I May Be Sad But Not Unhappy!

Even the happiest people are sad at times. Things go wrong, and disappointments and losses happen. If we have an open heart and feel love then we also feel pain. But that is not a bad thing. Feeling sad means that we are able to feel. If someone tells me to never be sad about something then I think that person either lies or ignores their own feelings which are only suppression of things they may be scared to look at. Never accepting being sad (here I am at this unhealthy way of positive thinking) will start growing inside like cancer and eating that person up.

I want to be sad when sad things happen. I want to be angry when something irritates me. But that doesn’t mean that I am unhappy or hateful. We are human beings and we are here to live. Life simply comes with feelings. This is why we wanted this life. That is what helps us develop. Because out of the feelings we are acting, making new experiences, and developing insights. How we feel is a result of our consciousness, the way we look at life, the world, and ourselves. We want to feel life down here in order to feel ourselves. Due to the part, everybody plays here we have to face so many situations. All of them cause feelings or emotions and all are part of our physical experience in this lifetime. Since we are all different in our personalities and in the way we go through life we need specific experiences. What seems like a piece of cake for one can make another one crash. Just recently I talked to a friend here and I said that we all can feel totally different about the same situation but can also feel the same through different situations.

But however, feeling sad doesn’t mean that I am unhappy. I cannot be happy and unhappy at the same time but I can be in that powerful energy of happiness but experiencing a sad or even challenging situation. Some people think that when sad things happen they are not allowed to still be happy. They believe it would be inappropriate and that they have to be unhappy because “everybody” is supposed to be unhappy when certain things happen. I have to say that they misunderstood life! Nobody is supposed to be unhappy in any situation! Because you only really live when you have access to your happiness – in any situation!

I consider myself a happy person. I discovered happiness as something which has nothing to do with short-term emotions. Happiness to me is a state of being, a point of view, an inner concept. Happiness is what comes when you feel love. So when you feel love inside, you automatically fuel yourself with that positive vibes which are called happiness. Happiness will give you that important ground beneath your feet when all things seem to fall apart. You may not notice it. But when you have this inner concept of happiness you won’t dwell too long in sadness. You will see a way out. You will gain the energy to stand up again. You will see more behind any situation. You will always look up because you know that after even the darkest night the sun dawns again. You will never lose hope and always find ways to move on. Because you understood that life is for living. Whatever happens in life is not a way of making it as hard as possible but as educative as possible. Love your life and life will love you back!

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.




Given numerous personal life experiences and (more importantly) interactions with others, that choice became the only logical one many years ago. Have an incredibly wonderful day Erika! 🙂

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Well I heard there was a sacred cord that David played and it pleased the Lord, but you don’t really care for music do you? It goes like this, the forth, the fifth, a minor fall and a major lift, the baffled king composing hallelujah – Leonard Cohen.

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