Keep Going – Really Always?


The past weeks have become more and more challenging. Highly inspired I started a new but big and time-consuming project (I am developing specific skincare products). Unfortunately, next to my job (which is also becoming more and more of a challenge), my therapy practice, duties everywhere, appointments, and the rare time that’s left to see my children, I try to squeeze this, too into the weekends and evenings. I have been feeling like a robot for weeks.


We are the ones who put stress on ourselves.

I am one of those who recognize and catch chances when they show up. I am not willing to change this. But sometimes it is so very difficult to follow your passion and still listen to the reason of your mind that says “don’t overwhelm yourself”! It is hard to put the things we love to do in second place because we have to put those in the first place which we need to make a living. Our determination and pride can become a dictator because we think we are weak or failing when we put our plans aside to be able to breathe and make sure we don’t run out of battery. Too often we are honest to ourselves when physical or mental problems show up.


Sometimes we have to step back and pause. Again, I encourage everybody to fulfill their visions and dreams. Don’t let them pass. But it is not worth it to risk your health. And when it is not an excuse then do yourself a favor and pause. It doesn’t mean you are weak. It doesn’t mean you failed. It doesn’t mean you mustn’t do it. It only means: wait, take care of yourself and don’t feel guilty to not obey your own pressure or the pressure of anyone else around you! There is a time for everything. Sometimes you progress faster in slowing down. Because when you overdo it and stress yourself out it only results in health problems. But by taking your time it may even be that solutions show up to which you might have not seen otherwise because you are so focused to schedule your days in order to squeeze everything in.


It is rather frustrating to put those things you love to do behind those you don’t like or even cannot stand to do. We should never give up on realizing our dreams. But at times, we may have to slow down for the sake of our health. It doesn’t matter when you achieve something and how you achieve it. It matters that you are feeling good while you are achieving it or it may not have the quality or effect you want to experience.

Don’t give up on your dreams but don’t hang yourself on them!



In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


I’m experiencing this myself as well, Erika, with the surgeries. I’ve had a bit of a setback with yesterday’s dr. visit. I’m not as healed as I’d like to be and in risk of infection. I’ve been back in bed most of the day, feeling pain after some of the stitches had to be trimmed as well. Plus, I think I’m allergic to the pain med that I have left. Had to end up taking Benadryl to get over the itching, redness. I have to go back in another two weeks to see if I healed enough to go ahead with the second surgery.

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I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. Such periods are most challenging when your body dictates your life. I hope and pray that the healing progresses fast and that all that still needs to be done goes well. Sending you big hugs over, dear Traci 💖

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Hi Traci. Your comment sounds very familiar to me because i have several health issues that have caused some problems in my life. I’m diabetic and have not always taken care of myself as I should. Even seeing my mother pass away at a younger age hasn’t been enough to truly stop me from myself! lol. I’m sorry you have been through one surgery and apparently have another to go. I had major surgery about 4 years ago and I understand what you’re going through as far as the pain meds causing all the itching. Its almost like do I scratch myself to death or get pain relief? If you want to write me back or comment feel free.

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I’m diabetic as well. Yeah, I’m waiting for the second till Apr. And yeah, the stitches are a pain. There’s supposed to dissolve soon but with the one part not being healed all the way, I hope it doesn’t happen too soon. Part of my problem healing were the shots they gave me for four months prior to surgery. They delayed the healing.

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Understanding we need to pause, step back and view our hectic lives from another perspective shows we are taking notice of our inner voice. A voice that nudges us to self nurture, slow down and relax.. While our head often rules in logic and carries on regardless.
These are very important reminders to all of us. If we do not nurture and take care of ourselves who takes care of us when we fall apart!..
I now listen more and more to those nudges..
And as you said its not being weak, its not failing in our accomplishments, it is self managing our time more effectively. For when we are tired we make mistakes and we malfunction, become irritable..
So resting regularly means we become more focused when working, and often those little breaks create inspiration.

My guides once told me when I thought I was doing nothing, this was the time my best work was being done, Not outwardly, but inwardly..
So I meditate more, and take more and more blogging breaks, and use my time being creative in other ways, as you know..
So when I do return I do so with a fresh pair of eyes..

Much love dearest Erika.. Just do as you feel you must, Keep going at YOUR Pace.. that suits you. ❤ Love and Blessings ❤ 🙏

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Our conversation was highly inspiring, Sue. It made me think and I felt how low on energy I was last Sunday. I tried to squeeze my joyful activities and dedicating some time to my projects for which I don’t have time during the weekdays. But although this is what I would so love to do, I see that I have to slow down. There is just too much coming together lately and the rare daylight is not helping me charging my batteries either. So, I want to go for walks on the weekends and then decide spontaneously how I will spend the rest of the day. I think such periods teach us the most to realize how much joy there is in emptying time instead of filling it.
Thank you for all your sensitive thoughts you are sharing with me, Sue! You are an angel 💖

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I was outside for a walk this afternoon. It was like an early spring day and I felt like life was coming back and filling me again. It was amazing. I think the missing daylight is wearing me out over time. Now I know where my priorities lie the coming days!!

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