Footprints in the Sand by Mary Stevenson

While emailing Michelle Marie from we talked about the misunderstanding between so many people and God. That reminded me of a beautiful, touching, and comforting poem I would like to share with you. It still gives me goosebumps reading it:

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
“You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?”

The Lord replied,
“The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints,
is when I carried you.”

Mary Stevenson

In Love and Light!

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Courage, Faith, God, Healing, Love, Poetry


I know… I could go crazy when I click on send and just discover a typo. But that happens to all of us. And you and I have an excuse as well… English is not our first language… right?

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