It’s Easter Monday

… and the last one of the four Easter holidays. So, I am taking a break today and will continue posting tomorrow as usual.

To everyone who has no holiday today: Have a great start to the new week.

This Is The Life – Amy McDonald

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


I’ve had a delightful start Erika, my computer has gone splat. I may be ‘disappeared’ for a bit while I rebuild it. But it serves me right, I usually do a rebuild every 6 months or so, so it doesn’t sneak in these wobbly bits but I’ve been a little sidetracked lately. I shall return…or are they famous words? 😂 🤣

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