The Magic of Connection

We are connecting with each other in various ways daily. More consciously in our jobs, with family or friends, and more unconsciously in the bus, in the supermarket,… But there is something that happens beyond a visible or physical connection. There is something we feel before the first word is said, often even before the first eye contact. It is the radiation we feel about each other. That first impression. It may not give us a clear picture – because how we perceive a person says more about ourselves than about them – but it is very important for the way that encounter continues. It is like extending invisible tentacles in order to scan the other person.

“Love at first sight” is such a mystery! When the radiated energies are strongly matching then the tentacles of each other have already connected before we realize it. That also happens when we “feel” someone near us turn around and there they are! The more a person “shines” the more we can feel their presence without seeing them.

First and foremost those connections are spiritual connections. Our spiritual being is unlimited and not depending on the range of our bodies. Even incarnated its senses overcome the physical limits. Soul mates recognize each other on the spiritual level immediately and feel familiar with each other without any explanation. Modern technology makes it so much easier to connect with our spiritual families or kindred spirits these days.

That is what astounds most of us about social media and most of all blogging. I believe that thousands of miles apart we are connecting through our hearts in the first place and the mind cannot help but follow the heart! The law of attraction works even better on this platform where our minds are not able to judge anyone by their outer appearance due to their physical absence!

I am here on WordPress for more than 2 1/2 years and I have experienced often from the first interaction with someone if this is going to be a friendship and closer connection. We are more open here in a place where we feel safer sharing our thoughts, experiences, and feelings. That makes us transparent and the real shining through a lot more. We feel with each other and we are accompanying each other. We inspire and encourage each other. Perhaps we are not always understood and we have different opinions but what counts much more is that we are heard and taken seriously! This is what so many are missing in real life! We are there for each other when someone is not doing well and that got proven several times!

I have never been afraid of meeting my blogger friends. I know there are some who are skeptic about that: “What if they are not who I thought they were?” I dare to say that those who are not afraid of meeting each other definitely are the way they are on their blogs. I feel blessed that I met several bloggers over time and it was like meeting old friends I just haven’t seen for a long time. It felt like a family gathering and the mind got confirmed what the heart already knew!

Connecting by the heart and creating like-minded groups is such a wonderful thing when it is happening in the way we are experiencing it here on WordPress. And as I always say: Our community is a role model for the world out there!

In addition to my usual Monday posts, this is my take on Connecting regarding the Blogger Bash 2017 in the UK. I have to announce that I cannot meet you wonderful people this year due to a family event on the same weekend. But I don’t want to miss at least joining in this way!

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


This is such a great post, Sis. I think sometimes we do know straight away when there is a connection with someone.
Certainly, the Blogger’s Bash showed just how well we already knew and connected with each other, despite not meeting beforehand.

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