We Need To Heal The Cause, Not The Symptoms!

After the terrible happenings in the past weeks, I thought a lot about what causes people to act in violent, disrespectful, arrogant, devastating, and hateful ways. Yes, it is racism, frustration, and fanaticism. But those are only the symptoms. But what is the cause for such aggression and hatred against innocent people? I know this is a very delicate subject and I don’t claim to know the solution. There is so much about it. But to me, there are three important possible causes standing out.

Subjective information
We get influenced throughout our lives:  family, media, friends, school, games (!), and personal experiences which again are stored in our minds the way we think about them due to our previous information! If we are told from childhood that certain people or ethnic groups are dangerous or bad then we are growing up with that thought pattern and even though we never experienced something bad about them we may believe they are. The more people share our convictions the more we are convinced that what we believe is the only truth.

Lack of love
If we don’t feel loved our lives seem empty. Love is what gives meaning to whatever we do. When there is no love there seems no meaning in our lives. We try to find love because it is a basic need. If someone did not experience love as a child or even later, they may misunderstand what love is and are looking for it outside. Some misinterpret love with physical love. Some try to become someone who they are not in order to feel accepted and respected. That need can be so strong that they would even kill for it – tests of courage, gangs, terrorism, …! A lack of love to me actually is THE main reason for what happens in this world. The problem is rooted in the missing love and self-worth those people feel for themselves – due to what they were told for much too long.

We have a natural tendency to defend our lives when we feel threatened. It doesn’t have to be an obvious threat. When we are convinced enough then only the thought can make us feel threatened and we will automatically (re)act in a defensive way. Again most fears (or fearful information) are implanted during childhood. We are also scared of being alone which too can be the cause for ending up with “the wrong” people. Mostly we are scared about what we don’t know or only seem to know from tellings. So when we fear something we should check if it is really true. Today we have so many possibilities to get a bigger picture. The question is more about what kind of information we seek… Fear is the most dangerous weapon. Unfortunately, many governments are controlling their people with fear and clearly selected information.

As I said, this is only one of the many possible problems for violence which kept me thinking: fear arising from a lack of love and/or information (or the wrong information). At least it is a theory that makes sense to me. I think the lack of information does not even weigh that heavy as long as there is not that lack of self-love. Self-love generates self-esteem. Self-esteem doesn’t crave outside approval. Feeling love makes us compassionate, respectful, accepting, and tolerant. And here we are: We are open for more information which again takes the power from fear. But we are also aware of the fact that we might not know everything. Love is THE power that makes us see that acting out of fear doesn’t solve any problems – it only causes them. Love and fear are two ends of the same energy. That is why they cannot exist at the same time. Where there is love there is no fear! Whatever we want to change for the better, in the end, it always comes down to love!

I am not only talking here about racism. Any violence or unfair treatment of people breaks my heart, no matter what color, age, culture, religion, or origin. There is no excuse for violence. NO EXCUSE!!!! But there are explanations. Nobody was born evil – nobody! We don’t know what made a person the way they are today. But we know that there must be a lonely and fearful place inside of them. To make someone stop hating they must be shown their values. It may sound provocative but the ones who seem deserving the least are the ones who need the most love. Of course, this is not always easy.  Believe me, I am having difficulties myself always thinking and feeling that way when horrible things happen and I don’t know how I would react if I or my loved ones were directly affected. But I clearly know that if we react with hatred and aggression the circle will never end. Because like fear generates violence, violence again generates fear and more violence. Therefore we need to love being open in order to look beyond and to be willing to understand. We need to heal the cause, not the symptom. We can only heal the word when we act in a healing way. We will always reap what we sowed. No matter how many sad and shocking things still happen in this world, in the long run, we can only turn the rudder around when we spread the love even when it is not easy. The darker it seems, the more love we need to shine. We need to shine it on the victims and on the offenders. If we don’t grant love to everyone we break our own necks! That is what mankind needs to learn. Only love can generate love!

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Fear, Love, Peace


I am so so happy that you think and feel that way about it. I was a bit nervous to post it because it is a major subject and I don’t want to hurt or offend anyone. But then again I am convinced that there is only one way to peace I am convinced of and I won’t hide it! Thank you so very much, Sandra! 💖

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Martin Luther King Jr. was a brilliant and insightful man. He is so terribly missed, the voice of reason quieted and now we are being bombarded with hateful rhetoric, racism (from all sides) misogyny, belligerence. I am looking for the light at the end of the tunnel and hoping for it to appear soon. Thank you for this wonderful post Erika. ❤

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Thank you for this deeply heartfelt comment, Holly! I feel your bleeding heart. We need exactly that energy to stick with the good. No matter how many bad things still happen. We need to stick with love – like Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King jr., and mand others did it before. Their efforts mustn’t be in vain and that is why we have to hang in and walk the path they started – together, hand in hand! Thank you so much, Holly. Your comment moved me deeply 💖

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Thank you from my heart, Kris! This is definitely a topic that has always touched me from a very young age on. I cannot see people treated unfairly. I don’t want anyone to be made believe that they are second class – nobody! But crying about it or fighting back is not helping. We need to be what what we want to see. So many great spiritual leaders already showed us the direction. We only need to walk it – hand in hand!


A very important article Erika! Thank you for having the courage to write it. It is well thought out, and extremely well written. You should get an award for this! In fact I’m starting one right now, called the Healer’s Award, which is given to writers that bring about healing and reconciliation. You are the first recipient. Peace to you my friend – and rich blessings. And congratulations!

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You know what touched me the most about your comment? That you the courage I needed to post this. It is so very delicate and I did not want to hurt or offend anyone. Receiving a comment like yours confirms and motivates me immensely in what I do. Thank you so very much…. and now to that huge surprise: Do you have an idea what an honor it is to me to get such an award from a soulful person like you? This is definitely the most meaningful award I ever received because it meets the core of what I see as my goal: healing in every possible way! Only that you thought about me already touches me deeply. Thank you so so much, Nicodemas. Blessings and love to you 💖

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I thought long and hard but I can’t think of anything to add to this because you SAID IT ALL! You covered every aspect of this topic ,wonderfully and poignantly so ! I just couldn’t agree more Erika. And I know I’ve said it before when we were discussing something along the same lines but I love this line you said that the ones who seem least deserving, are the ones who deserve most love ! A great thought provoking article, you never fail to amaze us with your insightful writings Erika ❤️

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You pointed to the essence in your comment, Zee! That was that key line which provoked this post: “the ones who seem least deserving, are the ones who deserve most love”. Our discussion inspired me to write this. Believe me, Zee, it turned out as one of the most meaningful posts to myself. Because the topic of racism or any pre-judged or unfair treatment is striking a chord strongly within me. So thank you for having that talk in order to make me write this, Zee! You ARE such an important and inspiring light and I hope you see and feel it 💖

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Awh you are too kind Erika. I might have elicited an idea in your head but this piece of writing was all you ! You are an amazing writer but more so a deep thoughtful soul who sees and feels things beyond just the surface. I’m honoured that something I said was a source of this inspirational post 😊💞

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You are so nice, Zee. I take my inspiration from what I see, hear, feel, experience…. that means, from things around me which is not me. If I only took it from me I would have deleted my blog long ago. Yes, I agree, it needs an open mind and heart to see a bit more than just the surface but the inspiration comes from all of you! Thank you, my dear 😊


I believe that feeling and sharing that love from within is the only way to create a persisting difference in this world. It is sad what happens still too often. But it is so wonderful to see how many are spreading even more light at the same time. Thank you very much for your profound words and for being such a light spreader, Sylvester!

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YES, absolutely! We must never stop until we take our last breath. It is awesome that we are so many here who live that conviction! Thank you so very much. You are a great motivator, Syl!

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