Love is patient, Love is kind…


What is love? How can it be defined? I don’t know if we ever get its whole meaning or even an idea of it. But the 1 Corinthians, chapter 13 provides a profound insight into what love can be and how we recognize if it is love we feel or only an aspect of it. It gives a direction if we act out of love and if we live in a love that is life’s elixir and our origin. Love is all we really need. That’s why we do so much in order to receive love. We make sacrifices, fight, murder, die. Love is the basic need we all have in common. If we have love there is no need to compensate it with anything in the world. The real true pure of love makes every miracle possible. Then we have found the master-key to life.

1 Corinthians 13


If I speak in human and angelic tongues but do not have love,

I am a resounding gong or a clashing symbol.

And if I have the gift of prophecy and comprehend all mysteries and all knowledge;

if I have all faith so as to move mountains but do not have love, I am nothing.

If I give away everything I own,

and if I hand my body over so that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing.


It is not jealous, love is not pompous, it is not inflated,

it is not rude, it does not seek its own interests,

it is not quick-tempered, it does not brood over injury,

it does not rejoice over wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.

It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.


If there are prophecies, they will be brought to nothing;

if tongues, they will cease;

if knowledge, it will be brought to nothing.

For we know partially and we prophesy partially,

but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

When I was a child, I used to talk as a child, think as a child, reason as a child;

when I became a man, I put aside childish things.

At present we see indistinctly, as in a mirror, but then face to face.

At present I know partially;

then I shall know fully, as I am fully known.


What do these beautiful statements mean?

Without love I am nothing.
We mostly identify with things like our name, our body, our profession, our possessions. But how unhappy are so many (not all) wealthy people? Many people identify their happiness with what they achieve or own but forget that without love it has no quality. You cannot enjoy the most beautiful car without love in your heart. That’s why the need to strive for more possessions seems unquenchable. Love makes you enjoy, cherish and see the beauty in everything. Like happiness, love is something that multiplies when shared. With love, we set traces of light at each point of our life.

Whatever I do without the energy of love is meaningless. We can put as much ambition as we want into a project, but if it doesn’t happen out of love but out of a craving for recognition it won’t endure and will be a pain in the neck all the way. When the energy of love carries our thoughts, words, and act, then we create for eternity. Love is the source energy of all life – life’s energy itself. Love is divine energy and God is never-ending. Which means, that giving birth to projects within a state of love they are meant to be.

Love is patient, love is kind.
Love has nothing to do with self-expression, but with the joy for what is, respect of the creation, and all its beings. Love is being and becoming. It has nothing to enforce but it lets happen in delight. Love is a place in our hearts. Love is endless. That’s why we have endless room in our hearts. The more we let in the more room is created. There is no reason to lock anyone out.
Love, as it is mentioned here, is pure and unconditional. It is different from human love which too often is mixed up with physical attraction and exchanging favors, expectations and being made happy. Love is the all-embracing energy around and within us. That love that unites, connects, moves, inspires, encourages, and motivates us to move on and grow out of our shall.

Love never fails.
Love cannot be explained. Love is a deep feeling l inseparably connected with who we are. True love can never be put in words, which means love is something from far beneath the world of words. It is something far greater and wiser. When we were born into this world we have brought love along.  Therefore acting out of something that created this world and its words can never fail. But we can only use this power when we feel it.
Start thinking with the heart of a child again. Get still and look inside in order to feel what might be hidden. Meditate and get closer again to the big truth that lies within you. Because in love lie all the answers. When we feel love, we feel God, we feel ourselves. It is like coming home after a long vacation. This connection carries all explanations and doesn’t ask for explanations of our mind anymore. Because then you have access to unlimited wisdom. You are your prophet because God’s truth is finally able to radiate through you and take form.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love
Whenever a tragedy or catastrophe happens in the world where people might have lost everything, what fills the place and what is this wave that flows around the globe? It is love. Love remains. Love gives hope. Love is the mother of faith. Where there is love there is no fear.
When we begin to understand then we realize that love is the only instrument we need, in order to live in peace and inner harmony. Faith and hope, confidence, patience, tolerance, serenity, devotion, compassion and forgiveness occur of love. The impulse of true love would cease war, violence, diseases, and hunger immediately. If we develop all of those qualities from the love inside then we are inviolable. Then we not only feel our Soul but we realign. We understand that our true Self can never be harmed. Our Soul is immortal and so is love.


Once we feel love as it was created we will see clearly how ego-driven we have lived for generations. We understand how little we cared for nature and therefore for each other. In the end, it all grows with love or dies without. A blogging friend once said: “As all of this ignorant bullshit was created by man, so it can also (I hope) be undone by man.” I believe it can! It is in our hands. Whatever we find in this world and don’t like we can change for the better for everyone – if we only use the power of love!

We are the change – we are love!
Love is all I need, all I have and all I can give – without love I am nothing!


In Love and Light!

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Healing, Love


Isn’t it so deep and basically it says it all. Yes, you are right, it is comforting too very much. I hope you are doing good, Lisa. Sorry, if I missed one of your posts. I just got back from a short vacation. Have a nice Sunday 😊


What a beautiful post! Truly and deeply beautiful.

And if we do not have love we just make alot of noise but it means nothing, like a gong.

And you’re right nothing brings hope faster than in conditional love!

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Erika, I like the first two parts of this saying a great deal. Love is long term. It continues beyond the initial infatuation, so it must be patient. It must be kind as well. We must treat our loved ones well. Keith

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What a profound post Erika, and what a beautiful example from Corinthians to illustrate that meaning behind Love holds..
Indeed without Love we are nothing.
Love is the lesson we all came here to understand and learn.. Many to heal their brokeness, through finding again the love within themselves.. And to learn that it is only by learning to go within and love ourselves, forgive ourselves that we can truly begin to love and forgive others..

Your words so resonated Erika, for I agree whatever energy we put into our lives, without love it is meaningless..
What is the point of being in a job if your heart is not in it, what is the point of being in a relationship if there is no love being exchanged..

I have been spending more time just doing the things I love, and being true to the calling of my heart.

“When we feel love, we feel God, we feel ourselves. It is like coming home after a long vacation. This connection carries all explanations and doesn’t ask for explanations of our mind anymore. Because then you have access to unlimited wisdom. You are your prophet because God’s truth is finally able to radiate through you and take form. ”

So loved this statement from you Erika.. When we truly UNDERSTAND, that LOVE is our true purpose here, we will then create a more harmonic convergence here on Earth that then begins to create that which we came here as way showers, to align ourselves with our eternal souls.. Showing others that humans have lost their way, by giving into greed.. Love is to share, that which we have with others.
And YES YES YES Erika.. WE are indeed the Change!!.. We are LOVE..
Brilliantly said my friend.. 💜🙏💙

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Sue, your comment gave me goosebumps (like it often does). Love is truly everything and everything becomes meaningful when love flows through it. Love is that secret ingredient which gives life to projects, relationships, dreams, simply every single action.
When love speaks we radiate something that connects or banishes all that is destructive. With love in our actions and words each on of us becomes a healer.
Thank you for your wonderful words, Sue. They are more than appreciated.
Lots of LOVE to you, dear friend 💖

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