#PoeticTuesday – 58

From Source to Source

I’m following the river
Beginning at its well
A tiny little trickle
Not knowing it will swell

It doesn’t care at all
Just bubbling in its course
Along forests, cities, meadows
In its growing force

Sometimes gushing
Sometimes quiet
Then dark and threatening
Then calm and light

Cheerfully playing
With birds and fish
Sparkling in sunlight
No questions, no wish

With every rock it passes
It grows and picks up speed
Until one day, it reaches
The big sea, wide and deep

I want to be a river
Just following MY course
By passing all I need
I’ll reach my force and source

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Wonderful poem dear Erika…. You dear friend are like a river.. Always following the flow of your thoughts… Never afraid of where it takes you… Knowing it will always lead you to its destination…
Thank you for sharing … Perfect… ❤

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I try to. But sometimes (or often) I hold on to a rock until I have the courage to let go and flow on. But yes, I love that light way of living and simply looking forward unburdened to what the next day will bring. Thank you so much for your wonderful comment that only supported that flow, Sue 💖

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It takes courage to let go and allow ourselves to be swept along within the flow….. We can only TRUST because we know we are being guided along the current by our higher selves…. and knowing that.. the letting go becomes easier ❤

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And I think that is (one important thing) what life teaches us over time: to learn to trust, to see that we will find ground beneath our feet, and to realize that every groundless moment swept us faster forward. In the end, all is well. Thank you, Sue 💖


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