It’s Only The Initial Situation – Not The Result!


When you receive a shocking diagnosis you are waiting for information about how serious everything is, about the level of the disease, about the probable treatment, and most of all about the chances of surviving and healing. Mostly there are two possible reactions: Either I fall in desperation and get worked up in fear regarding “what could happen” or I look at the chances and options to support “what could happen”. What I want to happen or what I expect to happen is an inner concept and how this inner concept looks like reveals in exceptional circumstances.


And here we go: The young man who inspired me for this post takes the things as they are. He doesn’t interpret anything into it but just moves through the process. He is not judging nor feeling sorry for himself. He simply looks at the initial situation and goes through the procedure step by step. He receives great support in this attitude by his mother and most family members which solidifies the ground for him to walk through this. His mom nailed it: “What option does he have if he wants to get over it as soon as possible?” He knows about the side-effects of the treatment (which can but don’t have to happen) but I never noticed him worrying about anything. I was even amazed when he said what positive things go along with the treatment and to even the bad reactions to the treatment. It is not that he is searching for reasons to stay positive. He looks at the positive things reflexively! When I was in Vienna lately, I took care of him during the daily hospital routine and duties when his mom was at work. You know what? We had a lot of fun, made jokes, played games and talked about the situation without any negativity or complaints.


When I was looking at how naturally he deals with his situation, I thought this was something we can apply to any challenge in our lives. Why do we mostly look reflexively at the worst-case or at a possibly bad outcome? Yes, we may be scared and shocked at the first moment but then we need to clear our minds. Because not accepting, crying, being sorry or angry, or feeling treated unfairly doesn’t change anything about what already happened. How things are now or how they were yesterday do not define how they will be tomorrow. But we are so busy being scared and worrying about what is that we lose precious time in which we could already lay a basis for a good outcome. How we deal with what is now, on one hand, defines how we can direct further development and on the other hand, how we handle further developments.


Of course, being confronted with a deadly disease is the most testing version of using a healthy positive attitude. There are less threatening obstacles we may find in our ways.  Basically, nothing in life happens to make it life worse but to make us better. When we look back, everything life threw at us pushed us to improve ourselves in physical or mental abilities. And it teaches not only one person but everybody involved, and that in exactly the way they need it and what they have to learn. Therefore it is important to look at what we can make out of what we have and how can we improve what is. The secret is being outcome-oriented but not problem-oriented.


This 16-year old gives us a lesson in not looking at the problem but at the solution. That way, he aligns with the energy of health and healing. As we all know, the thoughts we think generate the feelings we feel and they radiate the energy of that feeling which then aligns with the same energy around us. Like attracts like. That’s why we need to feel what we want to be in order to make it happen or support the development. This is the good news and the challenge: Be aware that your thoughts are the seed of what you create and how you react to what you create will become your experience. How you experience your life is not depending on a higher force and its good-will but on the level of your awareness.

Whatever you find in life now is only the initial situation. It is not the result.
Try not to judge what is since you cannot change what already happened anyway.
In not judging you prevent yourself from identifying with the undesired and
you keep your heart and mind free to move towards the place behind the problem.


In Love and Light


About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Dein Post ist wunderschön und sehr tröstend. Ich habe Ralphi gesagt, dass er für mich ein grosses Vorbild ist. Und was hat der Schlingl geantwortet? “Wieso, möchtest du auch Krebs haben”:-)

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Another beautiful write dear Erika, and so, so true.. Its how we respond and how we think that aligns our energy to work positive vibes in our healing process..
Like you said its only natural to at first be shocked by such a diagnosis about our health especially when one is young… But your friend obviously sees it for what it is, it cannot be changed it is what it is, so lets look at it from another perspective.. Lets look at all the positives.. Well done to him..

My younger middle sister did this, She was 35 when she first learnt she had breast cancer, and had to have a mastectomy, she had four young children at the time and she got through it because she was determined she wouldn’t be beaten and she needed to survive for them..
At the time of her operation a Song was in the charts called Don’t Worry Be Happy… The treatment was worse then, as they have refined the treatment alot since the 90’s… But she sang that song as her mantra every day, and she was doing washing and ironing a week after her opp, because she had to.. She drove herself, willed herself back to health and she is now the most positive person I know.. She is my hero, we are very close..
And I am certain that when we put mind over matter in any situation its how we each think and react that determines the outcome… What we Think is what we create.. another of Wayne’s legacy …
Much love dear Erika … ❤ and sending healing energy to mingle with yours.. ❤

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Wow, your sister is definitely a role model. It is THE way to deal with such challenges in life. An awesome woman, and here we have again the motivational effect. She collected all of her power to go through it as fast as possible in order to live a normal life as soon as possible. Only a goal-oriented attitude an make this happen. She looked at the outcome not at the origin.
Of course, my nephew has no children yet but he simply does what he is told to do and he is fully aware that he needs to follow. He is also aware of the seriousness but at the same time, for him it is only a when and not an if to leave it behind him. As we know with such a disease something else is worked out. I am amazed that he simply lets it happen and that is why it goes so smoothely and the progress is still amazing!
Thank you so very much, Sue! Your healing vibes are so appreciated 💖

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Thank you Erika… Yes and it really all comes down to Mind over Matter, and our inward strength and belief that we can heal ourselves.. And reminds me how Dr Joe Dispenza teaches about Quantum Healing,
Sending love and those vibes ❤

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Joining in here completely. We CAN heal ourselves. It is only about how restricted of open our mind is. Teach the mind to trust the inner guidance (here we go again – we truly are on the same wave lenght… lol).
Lots of love, Sue 💖

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Covered in goosebumps! Wow wow wow!! And just like that, we remain ourselves and not the disease. When I first found out how “bad” my back was, I cried. I mourned. And then, I realized I am not that report, I am not that piece of paper. I can be anything and anyone I want. And in so embracing this attitude, I promised myself that I would conquer this monster without complaining and without it taking away from who I am. Twenty-five years later I’m still doing this very thing. Yes I see things I wish I did not in that this back has deteriorated, but that will not deter me from keep on dancing with life, whatever may come. OH how I related to this post, Erika. I’ve got tears in my eyes.

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Amy. you are the living proof of how this works and that it does work. It is in our minds and once our minds align with our inner wisdom (here I go again with the tow “me’s” lol) we can heal ourselves. Because we do have the power!
Thank you for sharing your own experience in this comment, It is so motivating and inspiring. Hugest hugs, dear friend💖

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I am humbled, Erika. Bless you. Tween you and me, to keep this pace up, some days I am “tempted” just to give in to the “age issue” and just stop. The effort at times is massive. Yet …. the alternative is a sliding down and eventually dis-ease, and then death. Death is a given for all of us yes, but, that sort of death would be miserable. If I have my way about it, death will be kind to me. May your day be a great one, dear friend. Much love!! xo

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It is interesting what you said, because I have felt the same about it. Most of all, since I understood that I can direct a lot regarding health and also death and the aging process itself. We can do so much more than we can even imagine… Much love to you too, Amy 💖

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Wow. This young man and many like him, are the true heroes, not some sports player that can kick or throw a ball. It takes tremendous courage to be this way. A wonderful and moving post my friend. It hit a nerve, and I am in tears but in a good way. Peace.

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Believe me, I thought of you and your wife too while writing. And although I could feel with you before, I do much more now and understand the amazing way you two have come.
Thank you for this wonderful comment. It means a lot to me that it came from you, Nico! Btw. he will be released tomorrow when even he has to go back frequently and still needs to take strong meds. But he could leave really early and all looks good so far. It is such a proof that your inner tuning affects the outer results and that body, mind, and soul are one,

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[…] sitting back and waiting for others to make me happy or excited. That way I would give up responsibility for my life and I would make the quality of my feelings and the value of how I fill my life depending on circumstances and on other people’s moods or kindness. Again, this would make me get stuck in the present moment instead of taking the present moment for improving myself (like I wrote last week). […]

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[…] sitting back and waiting for others to make me happy or excited. That way I would give up responsibility for my life and I would make the quality of my feelings and the value of how I fill my life depending on circumstances and on other people’s moods or kindness. Again, this would make me get stuck in the present moment instead of taking the present moment for improving myself (like I wrote last week).  […]
