Daily Kind Quote – 5078

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5066

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5055

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Knowledge Through Remembrance

I must have been 7 or 8 years old when I sat in the back of our car driving home. I had my hand resting on the armrest of the car door. It was in the 70s, and since there was no smartphone, tablet, or whatever, I was looking out of the window, thinking of everything and nothing when my eyes wandered to my hand. I began watching it, and this initial thought came to my mind: “So, that is my hand now.” Further, I moved my hand and consciously watched what it could do. I even remember I wondered what it would look like over the years.

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Daily Kind Quote – 5043

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

I’m Free – Part 3: Journey to Freedom

Freedom has become more and more of an issue again in our current world. May it be physical or mental liberty. I decided to share short excerpts from my book I’m Free – Awareness of Who You Are by Discovering Who You Are Not!

On four consecutive Mondays, I will share an excerpt from each of the four parts of the book:

  1. Our True Self
  2. Origin of Fears and Blockages
  3. Journey to Freedom
  4. Realignment


The Realization of the True Self

“Realize your essence and you will witness the end without ending.” Lao-tzu

The unbelievable discovery of our own forgotten Self happens in most cases through a particular situation or a constellation of certain circumstances. These circumstances are so perfectly aligned with each other that we cannot escape the confrontation with the next step of our development. These circumstances usually lead us into the deepest depths of our being. We feel that everything breaks down and that all our dreams run through our fingers like sand. Sometimes we think that we lose everything we have lived for. Often we really have to give up something or make a painful experience that forces us to open an inner door we had turned away from over and over again because now we must go through it. By going through it and listening to ourselves and letting ourselves sink down to the bottom of our inner ocean, the moment arrives when we start to understand. All this often happens within a short period of time. The situation is becoming particularly acute from all sides, and apparently, a radical change is about to come. Then a straw breaks the camel’s back. It feels like a gigantic explosion inside of us, blasting everything away that was compressed in us. It is like the tension between two tectonic plates discharging through an earthquake. All the accumulated, forbidden emotions and frustrations are like a helter-skelter trying to get outside.

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#PoetryDay – 80


Moments of soul talks
The universe, a marble
Brief enlightenment

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5117

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5097

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

#JustAThought… on Love

The post I am writing today got inspired by Mark’s post What is Love? which he posted a couple of days before I wrote this one. When I read only the title of Mark’s post, a tsunami of thoughts flooded my mind. Here is what I commented on his post:

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

In Understanding The Ego, We Overcome It

I have often thought about this, I know many of us do it, whether the soul or the ego speaks to me in specific situations. Especially when we find ourselves in complicated and challenging life situations or facing important decisions, it can become even more difficult to distinguish between the voice of the ego and the voice of the soul. You want something badly and feel the urge to pursue it. But is it your ego pride that drives you, or is it the flame of your soul that you feel burning? Is it the wisdom of your soul that wants to save you from a painful detour, or is it the ego that does not want you to follow and fulfill your soul’s calling?

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Life is for the Living

Today I am addressing a topic I recently discussed with a friend. Some people celebrate life, and some almost feel guilty for doing it. Feeling guilty about enjoying life can be for various reasons, such as having someone close taken from them, having caused unhappiness, pain, or loss to others (even if it wasn’t intentional), having failed, and feeling ashamed.

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Sometimes Not-Understanding Takes You Further


Don’t we all have times when many things go through our minds and hearts at once? So many different thoughts which escape the moment they seem within reach. At the same time, it’s obvious that everything has a common denominator. It can be frustrating and feels like you’re just going in circles with no way out. And while you think you have all your problems together now, to finally put everything in order or sort it out, life adds something else to confuse you.

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light


Soul Recognition

I’m sitting in a meadow
Pondering about life
What really is important
What is the greatest prize

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Accepting and Resigning


I recently enjoyed a singing bowl treatment. If you’ve never had one, you wouldn’t believe what it can do to your body and soul. Before the treatment, we always talk about whether I have any specific requests regarding the outcome. I usually tell her to just do what she feels is necessary. I want to keep my head out of it and let happen what needs to happen. But last time, I wanted her to consistently follow up on any blocks she finds. I told her that I am so tired of a reflexive resistance arising in me when it comes to things that are ridiculous and that lock me up inside. This automatic resistance keeps me from expanding, and I’m so tired of working against it, which only causes more resistance. I said I wanted to be transparent and permeable. After the treatment (which was very effective), she said, resistance is not necessarily a bad thing but rather an intuitive reaction to not letting it all in. That got me thinking.

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5 Lessons to Live by


Most of you may know that I have been a big fan of Dr. Wayne Dyer. The first book of his I read has found me miraculously – not the other way around – and it changed my life. I had read lots of great books before, such as The Law of Attraction, The Power of Now, The Secret, and many others. But just this one book was the central piece of the puzzle that connected all the aspects flying around in my little universe into and fundamental basis for my personal journey to awareness.

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#JustAThought… The Moment of Enlightenment

I still believe that the core purpose of the journey through this lifetime lies in rediscovering our own light, in the way we deal with what happens leads us closer to recognizing who we really are. Joy, pain, drama, success, love, loss, stress, relief shows the results by the consequences of our actions and reactions. Every little incident tells us something about ourselves and the more we experience the more we might see that it is up to us how we experience what happens. Nothing new! BUT…

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A Single Moment

A fireball, a shooting star
Tsunami of emotions
A crumbling wall, a clearing view
Deep feelings of devotion

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It Has Always Been In You

The deepest moments of happiness are those we experience inside of us. It is when we realize that happiness is not depending on what happens outside but inside of us.

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Daily Kind Quote

Humbleness and Gratitude.PNG

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and

Looking Beneath Free Will


Before I start with the actual topic I want to make sure that whatever I write here or in any of my posts is not what I think is the one and only truth. But it is what I believe. Some things I can explain, some things I can’t because they arise as an inner knowing – as a feeling of a deep truth. But I also know that many of you connect with that same inner feeling or at least a similar one.  Read more ›

You – The Candle In The Dark

I wrote this post while sitting on my patio with my laptop. I love working outside, enjoying the sounds of nature around me, smelling the scent of the coming fall, and feeling the warmth of the last warm days. I wouldn’t mind if it stayed like this until next spring…. haha. We had some very hot times this summer and I loved it. I mind the cold rather than the heat. But during the last few days when it got really cool in the mornings and evenings, I noticed something about me. I enjoyed the chilly feeling on my skin in some way. It made me think of taking a hot bath or cuddling in some cozy clothes again.

What I enjoy about it is the moment when getting from the cold into the warmth. That cozy moment when cuddling into a warm blanket. When you get inside and a cup of coffee or tea is waiting for you. I noticed that temperatures of 12 °C (55 °F) in the morning already give me chills after the 30 °C (90 °F) only a week before. During winter we will get down to freezing temperatures and 12 °C will appear very warm again. Funny, how subjective we experience this.

It all made me think of the duality we live in and from which we learn. How we notice the warmth so much more when it is getting cold and how relatively cold and warm can be. When we never lost something we might not be able to treasure all that we still have. Because when we had it all and lost it we will be so much more aware and thankful for all the new things that come towards us again. Nobody wants to live in darkness, most of all not the ones who experienced it. But aren’t the ones who did, those who know the real value of the light? Aren’t the ones who got ill the ones who know how precious health is? Aren’t the ones who got heavily tested and challenged by life the ones who are most compassionate?

The contrast makes us understanding, appreciative, thankful, wiser, and stronger. Through contrast, we learn what we want and what we don’t want (anymore). We need to experience both sides in order to understand both. Again, we need to feel the warmth and the cold in order to understand what warm and cold actually mean. And now there is something else: Even if I learned for myself about warm and cold somebody else can experience it completely differently.

The physical world makes it possible that everyone can experience themselves within the duality in their personal and unique way. This is amazing in many ways. First, there is room for each and every experience and second, there is not only one single truth regarding perceiving life. We are bringing our own light down here. We are coming from a place of light. It is a shining place. But when everything is so light, how can we recognize our own light? That is why we come down here. The seasons, day and night are a visible analogy to the changes we are going through. When it is getting dark outside we are switching on the lights or light candles. WE MAKE LIGHT – because we want/need to see! When we find ourselves surrounded by darkness figuratively the moment will come when we recognize our light again. Those are the enlightening moments. Each of those moments makes us remember our own light again.

Contrast is what we chose in order to evolve and to have the moments of awareness which are fueling us with more power and joy than any physical possession or achievement ever could. The gift of this physical life is the gift of awareness. We get chances and choices. It is up to us what to choose. We often know in advance that one choice may cause us to cross a dark valley before we are reaching the sunny side again. We might not take that choice and stay on that side of the valley. But sometimes we know exactly what is waiting behind the valley and we risk the journey. Once we have reached the other side we are not only treasuring that sun even more but we are also so much stronger. The contentment that we made and the experiences we gained on our journey are giving this new place that we chose an even deeper meaning!

There are dark episodes in our lives. But don’t be afraid of the dark. It is only temporary. This is not your real home just a place to discover yourself. You are coming from light and you are light. Each time you see the sun dawning again will remind you. You are the candle in your own night. This light is always with you. You cannot lose it because you cannot lose who you are. Let yourself shine. It not only connects you stronger to your origin but it also helps others to find their lights again.

In Love and Light