Regression – My Deeds Become My Experience

When people are dealing with the same incidents and issues again, or, when they get confronted with the same fear or even become the victim of something, the origin can lie in a past life, and in the current life, it is to work it out. I know this will be a sensitive topic, but I dare to touch it for today’s post. You will soon see why!

About twenty years ago, I took a first look at past lives. The first “memory” I revised must have been in medieval times (or at least so it appeared to me). I was a child of eight or nine years and found myself sitting alone in the middle of a meadow. I walked to the nearby village. The streets were empty, and I noticed a sound coming from the church. I entered the church, but no one took notice of me. I sat on a bench and watched the scenery. The whole village must have been in the church. When I looked at the altar, I saw a casket. Now, it was clear why no one looked at me. It was my funeral.
We went a bit further back in time. I was still alive and accompanied my father to work. He was a stonecutter and worked at a little chapel beside a canyon. I played and ran around when suddenly, I saw the canyon right below me. I realized that I was falling – the cause of my death. 
So, my conclusion was, that this was the reason for my fear of heights. In the same session, I went into another story, and there, I fell down the stairs, which confirmed my theory.

So, the conclusion, in general, would be that one or several bad experiences regarding the same issue haunt us for the rest of our time. And we need to overcome what happened to us to free ourselves? NO! We are not the poor victims who even have to dig themselves out of the mud others threw them in. A few years ago, a schoolmate from elementary school and I met for a coffee. I had no idea how spiritual he was. But he opened my eyes to this topic. 

The reason that I am afraid of heights is not that I accidentally fell or was pushed. The origin is that I had pushed someone else before. I pondered for a moment and then smiled. It made complete sense to me, and I like this explanation much more. It is the same as when we say: “What we sow, we reap” or “What I send out, I will get back to me”. I don’t know why I had not considered it the same rule. That way, I direct my experiences and take the consequences. If I believed in the victim’s story, I would have no say over my life and would be pushed back and forth at will by a higher power – although, I have free will. The victim would even be punished for what others did to them. That does not make sense at all. I like believing I was the perpetrator, and now I have to experience the other side. That’s fair, and I can deal better with this issue. That’s how we learn and evolve. That can be applied to anything we have to deal with in our lives, like losses, diseases, and being mistreated. And here we get to why I said it is a sensitive topic. Most people back off and refuse to look at this theory. They don’t want to know anything about them causing their mess themselves and that they were the bad guy. Of course, the same works with the good things we receive in life. We might have done something pretty well in the past that good things come our way today. Someone saves your life because you once saved their life. 

You know, I am no expert regarding past life therapy, and I don’t claim that everything can be explained that way. Definitely not! There can be agreements between two incarnating souls about what they do to each other to share experiences (maybe that is even standing in a context) or other reasons. I don’t even think we are coming down here for doing bad things to each other. Every experience makes us develop, and I believe that other souls make themselves available to be the bad guys, fully aware that they add bad karma – what wonderful souls those are. That is one of the reasons I believe in the good in everyone. Only the worst people activate good ones and make our collective awareness reach a higher level. 

So, only because it makes complete sense to me doesn’t need to make sense to you. But since I learned to visit past lives myself, I saw quite some nasty stuff I did, and it makes me even more want to be a good person now. I am not afraid of looking at past lives. It is over – it is history. But it can give hints of how to make something better and solve bad karma or prevent me from creating more of it. Maybe I am even completely wrong. But this theory does at least support better behavior and gives the idea that there is justice that always finds the originator – sooner or later. 

It is a huge topic, and there is so much more about it. So many thoughts are racing through my mind now. I would love to discuss what you think about this and what experiences you have had. 

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


So mind triggering topic.. all I can say we have to appreciate our present moment because it is in the here and now that our true potential lies. Our souls are eternal and ever charging so we should embrace that, but time is only an illusion in the higher dimensions. Much love

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Yes, Sanjo, I see it that way too. Today we are the summary of everything we experienced before. This is how we evolve. And being in the awareness of this and the present moment, simply being the best person we can be, is all we need to be.
Time is truly an illusion to support our deveolpment. I love how you said that. Would you allow me to quote you: “All I can say we have to appreciate our present moment because it is in the here and now that our true potential lies.”

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Interesting topic Erika, and I have to admit that Spirit has not touched on it for some reason. Maybe it will affect what I do now. But…what you just said most definitely ‘feels’ right simply because Spirit has always shown me that there is ‘opposites’ in everything so that we can understand. We have to experience sadness so that we can appreciate happiness so much more when it comes along. So it would be only natural that if you do something bad that you will attract something to make you feel what you had previously created, and have a greater understanding because of those experiences.

And yes, those feel good or bad experiences all lead to one thing, that beauty of unconditional love. We all want to be in a place of happiness and love, but to get there ‘life’ is ever a pointer in that direction or not. Love must be the ‘attractor’ of whatever is needed to find it, even if many things are painful. But those journey’s are usually the biggest lessons.

Great post kind lady, and thank you for an interesting share. I think I may put in a request for a little more understanding on it…but then, maybe I already have, and why I am here where I am now 🤣❤️🙏

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It is such a huge topic, and of course, I only scratched on the top of the surface. I believe in reincarnation. And it sounds just logical to me that we don’t get away with what we did in one life and happily step into the next one the same way. But I also believe that we know before that whatever we choose to experience, we have to take the other side in any further life and we choose when and what. But we have to go throught it all until we dissolved everything. I love this! Nothing happens in bad intentions but only in the intention of exploring and we know that we have to take the consequences too! That’s justice!

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Most certainly, to go through so many things so we can understand truly both sides of the coin and realize ourselves deeper and deeper. Beautifully said Erika.

And I have a great friend that we compare our journeys, And now swear we are not going to be sitting with each other ‘up there’ when we are selecting our next journey. Ever trying to outdo each other until we tick all the boxes 🤣❤️🙏

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Years ago I asked my church group…….if our soul exists after we die, how can we be sure it didn’t exist before we were born? I believe, for me, it did. 🌟✨💫

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I agree, how can we know either way? But everyone has a feeling about it, and some may even get hints that strengthen that feeling (which way ever that feeling goes). What I believe in is that there is a higher natural justice. What we give we will receive. And we will have to take the conesquences of our deeds, whenever they took place. For me, I too, believe that the soul exists long before physical life surfaced and it will outlive any physical life.

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I am not a great believer in a mystical past life impacting my future, but I totally subscribe to my living history affecting my future. I am also a strong supporter of the “be your own destiny” perspective, in that how we live “today” is likely to impact us “tomorrow”.

This leads very nicely into taking responsibility for our own lives. Our lives are a consistent series of decision making moments, and we must take responsibility for those decisions. To argue “I had no choice” (for specific situation) is total nonsense in that we always have choices. The obvious ones are “to agree to something” or “Not to agree to something”. Even choosing “not to make a decision” .. is a decision which one must take responsibility for.

Two quotes immediately come to mind in the context of one’s life – “Treat others the way you would like them to treat you.” and “Live how you would like the world to be.”

Very thought provoking Post Erika. 🙂

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You speak straight to my heart again, Colin: “Taking responsibility for the own life.” I think that is still one of the most difficult lessons for some to learn. We talked about it before. It is simply essential. We always have a choice. Always! And if it is the way we think about what we cannot control. As I often said before: The reaction of someone says more about them then about the object they reacted to.

Thank you for adding your thoughts and the two quotes. If everybody lived by them, we had a peaceful world. Then we changed ourselves first for the better instead of blaiming others for how everything is. That again leads to the point that how we look at things creates our experience… Thank you, Colin.

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The past definitely holds keys to our present day existence. We need to be open to all means that will help us better ourselves in all aspects of our life. Good and deep post to digest.

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Yes, open to ourselves and what we can improve about us. It is never the others, it is always us who are responsible for what we have today. No matter, when we caused today’s consequences. Thank you very much, I am always happy when I can reach that. Thank you!

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in the70’s I followed a series in a Sunday newspaper called the Bloxham tapes which piqued my interest in regression. Since then I have read about a number of Indian children who appeared to recall past lives. I know of nowhere I could have this done or I would likely have tried it myself. Your past lives sound quite interesting. Hugs

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What I like about looking into former lives is that I understand my own reactions and challenges better. Plus I can accept them more since I know about their background. Since I know about the context between present hurdles and past lives, I don’t even look back anymore into past lives. I accept that what I get today is a consequence of something in the past, which past ever, and I accept the challenge and try to be the best person I can.

Thank you for sharing about how you got in touch with regression. As a child I often had deja vus of places I visited for the first time but felt like I had been there before. It is very interesting. Big hugs back at you, David.

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