The Challenge of Growth!

Last week I wrote about the seeds we spread constantly through our thoughts, feelings, and actions. I told how they are responsible (consciously or not) for the miracles we are experiencing in life and that most of them are co-created when many put the same or similar convictions into their beliefs and convictions. After I had scheduled that post a friend of mine sent me the quote above. It is again about that little seed that carries a garden of wonders inside. But there is a different message behind it.

We are talking about the miracle of growth. We all want to evolve, want to develop, and blossom. But too often we forget that this means that we need to break through the shell we have lived in before. This can be really tough.

Throughout our lives, we are decorating our little world with our dreams, our achievements, the insights we gained from them, and the new perspectives and new dreams, achievements, and dreams. One day, our perspective might be so much bigger than the world in which it started growing. That is the moment when the caterpillar has eaten up everything and thinks that was it, I reached the limit. But in a miraculous way, it wakes up in a cocoon that seems to limit it even more. Instinctively it breaks through that cocoon and feels a lightness like never before. Not only that, all of a sudden it can even fly and enjoy the higher perspective it gains from above while fluttering through a much bigger world now.

We often reach the limits of our mental shell without noticing it. Everything around us seems to be more and more pressuring and we don’t understand. Our mind doesn’t want a change but everything pushes us towards it. Things are falling apart in our lives, losing jobs, relationships are falling apart, kids are moving out, friends are moving away, or many other things… and we are questioning what we were doing wrong or we even feel punished for something we don’t understand.

But that is all right, as we are moving on and on instinctively and consuming all around us that we need for our growth there isn’t enough left to secure our growth. But growth is the bottom line of life. That is why we came here: to experience, collect insights, and evolve from them. The benefit of this physical life is that we can break things down when it doesn’t fit anymore and build them all new in order to make them fit our current state of consciousness. When we don’t break the walls down ourselves because of our unawareness then it will happen automatically due to our changed radiation.

That is also one of those miracles I talked about last week. It is all perfectly organized in order to always keep us on track! Our spirits are in constant connection with the source. It is like the formula in an Excel sheet “When – Then”. It happens automatically without us doing anything due to a universal. It is scary of course because we don’t know what to make of it. But right this is the time when it is most important to go with the signs. Nothing happens just so. In those confusing times, it is necessary to not lose your faith. Actually, when things are falling apart it is a clear sign that you are ready for something new. That you are ready for more! The more you are aware of that and the more you are then hanging in the more you are supporting the change in order to arrive faster in your newly designed world.

Nothing happens to punish you! NOTHING! When you see that the shell is breaking apart then don’t be scared because you feel like losing your shelter. The shelter is all around you anyway. But the shelter is soft and flexible. Once it gets too tight and hardened then it needs to be broken or it gets brittle. The breakdown itself can be the necessary preparation for a life you always wished for. You are amazing and you have come here to experience how amazing you are. 

When things fall apart doesn’t mean that you are falling down. It means that you have stepped above!

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Nicely done, Erika. And, even if it does fall apart as a failure, get up, dust yourself and keep going. We learn far more from failure than success. Not learning from it is the worst action we could take.

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It is! Once we dare to crack the shell things are starting to develop and we often need to catch our breath in order to follow…. but it is all for our own sake…. again, you are an amazing example, dear 💖

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God, Van, if you knew how this touched me now. Because this is my only intention to reach others in a way that makes them look in a more loving way at themselves. Thank you so much for your kind comment, dear Van 💖

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Such an in-depth piece Erika.. As you show us that growing is all about expanding, like that seed, it needs to dry out, almost whither as it lay dormant.. Sleeping like that caterpillar in its cocoon .. Waiting for the right conditions for it its shell to fall away as the new life within awakens to reach up, stretch and take flight or grow as the seed to the light..

I understand how at times of crisis in our lives we feel challenged, wondering which way to turn and thinking perhaps our world is falling apart.. The more we fight it, the harder it can appear to travel through..
Speaking personally when I went through my own nervous breakdown in the 90’s.. It at the time felt my world was being turned upside down. As my nerves in shreds and my body gave up on me all at once..
Yet in hindsight it was the best thing that happened to me..
For it started me upon a new pathway.. Once we understand that we are who we are today because of all of the challenges we have faced in life as we push our way through obstacles and struggles.. THIS is Growth.. Its all part of the Growing process, the learning of who we are..

Erika… another wonderful piece of writing my friend.. excellently penned..

Love and Blessings for a Brilliant new week..
❤ Sue xxx

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Thank you so very much for you amazing and detailed comment and also for sharing a very impressive part of your own life that made you become so much more the person you are today. It is so hard when in the middle of a crisis and feeling the pressure from all sides. But only this makes us see that something needs to change because we are ready to take a new step. When we break down we automatically break out. If we don’t do it by ourselves then in the end our body decides when it is too much. The bigges breakdown generates the deepest insights because we are forced to pause and see! What you wrote summs it all up. It would make a post itels, Sue! You are amzing in expressing the essence! Thank you so much!💖

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Thank you very much for saying this, Miriam. It is never easy to stand in the middle of a tornado. All is confusing but holding on to the thought that it is only happening because we are ready for more and because it supports the process. In some way it is like being born into a new level in our own life…. 💖

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Something must be waiting for you! Sometimes we know and sometimes we have no idea and just feel a change coming up. Whatever it is, the more you go with it the faster you will see and the sooner you are through! Yes, hang in there. Sending you warm hugs, Miriam 💖

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It is right, it can feel that way. The insight that it actually was the only way to get us where we are supposed to be comes only later when looking back and realizing that we are already standing on that new platform. Thank you very much for your words, Irenen. I always appreciate you comments drawn from life itself 💖

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