Thought Gyroscope

Not only are the days of many of us already filled with obligations, ideas, plans, visions, jobs, and tasks to do. But there is even more that we absorb, even though it may not concern us in the first place. Injustice, war, diseases, tragedies, natural disasters can burden a lot more than we may think. Although the days may be well balanced and nothing has actually changed in daily routines, still, there can be a feeling of sudden overwhelm. The walls may appear closer than before. Simple tasks or even everyday things feel like a burden, whereas before you didn’t even think about it. Or maybe some discussions or statements throw you off track that you usually don’t even ignore.

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How The Well-Being of Others Becomes My Freedom – #60

In 2008 Dr. Wayne Dyer published the book “Living the Wisdom of the Tao”. It contains the 81 verses of the Tao Te Ching. Wayne Dyer wrote an affirmation to each verse to bring the meaning of it to better awareness. I was fortunate to buy that book the first time I experienced Wayne Dyer live at a lecture, and I even got the book signed by the author himself. Still, it is giving me goosebumps to think back to the moment when I was standing in front of him, handing him the book, and got it signed.

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Monday Song

Hello, everybody! I spent part of last weekend in a spa hotel in Tyrol, Austria. Because of my busy life, I enjoyed it, even more, to relax for at least a few hours. The hotel was amazing, and the huge spa area there is spread over 3 floors. I was in all the steam baths, the different pools (including an outdoor infinity pool), relaxed in the different lounges on normal beds, water beds, heated beds… YAY!!

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Am I selfish to be selfish?

Bildergebnis für sometimes you need to be selfish quotes

How far do our obligations go regarding keeping up with activities and services we once started? Life changes, our circumstances change, situations change, attitudes, change, priorities change… heck, we change! Although, from an impartial point of view, there is no question that it is clear to adjust parts of our lives to changes in our lives. But why can it be so hard to pull it through? Read more ›