I’m Free – Part 3: Journey to Freedom

Freedom has become more and more of an issue again in our current world. May it be physical or mental liberty. I decided to share short excerpts from my book I’m Free – Awareness of Who You Are by Discovering Who You Are Not!

On four consecutive Mondays, I will share an excerpt from each of the four parts of the book:

  1. Our True Self
  2. Origin of Fears and Blockages
  3. Journey to Freedom
  4. Realignment


The Realization of the True Self

“Realize your essence and you will witness the end without ending.” Lao-tzu

The unbelievable discovery of our own forgotten Self happens in most cases through a particular situation or a constellation of certain circumstances. These circumstances are so perfectly aligned with each other that we cannot escape the confrontation with the next step of our development. These circumstances usually lead us into the deepest depths of our being. We feel that everything breaks down and that all our dreams run through our fingers like sand. Sometimes we think that we lose everything we have lived for. Often we really have to give up something or make a painful experience that forces us to open an inner door we had turned away from over and over again because now we must go through it. By going through it and listening to ourselves and letting ourselves sink down to the bottom of our inner ocean, the moment arrives when we start to understand. All this often happens within a short period of time. The situation is becoming particularly acute from all sides, and apparently, a radical change is about to come. Then a straw breaks the camel’s back. It feels like a gigantic explosion inside of us, blasting everything away that was compressed in us. It is like the tension between two tectonic plates discharging through an earthquake. All the accumulated, forbidden emotions and frustrations are like a helter-skelter trying to get outside.

What follows is absolute silence and a feeling of deep peace. Within this peace, a light quietly begins to shine, and it is getting lighter and lighter while it fills up the space with light and warmth. We recognize the essence of what we are and realize that all the negative emotions burst out of us because they have not been part of our True Self – and they never were. They were only artificial masks made of attachments to adapted thought patterns and belief systems. Now finally we are ready to let them go. We sense the immense life energy encompassing us, and we perceive a deep relief and an unbelievable feeling of security. An overpowering feeling of gratitude and happiness may be felt and seen as tears running down our cheeks. It feels as if there is something within us that is far bigger than we are and that hardly finds room in our bodies. All hindering thoughts and self-imposed prohibitions that had put us in chains and narrowed us are falling off like dried sludge. The wisdom within us and the love that we are, fulfill us and flow into every corner of our existence. We literally feel as if we send out rays of light. We realize that we did not lose anything, but that we still have everything. We realize that we can never ever lose anything at all and understand that everything on the outside is subject to transiency anyway. The false identification with things in our outside world begins to dissolve.
All at once we can see what we are and what we are not. When we give up everything, because we are forced to let go of things we cannot and may not hold on to, everything that covered our True Self until now then automatically disappears. A strong force rises within us and gives us the knowledge that we can achieve anything we begin to tackle. With a never known power, our exposed Self emits waves from our deepest and sacred inside. We emit waves of faith, belief, acceptance, and gratitude instead of vibrations of stubbornness, attachment, insecurity, and fear. This new emanation has so much more power than the old one because the blocking opinions about us have disappeared. With this new openness and consciousness, we know that we are given everything that we really need through our Creator’s love.

At one or more points in our lives, it is inevitable to let go of something. We must lose it in order to realize what we really possess. Through the liberation of outer things – whether voluntary (consciously) or imposed (by external circumstances) – we are becoming independent. We let go of things with which we erroneously identified. True freedom only arises through the independence of external things like compulsions, expectations (through us or others), and possessions. With this new independence, we are able to include everything in our hearts that we thought we would lose without clinging to it. We realize the grace of liberation and the glory of our unique being. I wish to recall Lao-tzu’s quotation from the beginning of this chapter: “Realize your essence and you will witness the end without ending.” Whatever ceases to exist around us – including our physical body – allows us to experience that we do not cease to exist. By letting go of external influences we remove attributes of ourselves that we are not and never were. Throughout our whole life, these attributes only covered what we really are, because we allowed them to. These false attributes can be compared with a costume which, on the surface, helps us to be somebody else. When we finally take it off again, our true apparition comes to light. This costume is woven from adapted belief patterns, of the acquired attitude of wanting to satisfy others’ expectations, of accepted guidelines we internally resist, of dependencies of persons, possessions, and circumstances. By taking this costume off, we expose the view to what we can never lose – to what has provided us with the gift of our physical life and with the power of manifesting our dreams and wishes. We see what remains when the body perishes. We see and feel the wonder that we are.

At that very moment, we are free – absolutely free!

In love and Light

Side-Note: I’m Free is available in English and German as an e-book, hardcover, or softcover at any online platform or your preferred bookshop.

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Erika Kind, I'm Free


This is so beautifully written Erika, touches it all to perfection. A heart well opened, released of all its baggage because it can now fly. And oh what a view, and sharing it so well. I needed this today, it gives so much courage to take another step, dare to find that light within us so that we can fly too.

Thank you kind lady, a jewel in the darkness to guide us home 😀❤️🙏🏽

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That’s true, although experienced once, we need that reminder at times to dare take another step deeper inside. Sometimes it feels like taking the first step although we have already come so far. I feel humbled that this excerpt was able to shine the light on trust and courage on you to keep it going. Thank you, Mark 💖

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Exactly Erika. And you touch me within often dear lady. Our journey are ever different, no two the same, but so true for the love found within them for us all. Just keep shining your light dear lady and it will shine exactly as it should for the many. Thank you ❤️🙏🏽

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In the end, the destination and the insights we need to get there are the same for all of us. We only have different approaches. I think that too is a lesson that many need to learn.
I will do my best, dear Mark. Your words already worked wonders ✨

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When I wrote that paragraph, I was diving so deep into that undiscribable feeling again, when you drop that weight and feel like embracing the whole world. Still, words don’t do it justice, right?

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Since we were children we have been conditioned/influenced to be a certain way or carry certain beliefs contrary to who we really are. You really get at the heart of the matter. Once all that inner excess of who we wre not dissolves, then we are aware of our true self. Thanks for sharing from your book, very cool.

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It is my absolute pleasure and also good for me to read it again. I was too distracted for the past 5 to 6 years and lost this depth out of sight, only to feel the lack physically and mentally. So, I am happy to share this energizing feeling of light and joy when finally dropping the weight that has never been ours. And also seeing clear, what that layer kept us from that cannot happen anymore.

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What a beautiful description Erika ..
We’ve worn so many masks disguising our true selves… As we wear the many labels others give or expect of us. And as we Let go of expectations and those limitations we place upon ourselves as we understand we truly can achieve anything we wish. We begin to release those self doubts, and those conditions of past learnt behaviour patterns often that we have carried from early childhood or even beyond, from our past incarnations.

I love your analogy of it being like a costume, that we wear and when we finally take it of, we become our true selves..
I read this with a huge smile dear Erika… Thank you for sharing part 3… Loved it..
Sending Love and hugs my friend ❤

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In fact, the feeling is indescribable when all of a sudden you drop a layer that was so heavy and you finally realize that it has never belonged to you. That moment, when you can let go. I don’t know how many layers are still waiting but the joy, liberation, and energy that is going along with it is priceless and worth the effort and struggle before. Also, the insight sinks deeper that we are so much more than what we see with our physical eyes, so much more that we cannot even imagine.

Thank you so much, dear Sue. Your words always add so much meaning, and as always it is so wonderful to feel the flow of energy in our conversations.
Much love to you, my dear friend and have a blessed week 💖

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Oh I am sure I have a few more layers to peel… But each one adds more flavour and meaning to my life… 🙂 And I am always grateful when our energies flow between us… It shows me we are following our inner guidance and on the right path… 🙂 ❤ Hugs your way xx ❤

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