Just a Thought… Stop bowing, start living

“We have always done it that way. You cannot make money with what you would like to do. You don’t have the money to do it. You have to stick with our kind. It is the tradition. It is the culture. The family won’t let me.”

Stop finding excuses. Break out of the crowd. Don’t let them press you into a mold they created for you. They may fight you, they may loathe you, they may hurt you, they may ignore you. If they do, it is because they fear your strength. They admire and envy you for a courage they don’t have.

They only feel strong because they feel safe in their circle of many. But that is not a sign of strenght but weakness. Strength comes from those who walk their way regardless of where the crowd walks. Now imagine the strength of all of those who broke out. Those who cherish everyone’s uniqueness because they know that only in the union of individuals lies the potential of healthy progress.

In Love and Light

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Love this dear Erika… ” Strength comes from those who walk their way regardless of where the crowd walks.”
I agree…. It takes courage to stand and be different, and to speak your truth and follow your own path.. Not always easy when our ‘Crowd’ think that we should all follow the same path! there Path!… Listening to Their Words,
Always your deeper thoughts resonate dear Erika.. When we all start ‘Living’ and stop bowing to others expectations, we begin to experience a new found freedom, as we Let Go, and BE-ourselves..

Much love my special friend… Loved also your Song, and your Romantic poem my friend.. I am on a mission in my catch ups here this evening..
Spend a long time digging earth over in the allotments today.. And want to paint tomorrow..
So I am letting go of expectation lol.. And know my WP family will forgive my quick catch ups over the next few weeks.. As I embrace.. ‘Living!’….

Love and Blessings my dear Erika… Enjoy the rest of your week my good friend ❤ 🙏💙

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I was sure you it would resonate with you, Sue. It is definitely not easy and the more we “feel” (not necessarily are) dependent on others the more difficult it is. Most of all when we are responsible for others who would be affected dramatically by us breaking out. Not easy but still there is a way of breaking out mentally when we stop identifying our being with what we do…

I don’t think anybody would forgive you beause there is nothing to forgive. I am happy to hear you are dedicating your time to other paths on which your open channel can walk on. I just hope that you are sharing your painting(s) with us.

Much love and blessings to you too, dear Sue. And thank you for taking the time and stopping by 💖

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I will be sharing them.. I did another water colour at its centre a bee… I hope the words will come in the future to create a post that goes with it.. I am sure it will… Today I sketched an outline of another theme.. One that concerns Australia.. Which I have been sending too in recent weeks.. So yes.. I will be sharing..

As to our loved ones.. I think like this.. Sometimes its very hard for us to ‘branch-out’ speak our hearts and we often do not do so, for the fear of wounding those nearest and dearest… When we choose to please others at our own cost, we are we then not being true to our hearts.. We are so often taught we are being selfish.. But we are then only perhaps pandering to others selfish controls.. It’s something only our hearts can choose… And if our love ones truly understood it would not be a choice..of either or……. But what makes us happy.. ❤ Hugs and much love ❤

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How right you are here. Yes, feeling guilty by not speaking up in order to keep the peace or to not hurt anyone does only make things worse for us. Maybe not for those who even make us feel guilty if we dare to open up and reveal our most inner world. That fear to be pushed back is another reason not to open up. But at some point, the time comes when we grow out of this behavior and find a way to be true to ourselves for everybody’s sake.
Big hugs and good paint, Sue 💖

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