Monday Song

Hello, everybody! I spent part of last weekend in a spa hotel in Tyrol, Austria. Because of my busy life, I enjoyed it, even more, to relax for at least a few hours. The hotel was amazing, and the huge spa area there is spread over 3 floors. I was in all the steam baths, the different pools (including an outdoor infinity pool), relaxed in the different lounges on normal beds, water beds, heated beds… YAY!!

Those 24 hours was a dream. As you can see no one is there. Everybody was skiing at that time. Such peace! I even took a book along. It is ages ago that I took the time to read something I don’t need for any studies or researches. And what book was better for this reason than the latest release of my blog sister, Ritu. I thought why not taking the chance and introducing Austria to Marriage Unarranged.

But the week and my daily life have me back on this Monday. Since I am still feeling energized, why not spreading and sharing some fire? Have a great start to your week!

Play With Fire – Nico Santos

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Well done, Erika! “Marriage Unarranged” ist the best Austrians can read these days, and they have time todo, too.One should send a copy to prime minister Kurz too. Better thoughts, better results. 😉 The song meets the day, very well. Thank you, and have a amazing Monday. Michael (Far away from the virus, only listening to Miley Cyrus. Lol)

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So far, Austria is still in motion. And I hope it won’t be stopped like in Italy. But as you said… a little distraction could help our (I am Austrian) prime minister to distance from his opinion…. So far, enjoy Miley 🌞


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