Daily Kind Quote – 5073

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

#JustAThought… About Time

When I had this quote by Eckhart Tolle on my mind, I was pretty sure I had written a post about it already. But since I could not find it, I wrote a new one with my current thoughts, which even took me a step further.

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Daily Kind Quote – 5062

With Michael’s permission!

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5179

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5154

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5142

With Simon’s permission!

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5108

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5077

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote – 5109

Visit my Zazzle Store to see my quotes speaking from daily items to inspire your day.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my  Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Allowing the Strength of Being Weak


For today I decided to pick a card from Dennis Linn’s Gateway Oracle Cards. I love those cards since they are like nailing messages to show the way out of a maze. The card I picked is “Accepting What Is”:

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The Brighter The Light – The Darker The Shadows


We all have our dark spots, subtle emotions that show up in certain situations, inner resistance, old wounds that reopen, scars that keep us stuck in a past situation. As I said before, we absolutely cannot ignore them and sweep them under the rug. Just because I don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t still there. But we must be careful not to look only into the abyss of the soul. That is the same misunderstanding as ignoring them.


There may be times, when the past catches up with us, and it seems that for a long time, we have only these dark shadows around us. We can’t see the light. But the explanation is actually quite simple. Imagine taking a photo of an object that is in front of the sun. It will appear completely dark because of the backlight. You are actually taking a picture of its shadow. If we focus only on the shadows, we miss the fact that there must be a lot of light behind them. The darker these shadows appear, the brighter the light behind them.

As soon as you realize that you ARE the light, the obstacles you are working through lose their dark color because you shine ON them. Then they are just obstacles to be overcome. With this attitude, you begin to see them as tasks on the journey, but not as obstacles that keep you from your journey. Again, you stop resisting and start accepting. You go from “Why me?” to “Let’s go!”.


Keep in mind that no matter how many dark potholes you may fall into, you will always be caught by the power of your soul. It knows the way, and its light will let you find the way to get back to the surface, just as you need it. Your life is not meant to be dark, and you are not meant to believe that. It is your strong soul that is determined to resolve as much of the past as possible. Only the strongest are confronted with the darkest shadows. There is so much love in them that keeps them going, that makes them stand up and gives them the courage and determination to go on. And those are the ones who encourage so many others to do the same. Beceause we can!

When you feel like looking into a dark hole
then remember that your light must shine the brightest.

Continue the journey and know
that your light will always attract light
to accompany you on the way.
I honor you for the wonderful soul you are.

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

With Gail’s permission!

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love, Light and Health

Daily Kind Quote

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

When The Wolf Howls


As the years go by we are making so many experiences. Sometimes we don’t even notice how the experiences shape us unconsciously. Happenings in childhood, the way we were raised, the circle of our friends, opinions we create, decisions we make, and the consequences of it all which we put together individually in the mind… which actually forms how we experience what we experience and how we move on.

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Daily Kind Quote

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

The Journey of Healing – As Individual As You Are

I think there is no one who looks back at life and can say that there has never been a time when they were hurt by someone. Perhaps from the outside, it may have looked like a trifle but inside that particular person, it reached a very weak point. When more of such trifle episodes happen it becomes a wound growing wound which even becomes infected. Each tiny thing that adds to it can hurt so much more than if it had fallen on healthy ground. Even years or decades later, a single thought can trigger the memory and those hurtings can feel as if they just happened.

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Daily Kind Quote


Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

Daily Kind Quote

Let go.PNG

Visit my Zazzle Shop and get inspired by lots of daily items or gift ideas designed with my quotes!

In Love and Light

You’ve Got Me All Wrong 4 – There Is No Such Thing as Space and Time


A few weeks ago I picked up one of Walsch’s books and began to read the first pages. After I read the short list of the 25 core messages to explain the main message (in the title) I stopped reading. It was so inspiring and I my mind started spinning. Before I am reading on I want to share the flow of pictures and thoughts of some of those core messages which immediately filled me. Most of those core messages won’t appear new since we are talking about them over and over again. We all share them with our own words. Isn’t that an amazing proof that we are fully aware of God’s message? If you would like to read the previous parts, you can check out here part 1, part 2, and part 3. Read more ›

When Demons Leave!

When I posted a quote about forgiving two weeks ago there was a suggestion to write a post about it because the subject is really big! I knew I already had posted about it. Since I am pretty consumed by life at the moment, I thought why not repost one? It also makes a nice sequel to last week’s Monday post:

Were you ever in a great and happy mood and then out of the blue you were flushed by feelings that caused a deep sadness? And you don’t even know why? That happened to me last Friday. We had great weather, I was happy and cheerful, and all of a sudden I had a song in mind that I did not hear for years. I love that song a lot but while I started singing it heavy desperation kicked in and I didn’t know why.

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