You’ve Got Me All Wrong 8 – The Purpose Of Your Life Is To Re-Create Yourself

UnbenanntA few weeks ago I picked up one of Walsch’s books and began to read the first pages. After I read the short list of the 25 core messages to explain the main message (in the title) I stopped reading. It was so inspiring and I my mind started spinning. Before I am reading on I want to share the flow of pictures and thoughts of some of those core messages which immediately filled me. Most of those core messages won’t appear new since we are talking about them over and over again. We all share them with our own words. Isn’t that an amazing proof that we are fully aware of God’s message? If you would like to read the previous parts, you can check out here part 1, part 2,  part 3, part 4, part 5 part 6, and part 7.

The purpose of your life is to re-create yourself anew in the grandest version of the greatest vision ever you held about Who You Are.

Many years ago, when I began this journey back to myself and figured how much there is to discover about myself, about myself in connection with others, with life, about that creative power I am myself, I knew that this life would be the best of all the physical lives I ever experienced. Reading this message of God I remembered that again.

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With every life we live we gain experience, we gain, knowledge and insights. We plan the kind of experiences we want to make and what we want to learn before we come down here. And in looking back what we learned and experienced before, we find out what else we want or need to add. In the end, the purpose of ALL our incarnations is that one day we absolutely doubt-free know who we are. I am not sure if we even really know this between our incarnations. Because the reason we incarnate is to remember who we are. That’s why this whole incarnation thingy only started. So, we will come down here (or as it is told to other planets as well) as long as we need to become fully aware of who we really are.

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This and (for most of us) only this is the reason we come here. We are learning through duality, through the law of attraction, and through the natural consequences what we are able to do and how it turns out. We are taught compassion by bringing pain or by experiencing pain. We are going through both sides of most everything in order to understand everything. And in that, we support not only our own but everybody’s development.

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Yes, we are a mighty ocean whether we realize it or not. All drops are merged in that ocean and even if you take a scoop out of it you cannot diversify whose drops there are in that scoop. We are all one. As long as only one of us is not in awareness of who they are, we are called to continue the incarnation game in order to make them see. One alone cannot accomplish this. It needs the diversification, the differences, and the opposites to understand. It needs all of us. And the highest insight, only when felt deep inside as the most impactful awareness, will be that we are one and that we can only make it as one.

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Everybody needs to be appreciated for who they are because of right that they influence the rest of the world with exactly what is needed. We only need to understand. That’s why we mustn’t put general rules on people how they had to live or what professions they had to learn. Everybody comes here with the perfect equipment to bring this highest insight RIGHT NOW! We are already perfect. Because together we are whole. The moment, when this is understood, is the moment of change.

Bildergebnis für we are all one quotes

Let’s fulfill the purpose of our incarnation and re-create ourselves in the grandest version of our greatest vision ever we held about who we are… and therefore for the sake of our brothers and sisters. That is the time when it doesn’t matter in what form we exist and where because then heaven is who we are.

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In Love and Light


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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Erika, another so well written piece my friend, indeed we all came here to re-remember who we are, and this journey is one of discovering as you said, as NDW spoke of, We came with our memories wiped clean, but its time now, as our Earth too is waking, shifting her own consciousness, that we wake back up to become again that ‘Grand-version’ of our own magnificent selves. and remember we are all part of the that God spark, Co-creators with incredible long forgotten powers, if we would only remember the correct ways in which we create..
Beautiful to read and I loved the choice of images, The Lion King was more than just a film for children, it held many enlightened words,
Enjoy your week Erika.. … LOVE and Hugs.. ❤

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Yes, Sue! The time for playing and experimenting is over. Now, it is getting serious and I think that is why the spirituel awakening happens so much faster. We need to apply what we collected by and during this incarnation in order to fulfill the meaning of incarnation. I think that these times are the turning points of our awareness and each following incarnation will go even clearer into this direction of insights and re-remembering.
Thank you so much for your insightful comment, Sue 💖

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Erika, this is one very powerful post! This post sums up exactly what I have come to know as our reality based on discovering who we are in our completeness. What an amazing amazing post this is and I applaud you for your courage to write this. There are many people who believe in only one incarnation to which I say to those, how is it even possible to learn all our lessons in one lifetime? Sorry. It is not possible! Someday those too will come to understand we all are on an infinite Journey Back to ONE. 👏👏👏😚😚😚

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Thank you very much, Amy! When I thought about re-incarnation and dared to believe in it, I thought “Oh, no, then I have to go to school again in my next life!” LOL! I am happy you can relate to the message of this post. Sending you huge hugs, dear friend 💖

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[…] Several weeks ago I picked up one of Walsch’s books and began to read the first pages. After I read the short list of the 25 core messages to explain the main message (in the title) I stopped reading. It was so inspiring and I my mind started spinning. Before I am reading on I want to share the flow of pictures and thoughts of some of those core messages which immediately filled me. Most of those core messages won’t appear new since we are talking about them over and over again. We all share them with our own words. Isn’t that an amazing proof that we are fully aware of God’s message? If you would like to read the previous parts, you can check out here part 1, part 2,  part 3, part 4, part 5,  part 6, part 7, and part 8. […]

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