and she knows that she can do it whenever and wherever. Such a wonderful message she spreads only by being herself!
Thank you so very much for your wonderful comment, Sue!

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Great big smiles at this comment dear Erika.. My daughter and I have long connected with rivers and streams.. We place crystals within them that have been programmed and blessed by ourselves asking for the very same thing.. We also have thrown them into the ocean.. I will try and find a post I did where my daughter even sent crystals to Japan after the Tsunami .. Chiara sounds one amazing soul, and I know she will grow from strength to strength.. 🙂 Love to you and have a beautiful week xxx ❤

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Wow, this is awesome. You must have delivered this idea to me in some way. Because I did not know yet that you did such things already. That is …. wow…. again! I am having goosebumps, Sue! Yes, I would love to read that post. Imagine if many of us would do it at the same time… what an impact! Thank you so much for all you have done, Sue. You are such a blessing 💖

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I will try to direct you to a few posts I did concerning cystals . You may see in my pages a link Crystals and Things.. which give a list of properties of crystals.. I at one time did crystal healing sessions.. I was a Spiritual Healer for around 15 yrs 🙂 Now retired .. Ran my own development group and meditation circle all voluntary and in the evenings after my day job.. I will try to bring the links back here.. And will post them seperate as I do not want to end up as spam lol again .. 🙂 xxx

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I am stunning again and again what all you did, Sue! Wonderful! Take your time. I cannot read them all at once anyway but I am looking forward to your writings! Always so profound and insightful 💖

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Aww what a beautiful story, Erika. Chiara looks like such a good person. It’s really really hard to go through something like Anorexia. I know quite a bit about it. Thank you for sharing her story. Love heals everything. 💖💖

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It truly does or it can at least trigger the love within you. It is amazing how a girl so close to death is able to turn the rudder around first and foremost because of the decision she made. Thank you, Lisa! 😊

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Deeply inspiring, Erika!! Chiara is an inspiration! Finding the inner power to make that change and having everything align to help support her!! Thank you for sharing her story ..

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Her story is proof for so much like: Take the first step and everything else will fall into place. Or: Make the decisions and doors will open up! It always starts with ourselves and when we align with our inner power we align with the universal power which brings us all we need at the perfect time! Thank you very much for reading this marathon post. She is an amazing girl and I am so proud of her! What a role model!

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You’re right, Erika. Once everything in your centered with your heart,mind, and soul, your body can do miracles. I have yet to get myself there yet because o think so negative, but I’m striving to get them lived up somehow. Thanks for sharing the story of this young lady. She’s strong and lovely.

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You have a wonderful way of looking behind the curtains, Anthony. However “negative” you think you are, it makes you look beyond and that gives you insights hidden for many other people. I sense you as a very faithful person. You only need to trust yourself a bit more perhaps. When I read you posts I feel a strong energy that spreads your deep messages. That’s why I started following you. You have all you need with you. It is all there!

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You are absolutely right. I’ll take your advice and move towards a better me. Thank God for WordPress and allowing, not just you and I to have these conversations, but everyone. Of course, you know I’m thankful for you, already Erika 😄


You are quite right. I`m happy to know Chiara. She is a strong and lovely young woman. I like her very much and the sun rises when she is showing up.

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I am so impressed by Chiara. She gave those interviews and shared photos of her worst times. It is amazing how strong she grew and how much love this girl spreads. She is so thankful for how far she’s come and strengthened by the knowing that it was her! My son has his issues like every teenager but he has always been very sensitive. Also he has a certain sense of humor… yes, he has something. From all my children he did best in “manipulating” me with his way 😃

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Such an amazing story and what an inspiration Chiara is. I lost a dear girlfriend to Anorexia when we were both just 18 and I know the heartache and battles it involves. To overcome it takes courage, love and strength.

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Thank you so much for your comment, Miriam. I can imagine how much this post must have brought up for you. I am so sorry for your loss and all the tragic that you experienced behind it. That is why I am so thankful that Chiara received that love in order to connect with the courage and the strength within her. I send you warm hugs, Miriam 💖

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