Me, Myself, and I


Often we step back and think about ourselves “I should not take this so serious”, “I need to stand up for myself” or “I would like to but…”, and much more. Lately, I started pondering about it. Who is that one talking to me? I am I but still, I am talking to someone. Isn’t it interesting that we can observe ourselves although we are ourselves? Is there something inside of me watching that “I” who goes through its everyday life?


I know that what we really are and what never ceases to be is our soul, our spiritual self which lives in this body. I also know that there is our mind which occurs from that spiritual body since it houses the brain – the center of our thoughts. But still, it was a moment when I felt this insight so much stronger. It is amazing to think that there must be another brain which thinks different thoughts than my physical brain does. Sounds confusing, doesn’t it?


I instantly remembered a workshop with Gregg Braden I joined 4 years ago in Pasadena. He explained in a fascinating way that the heart has brain cells too. It is able to store memories as well as the brain can. Both are thinking, both have their opinions. He told an amazing story about a woman who had had a heart transplantation. From the moment on the new heart was beating in her body she had nightmares of being chased by a man who killed her at the end of the dream. She went to a psychologist to get help. What that woman did not know was that her new heart was from a woman who was indeed a crime victim. But the killer had not been found yet. Unfortunately, the woman could not recognize the offender in her dream. So the psychologist told her to turn around the next time that dream comes up. She managed to do it and an identikit picture could be made. Believe it or not, they found the murder and arrested him!


It was definitely not the brain which reminded her of something she did not experience herself. So there must be a storage place where there is more inside than only what we learn during one life. There must be this box of wisdom where we add knowledge from life to life and from what we know from beneath this physical life. There must be that place inside of us where a greater force and wisdom reigns. Did you ever realize that we mostly or always only touch our head when we goofed or when we cannot find a solution or when we have a headache? But we touch the area where our heart is located every time when something beautiful happens or when something moves or touches us.


When I look at the location of brain and heart I am not even surprised that our mind silences the heart too often. The crown chakra is located at the top of our head. It gives us access to higher states of consciousness as we open to what is beyond our personal preoccupations and visions. That means it is the doorway to that spiritual self inside of us – located in our hearts. But when the mind is not aware of it, it acts as a filter and only lets through what it “thinks” is right to let through. That’s why we can feel isolated and lost down here. That way we lose touch with our real home. It is like cutting off the telephone connection between a homesick kid at a camp and its parents.


It is not about silencing the brain. Not at all! We need it but we need it as our companion not as our enemy! The idea of aligning heart and mind makes so much more sense to me! We are here to fulfill a purpose – our purpose and a higher one which is connected to all lives. I believe it is even connected to the lives/energies which are not incarnated on this planet. Everything is connected. We come down here with the wisdom we need for this lifetime in order to fulfill that purpose. The program is set up in our hearts and that is why we have our dreams and visions of things we have never experienced before but feel a passion for it. It is a reminder sent from a different “brain” – from a higher intelligence. And that is nothing out there but we have it with us at all times. That’s why we need to listen to it. Heart over mind! I believe the biggest breakthrough is the realization why we need to align the mind with the heart – and not the other way around. That way we have all the powers – universal and physical – which are available. We are unstoppable, unbreakable, unlimited!

Me + MySelf = I


In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


I think the brain develops these failsafes through years of conditioning since birth, thinking it is protecting us by trying to keep us in some sort of safe life mode. The heart is free and thinks so openly, driven by passion, emotion, feelings, sensations. It is why we hear the expression “think with your heart and not your mind” so often. Thanks for resharing this post, Erika. Have an ultra uplifting week.

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Yes, absoltuly! The brain is part of the body and its purpose is to protect the body. The heart knows the greater context and knows that the soul is immortal anyway, so it is heading for its fulfillment. The two need to meet in the middle.
Thanks a lot for your wonderful comment, Sylvester, and have a fantastic week yourself!


You said it…The two need to meet in the middle. Imagine what we could do when they are a cohesive unit. You’re very welcome always and I will do that!

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Isn’t that a stunning insight? I had never expected that either. But it makes so much sense that the heart too has memory cells. So much receives an explanation because of that theory.
I am happy the post spoke to you, Hugh. By checking out who is who inside of us we are closer to “ourSelves”!

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I wonder if this is the same experience as when identical twins talk to each other? Many say they think the same things and some even say they can communicate telepathically. I wonder if that connection is lost if one of the twins has to have a transplant? Some Sunday morning thoughts, Erika.

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That’s a good point, Hugh. I believe that there is a connecting link between them. I don’t know, if it is the heart but I could imagine that they share the soul in some way. I am convinced that such a connection is not ending when one of them leaves the physical home. Thanks for that inspriring Sunday thought, Hugh.

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Tremendously insightful post, Erika! We have been created in such a unique way that we will not fully understand our inner workings and functions in this lifetime. There is so much much to discover.

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And once we understand that the range is so wide that we will never get it done to discover our wholness in one single lifetime, finally realize that there are no limits but only opportunities!

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