On my way to Pasadena!


I am so excited! Today is the day and I am gonna leave for Pasadena! Two years ago I went to the I CAN DO IT! event as a visitor to join Wayne Dyer’s lecture. This time I not only can meet all the amazing authors but most of all be an official and promoted part of the event. A small step compared to what others already made but a huge one for me!


I am not on stage (this time) but I am an officially promoted international author with book signing hours:

Sunday 10.00 – 10.30 am and 12.00 – 12.30 pm I hope to meet as many of my dear co-bloggers as possible. I really found a wonderful community over here where everybody can share whatever they have in mind or heart.

What a long way I have come since Pasadena emerged in my mind: It must have been a movie I saw once in my teenage years where they passed a signpost saying Pasadena. I don’t remember the movie at all and also don’t know if Pasadena even played a role in it. For some reason it attracted me completely and the picture of that signpost was burned in my head and heart from that moment on. It was one of my dreams to once passing a sign with Pasadena on it on the highway. When I went to California for the first time in my life in 2009, I couldn’t believe it when we unexpectedly passed the sign and it happened that I even went to Pasadena. Meanwhile Pasadena has become a new meaning for me and the signpost of my dreams might have been a reminder what life has in store for me. A dream come true in many ways – one more time! And I will keep on working on it to experience more of my fulfilled dreams until the end of days. It also is another proof that whatever dream, yearning or vision is glowing inside of you is your Soul reminding you to your inner bucket list for this incarnation. Checking this bucket list will never disappoint you but lead you to spheres inside of you which words can never express.

I can’t wait to post about my experiences and make you part of one of my greatest adventures and the next big step of my new life regarding following my voice and living my dreams! This is what life is meant to be!


There is something in this life for all us and WE CAN DO IT!

In Love and Light!

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


thrilled for you and your chance to spread your vision! (it’s funny how one sign “Pasadena” can bring out such joy in one person while others who drive under it daily just feel blah when they see it.) EVERYTHING is perspective. you go spread and light up the world Erika! 🙂 mikey

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You are so right, Mikey! It depe ds on the way we look at it 😉. Thank you for lovely wishes and words. I am really excited. Sometimes I almost can’t believe this is really true! 😀


Very curious about it! My life has changed completely over the past years. It is so much fun to see things unfold and new things emerging out of older new things. Life is amazing!


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