Daily Kind Quote

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In Love, Light and Health

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Beautiful quote! I have just uploaded a blog article titled “Quotes That Can Change Your Life” – the theme being – Health Matters a Great deal – Feel Free to check
it out! – https://authorjoannereed.net/quotes-that-can-change-your-life/ – And talking about not being the victim of your thoughts the singer song writer Jewel has a lot to say about that – https://authorjoannereed.net/jewel-kilcher-a-hidden-treasure/ – Check it out!

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Hi, Joanne, very nice to meet you. I am glad you liked the quote. I made a note and wil head over as soon as I have some more time 😊


Erika, well said. So, when we have those negative thoughts crop up, we need to act on getting them out of our head. Keeping a note pad by the bed helps when work crises or undone tasks keep you awake at night. Right it down and go back to sleep. Keith

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I am having such a note pad next to my bed. You are right, those thoughts can become so much louder during the night and can drive you nuts and restless.


Well said kind lady. And the things we can create…or destroy. What power, what beauty, what destruction! 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋
Now if I could just get it together and make a Tiramisu properly I could get rid of the last one Erika. But I’m learning, I’m learning 😂 🤣

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Oh 😂Just give it another try. You know, you may go through it until the lesson is learned… which lesson ever that may be. Perhaps that Tiramisu is not meant for you 😂

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Oh no, don’t say that…not meant for me? That’s like saying don’t eat chocolate lol 🤣
Actually I can’t eat it, I’m now allergic to alcohol so I have left it as a lost cause. Not much point in getting better at something that I can’t have. It loses its shine a bit under those circumstances 😀
Many years ago I went out with an Italian lady who, under threat of death, gave me a recipe for a true Italian Tiramisu from her mum and it was a delight to eat, it almost floated off the plate (as did I with the alcohol).
But it leaves a lovely memory in my taste buds at least 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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Oh 🤣 that means I wasn’t too wrong with my joke of “not meant”… lol! But I am actually sorry hearing about your allergy (which is not an unhealthy one … hehe). But on a good note, there are tiramisu recipes without alcohol too (strawberry or orange tiramisu 😋)

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Not too wrong at all dear lady. And don’t tell me about the non alcohol ones, I might start on making them again 😀
No, I have actually converted to almost all natural eating these days (chocolate is natural isn’t it? I’m sure I got it off a tree somewhere? 🤣) because of the change in my body. It wants me to live life, not suffer it ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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