New Release: 365 Thoughts of Healing

More than seven years ago, I published my latest book 101 Kind Quotes. A lot happened in the past years in my private and my business life which has not left much time left for writing when even I longed to get there again. So, a new book had to be that kind of book that can be completed in a short span of time, maybe 6 months: The idea of “Thoughts of Healing”, to give the reader daily hints and inspirations, was born. I thought about 100 to 150 pages. But during the process, I noticed that a drive-thru concept does not work for me. So, I expanded it to a reference book for every day of the year. I began in January 2021, and here we are, almost 2.5 years later. The idea of a quickly completed book manifested itself in a major work. However, I see my mission as providing something that brings inspiration, help, support, healing, solace, faith, and strength, and something that supports the readers in their days. That is worth any effort! But now, let’s get to know a bit more about the book:

About the Book:

365 Thoughts of Healing is a book for each day of the year to support, provide clarity or hints, or accompany you through difficult or confusing times. The book can be used as a daily inspiration, as a sporadic input when needed by randomly picking a page, or as an oracle. Each page contains one of my quotes, some thoughts on that quote, and an affirmation for the day. So, this book is never “read out” because its messages find you every day anew.

Cover Artist:

My dear co-worker, Nataša Bačinski, painted the cover image. She is a young and amazingly talented lady. Nataša works with different painting techniques, and each of her paintings is breathtaking. She is working on building a website, but so far, you can take a look at her artwork on her Instagram account.

Where to get 365 Thoughts of Healing:

Please, take a look at the book on Amazon (this link takes you to, but you can order the book from any Amazon marketplace).
It is available as a paperback. So far there won’t be a version for Kindle available, since it is not a book to read from the first to the last page in one run but to pick it up now and then or once a day. Even if you read the whole book one day, it is meant to be with you when you need a hint at any time.


If you give one of the copies a new home, 365 Thoughts of Healing will be a helpful companion throughout the year. But to make more people aware of it leaving a review would support it. The authors among us know that reviews are an effective tool for making other people aware of a book and its contents, as well as your experience with it. So I am convinced of your support and thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart.

My new book is not meant to be work but healing for you. That’s why there won’t be a marketing blog tour through other blogs. You all have enough going on, and many are busy with their own book projects. So, starting in 5 hours, I’ll be sharing four randomly selected pages for four consecutive weeks to give you a sense of the book’s content. However, I would be very thankful if you just shared the news on your blog and, if possible, additionally on other social media platforms. That would be great and the best support I could wish for, next to purchasing the book, of course 😁

Discover 365 Thoughts of Healing on Amazon and on my blog. Thank you all from my heart💖

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Thank you very much, Clive. I hope it does well for whoever reads the messages to find some inputs for themselves – regardless of whether it is for every day or for random picks. Thank you for your wishes 😊

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Yes, the original idea of doing “a handful” did not work out for me anymore once I was working on the book. It was a lot more effort but now I can say, it is something that heals and encourages, no matter, which way you use it. I hope, you will like it. Let me know 😊


Congratulations, Erika!!! Thank you for sharing your inspiration and insights here and in a wonderful collection for daily reading. The cover is beautiful and colorful. Awesome overall 🌞🌞🌞

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Thank you so very much! I hope it will reach many to brighten their lives a bit more. The cover is a dream and I am so thankful for my co-worker that she “took that job” 😊

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I hope to share something that inspires the one or the other to shift their look to see a bigger picture and more ways to walk than before. Thank you, dear Annette 💖

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Your words are like a balm to my soul, dear Beth. I really hope that my intention, to share something soothing and encouraging, will work out the way you put it. Thank you very much 💖

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I really hope so, but since I have been in that energy for such a long time whenever working on it, I have no doubt it will. So wondering, what you think about it, in case you get it 💖😃

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Thank you, Sis💖 It is so long ago that I published my last book, so I am very excited since it is a special book with an extraordinary energy coming from it.
I am so curious what you will think about it 🥳

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