Stop Judging and You Begin to See

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We are talking a lot about unveiling the ego and letting go of its destructive grip. It is much easier said than done. The ego has grown over years as part of our own development. Of course, it depends a lot on the inner steadfastness we had in our younger years and on how much influence we let happen. Also, it depends on how long we got influenced and on the time the ego has had to grow from us feeding it with our convictions and experiences which were created through the eyes of the ego again… a pretty vicious circle, isn’t it?

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There are many ways the ego shows up when even in disguise. One of them is judging others for their opinions, their look, the way they live, the way they move through or deal with life. We can tell pretty quick when we only start comparing us with them. We either judge them or ourselves. Even apparently tolerant people can have those reflexive thoughts inside. I don’t know anyone who hasn’t. This is human and THE source for many lessons. It shows up not only in private situations but also at work, when watching the news,  in politics, on vacation,… The problem with this judging attitude is that in the end, we are limiting ourselves more than those we judge. What we judge on others is what we don’t grant ourselves. waynedyer1.jpgIn order to be free for opportunities, options, chances, we need to leave the little box we put ourselves in. We need to leave the place of insisting to get our little rights. We need to learn to listen to others and consider us in their situation. Would we still think the same way? And even if not, take it as another possibility which has not been visible for us yet. When we deliberately make the decision to set our own point of view aside and align openly with the other one, all of a sudden the energy changes. They feel respected and taken serious. As a result, they feel comfortable in your presence which makes them more willing to cooperate or at least they more likely open up for a compromise. Bildergebnis für if I stop judging other people, I free myself quoteNot judging others gives me the same freedom to be me as I grant my counterpart. I experience less stress and pressure to fit in or to fulfill other people’s expectations. I can be me and from there walk the path which has been meant for me (with probably fewer detours). Who I am and all I am connected with through my spiritual origin flows through me, through all I do, through all I say, and leaves a trace of awareness, love, and inspiration. When I stop judging, I liberate myself from a limiting construct of belief patterns. When I stop judging and instead look at who I am and what is (not what I imagine is) I see chances, beauty, and numberless little miracles. I see the miracle I am, the miracle life is, and the miracles life provides. I see the miracles I can effectuate by letting my being happen. Breaking the spell judgment inevitably casts, means opening up for possibilities. It means reconnecting my spiritual origin with my source, with God. And with God all things are possible. Bildergebnis für if I stop judging other people, I free myself quote


In Love and Light

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


What you SEE is actually a reflection of your inner self. We need to choose to see things with love rather than judgement. I love your inspiring posts, Erika. You speak my heart 💟❤💜💖💗

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Yes, this is exactly it! All possible choices are surrounding us, positive, negative, easy, difficult, constructive, destructive… Whatever we think of or believe in, it is there to pick.
Himali, I love your comment. Would you allow me to share the first sentence?


I believe in being open minded. Giving people the benefit of the doubt. Even giving 2nd and 3rd chances because people can change.

However I also believe the quote from the late great Maya Angelou, When people show you who they are. Believe them.

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Yes, I like what you said about second and even third chances. We only learn. Sometimes we need more turns but with each experience we learn and as we want it we should grant others their chances too. Thank you, Deborah. Love to you!

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People should be given a chance to learn but not at my expense or anyone I love.
My Dad had an expression. Don’t mistake kindness for weakness.

I’ve had people come at me and try to come for me. That was a big mistake on their part and I taught them lessons they won’t forget.

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Oh yes, kindness doesn’t mean kind people are free to be used for the needs or benefits of others! There is an important difference and has to do with respect!


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