Just A Thought…

Bildergebnis für new year peace quotes

I think every one of us is thinking about the change of the year. It has something melancholic and something hopeful and exciting at the same time.

There are highlights and/or dark moments which immediately show up first. But when we go deeper there is so much connecting those bigger experiences. In some way the past year – like life itself – is a string of moments which are all connected. Some may have happened without us doing anything but everything that developed from whatever happened has to do with the way we react to it, which again is a result of how we think and feel inside. Teaching, touching, confirming, exciting, encouraging, … However, if one thing would be missing some others may not have happened or they may have turned out differently. We will never know. But if we are thankful for how life has turned out we should make peace with the challenges which may have taken us here.

Bildergebnis für life is a string of moments

But what, if we have difficulties to accept the life we are in today? When we are caught in a dark cloud we tend to dig even deeper, for whatever reason. But there is more… much more. At some point, we should begin to look around. We are not isolated but connected with everything as well. And we will see that there is something that carried us through, helping hands, understanding, support, embraces, open ears… love. Life is a miracle, isn’t it? Out of the darkest moment, the brightest light can appear. The darker the moment, the brighter the light, the better we see it, and the more we see the miracle.

Bildergebnis für in the end everything will be okay if it's not okay it's not the endSometimes it is hard to believe but this quote is true. There is always something beautiful waiting on the other side of the mountain. Whatever happened during the past year, may the good things shine brighter and may the shell of sad things break apart to give way for a new flower to grow and bloom. I want to share a wonderful song of 2018 to support my wishes for you.

On a personal note, I am thanking everyone for what you are doing here on WordPress. Thank you for sharing something of yourself for all of us. Thank you for each poem, recipe, insight, news, support, inspiration, and story which made our days brighter and “tastier”, which encouraged, taught, and comforted or cheered us up. I am thankful for being part of this wonderful community.

My prayer goes up for the new year that the world outside may receive more of the oneness, respect, tolerance, acceptance, support… simply the humanity we experience here in the blogging sphere. Let’s keep up our good work, continue adding our own colors for painting a beautiful picture together, and heal the world with who we are.Bildergebnis für new year peace

Credits: thepost.com.pk|http://quotesideas.com|pinerest|quotefancy

In Love and Light


About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


It’s funny I’ve been thinking about this recently how not just our lives but the whole universe is vibrating and changing all the time. Blessings to you as well Erika 😀

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