Who But I Is Entitled To Tell Me Who To Be?

waynedyer1-2x.jpgEverybody has their dark spots, their quirks, their challenges, their achievements, their successes, their joys, and their weak spots. Some people act in their quirks and with that can hit another person’s weak spot. Sometimes it is not even easy to say what exactly it was that brought inner turmoil to the other one. It may be a change in the energy of the counterpart which makes the said things feel differently. And maybe only those two persons feel it. Now, what to do?


Yes, it can be discussed but sometimes an invisible knife can take the ability to think clearly and to have the necessary strength to talk about it. It can make you voiceless and insecure. What is most important to know is that whatever knife was thrown deliberately or unconsciously has more to do with the person who threw it than with the target. We never know why other people throw knives. Perhaps it was triggered by a memory, a word, or any (innocent) behavior of someone around them. So much happens unconsciously and reflexively. All of a sudden the emotion appears and that person just goes along with it. Probably, they are not even aware of what happens to them. They don’t realize that their energy changed and that they develop an offensive and violative attitude, hurting others personally.


I am a person who lets others be the way they are. Everybody is unique and has their own stories. They are entitled to develop from the place they come from and don’t have to follow general rules to adjust their personality. To me, this is respect for the individual. And I demand the same respect for myself as I grant it to others. I can become deeply hurt when others go beyond that limit line and strike that certain chord inside of me which seems to disturb my most inner privacy to simply have the right to be who I want to be. And here we go again: Although, it is not easy in those moments I have to remind myself to let them be who they are. If they need to play with knives then so they shall do it. I need to remember that what they do has to do with them in the first place. In this awareness, I can distance myself from the energy which tries to suffocate me and makes me act against my own conviction:
Let them be the way they are because you cannot know what makes them do what they do. 
In fact, this makes compassionate and lifts above the situation.


In those moments, you are the one who changes the energy again instead of aligning with it. You are not obliged to accept what others throw at you neither are you obliged to share their emotions or defending yourself only because the other one has a problem with who you are. You are amazing and that is everything you need to know!

Credits: BrainyQuote|thenestofbooksreview.blogspot.com|Pinterest

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Right, Simon. I had step back when I noticed that it stirred something inside of me in an unhealthy way. That also is a sign, that I have to work on it as well, like the other one. But not in resigning and doing what the other one tells me but in distancing and accepting that they are who they are… lol!

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I think you’re right my friend. And each place of work has an environment we are expected to conform to, which can be so difficult at times. Peace my friend and wonderful blessings.

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Yes, it can be very challenging. Then again, whether we conform or don’t or find compromises… we take something along from the experience.
Wonderful blessings to you too, dear friend!

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