Be What You Want To See!

“How can a person overcome the horrible things that often happen in our world?”

This question was asked by my friend Nicodemas, of NicodemasPlus ThreeHe asked the question in a comment to my post IGNORANCE – WEAPON AND SURVIVAL TOOL: FEAR. I don’t know if I met your expectations, Nicodemas, but this is what happened to be written:

Every day, many tragedies happen: accidents, diseases are diagnosed, children die, parents die, attacks destroy innocent lives, natural disasters take lives and possessions, child abuse, torture, and much more… a lot of heartbreaking happenings. And with good cause, we ask, why does this need to happen or how can people be so cruel? I already wrote a lot about everything happening for a reason and that many good souls play the role of the victim and the offender to teach each other and the grieving people. It is important to know that to be able to step back and look at the whole situation from a higher perspective. Although it is not the topic today it is part of it.

Now how to deal with the tragedies in the world? We mostly cannot do a lot or even nothing when sad things happen. And this is the crucial point that makes us feel so helpless. But you know what? We can do something! Everything in this world is directed by energy. When something bad happens we can feel like paralyzed, aggressions against injustice can come up, or we feel resentment against the cause of the tragedy. But in aligning with the same energy that caused the tragedy we even strengthen something we don’t want. Thoughts of hatred and revenge cause strong feelings that have an amazingly powerful creative energy. On one hand, it is separating instead of uniting and it causes a counterforce on the other hand.

If we don’t want bad things to happen we need to go in the direction of good things, think good thoughts, act in kind ways, and share compassion. When we fight terror with war it causes even more, acts of violence and terror. We can only break that circle by incorporating the opposite energy. Energies of hatred and revenge nurture hatred and cause more revenge. What we need to create is balance. Again, I am coming to ignore what I don’t want. We need to ignore the need to fight back and instead turn around and look in the direction where peace and compassion reign. When sending love instead of hatred the fuel is taken out of the bad energy and the sails are set in a different direction. The more people stop reacting to the game of terror and retaliation but instead care for the victims, pray for them, or do something good as a balancing act, I swear, we can change and heal the world.

And now here I am:  “How can a person overcome the horrible things that often happen in our world?”

  • Share compassion
    But don’t mix it up with pity. Feeling pity weakens. Feeling compassion strengthens. There is an easy way to approach compassion instead of pity:
  • Refuse to Judge 
    When you don’t judge you are focused on what can be done and not on what was done!
  • Ask yourself: What can I do to raise the energy?
    It doesn’t matter if you cannot do something that is directly related to the current happening. You can share food, help out a neighbor, make an anonymous gift, donate clothes or money, join a charity, or simply send out love and light. Any act of kindness raises the collective energy.

We cannot change what happened but WE CAN be part of a change. This gives our lives meaning and it unites! There may always be horrible things happening caused by individuals or groups. Nevertheless, we mustn’t be discouraged but keep up a loving attitude with our eyes toward the benefit of those in need. The worse things happen the more important it is. And everyone can do that in their own little world or even in the big world. It is easier to deal with tragedies when we do something that brings balance and shows the victims and their families that they are not alone.

We have an order to live this life the best way we can and we have to do it for ourselves as well as for everyone else. Be what you want to see and you will have the power to heal yourself and bring healing! We are on a mission!

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Yes, that is exactly the difference and I am glad you mention this. I try not to let there be a misunderstanding about it. We notice it with all our heart but we refuse to support the evil in not aligning with it!

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I believe in this totally! There may always be some who won’t but that must never discourage us to keep up our path and spread nothing but love in order to reap as much love as possible!! 💖


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