Daily Kind Quote – 5094

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Thought Pattern – The Art Of Detachment

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Recently, I talked to a neighbor, and she told me about her little daughter being diagnosed with diabetes. She said that she is working on solely thinking of her daughter as healthy, avoiding any negative thoughts, and believing that all will be well again while this is only a temporary condition. It reminded me of a post I published more than four years ago:

Your life is going well. You are not bothering too much with tasks of occasional challenges. You are easy-going that makes you face any task just as something that needs to be done. You are not in need to keep yourself positive because you simply are.

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Rule Number 6


I shared this post one year ago regarding the importance people grant themselves on social media. Not social media, but the current pandemic made me think of it again. Now that many countries have loosened their strict measures, people seem to go crazy in acting as if everything was already back to normal. But the growing numbers of infections prove that only ignoring a virus doesn’t mean it is not there. We need to follow the little and doable requests like washing or disinfecting hands, social distancing, and wearing masks in crowded places or public transportations. It would be so simple to protect others and ourselves. What many still don’t understand: Wearing masks means protecting the people around me since I cannot be sure that I am virus-free! So, if you ever wanted to do something good for others, it was never easier than today. Wear your mask in the public where it has been recommended or even requested, and follow the hygienic rules.

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#Health&Beauty – Power Boost Facial Mask

Today I am going for a new post under #Health&Beauty. Most likely, today’s post is mostly interesting for the female part of the community. Nevertheless, the facts about the components of the facial mask are certainly generally well to know.

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Just A Thought – Healthy Busyness


I remind myself
To deal better with tasks when
I love what I do

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When A Moment Completes The Picture

Everybody has their backpacks to carry. Some people are unpacking freely, every stumble, fall, burden, or point on their agenda while others don’t feel the need to bless the world with the details of their private lives. However, only because someone doesn’t invite the world into their living rooms doesn’t mean their backpack is empty. Not at all!

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Health & Beauty – Thyme


Essential oils are the pure and concentrated essences of plants. Used are petals, roots, twigs, leaves, resins depending on the plant. For thyme oil, the haulms are the part of the plant that’s used. Since fall has already taken its seat again the main season of colds and flu is on the way again. Thyme oil is not only very effective for disinfecting the respiratory system when a cold has you in its tight grip, but it also works wonderfully as prevention from getting a cold since it disinfects the air for example by evaporation the oil in a fragrance lamp or diffuser (at home but also in offices or public places). Read more ›

Health & Beauty – Rosemary


Essential oils are the pure and concentrated essences of plants. Used are petals, roots, twigs, leaves, resins depending on the plant. For rosemary oil, the haulms are the part of the plant that’s used. It is another very versatile oil. Remember, I mentioned it as an optional part of my hair mask recipe for hair growth because it stimulates the root of the hair.  Read more ›

Keep Going – Really Always?


The past weeks have become more and more challenging. Highly inspired I started a new but big and time-consuming project (I am developing specific skincare products). Unfortunately, next to my job (which is also becoming more and more of a challenge), my therapy practice, duties everywhere, appointments, and the rare time that’s left to see my children, I try to squeeze this, too into the weekends and evenings. I have been feeling like a robot for weeks. Read more ›

Health & Beauty – Lavender


Essential oils are the pure and concentrated essences of plants. Used are petals, roots, twigs, leaves, resins depending on the plant. From time to time I am going to share information about specific oils, their effects, and how to use them. Due to its multiple effects, when on the road with the kids I only took a long lavender oil and some band-aids. Due to its disinfectant, healing, and soothing effect, I had a one-in-all aid. Read more ›

Health & Beauty – Hair Mask


This Monday post will be a little different from the usual ones. Many of you know that I am an aromatherapist and that I am running an aromatherapy practice (next to my job as a compliance officer). That means I am working with essential oils in different kinds of ways. Here you can find a post where I explain the different ways essential oils can be used. Read more ›

Get Into Power and Your Channel Will Clear Up

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Lately, I was talking to one of my best friends on the phone. We live about 6000 miles apart but that doesn’t matter since we are friends for 37 years. We haven’t talked to each other for at least 2 1/2 years and only barely texted since both of our lives have become crazily busy. But what is most important in this world? What do we need if we lose everything? Friends! That’s what we both realized when we had some days off over the change of the year. We managed to have a 3 1/2 hour talk. But it was necessary since so much happened in both of our lives and we both needed to update each other.

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Am I selfish to be selfish?

Bildergebnis für sometimes you need to be selfish quotes

How far do our obligations go regarding keeping up with activities and services we once started? Life changes, our circumstances change, situations change, attitudes, change, priorities change… heck, we change! Although, from an impartial point of view, there is no question that it is clear to adjust parts of our lives to changes in our lives. But why can it be so hard to pull it through? Read more ›

Healing Yourself Starts With Aligning With Your Self


When the energy can flow freely through the body it provides every single fiber in our body from head to toe with all it needs to be strong, happy, and healthy. Then you are in balance, healthy, and in peace. Then you don’t worry but simply take every step that is necessary to take through this journey. Then your physical being is aligned with your spiritual being. But seriously, who of us is in that state constantly? Read more ›

Gratitude – The Power Tool

“What shall I be thankful for? My world is only illness, disappointment, and work. I am abused and money is always rare.” It doesn’t always sound bad when asking some people what they are thankful for. Sometimes it even appears many people are actually defending themselves against finding something in life they could be thankful for. It would destroy their negative picture of the world. And this is exactly the origin of their black perspective. Concentrating on the injustice in the world, the own frustration, fear, suffering, or addictions doesn’t let anything else appear. Although it is there it is not recognized.

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The Power of Silliness!

It is clear to me that being serious is important to stay focused on your target and not lose concentration most of all in difficult situations. But it has also become clear to me for many years that this can be exhausting and draw all your energy from you when it lasts too long. Most of all when it is not about temporary situations but for a period of difficult times.

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Unlimited Time – Blessing Or Curse?

Lately at night in the bathroom, I looked into the mirror and welcomed the new wrinkles which joined me secretly during the day. While brushing my teeth I started pondering … uhm… yes, while brushing my teeth I am often pondering about a lot of things. There is not a lot you can do in those two to three minutes and so my thoughts start traveling and boy, they can get far in that short time…!!! But back to the topic!

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Happiness Fair in Radolfzell, Germany

Hi friends, I wasn’t around today because in the morning I took off to Radolfzell. I was one of the speakers at the so-called Happiness Fair. A friend of mine, who did the setup and cover for my German I’m Free and who helped me with the translation of the English edition, had a booth at that fair. After I had given my lecture I helped her out at the booth when she gave her lecture. 

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Your Well-Being Matters!

I inspired myself to this post when I had to set priorities in my current busy life. I learned that many years ago when I found myself surrounded by too many activities. It happened step by step unnoticed until it got too much. It is related a lot to the lesson of saying No:

You love what you do. You really love it. You are proud of what you are achieving every day. You are versatile, doing this and that. There are so many things you want to do in your life and you are not only talking about it, you are doing it. Things work out, and projects succeed and grow. That is wonderful but all of a sudden the many projects can get too much and I don’t even throw life in yet. When everything grows it can be overwhelming because you are still only one person. You still have only 24 hours a day. But you also still love all you started.

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I Am…!

I recently posted a quote titled Who Am I? It said: Realizing who you are, does not mean finding out who you are!

We mostly notice that at times we are feeling something in certain situations which is not for our benefit. That can be anger, jealousy, greed, frustration, or resistance. And we don’t even know why we feel it. It is coming up like a reflex when a certain person calls or when we are confronted with repeating issues or happenings. Then these emotions show up and take over instantly and we feel helpless doing anything against them. But we know exactly that we don’t want it, that it is in our way, and that it would make our life so much easier without them. But how to get there?

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“They are feeling the feeling as if…”

Just before I started writing this post I got a Twitter message in which I was invited to watch a fantastic video of the great Gregg Braden. I saw him at a workshop in Pasadena last October and was completely caught by his presence and his message. He explained perfectly how the heart has memory cells just like the brain. Therefore it has a brain of its own (actually each organ has but the heart has the most). This made me understand in a very physical explanation why the heart and mind are often pulling in different directions but also why they have so much power when aligned. Things we actually already perceive as inner knowing.

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