
Sometimes we are focused on a particular way to reach a goal. Or we think we know the perfect solution to a problem. Maybe we even believe that there is no solution to a problem. However, the constructs of the mind may take us on an odyssey because we become blind to the many possibilities meant for us.

Once a thought is sent out, a feeling goes with it, and its vibration begins to connect with the appropriate possibilities. The universe will definitely respond. But as long as we wait for a certain answer, we will not understand its words.

Place your order, your request, your goal, and then move towards that goal by staying open for whatever opportunity may arrive. See signposts, take chances, take action! Sometimes you may not know where the ship sails to. But as long as you feel connected to your goal, it will take you everywhere you need to find your perfect destination.

If you are blind to the little wonders,
you cannot recognize the big miracle behind them.

Credits: http://www.oberlo.com

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Just a thought


Hmm, actually a good thought, Gary. The pilot seat… What about BEING that rocket?
Got you totally, I am so similar in overthinking things, so concentrated on security and limiting risks that life passes by!
Similing and I hope you too!!

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As long as we are open to all possibilities then there will always be a way. Conventional thinking will limit our sight lines for seeing all possibilities. If we are connected with our goal then we are bound to achieve it, as you stated. Great thought for today and the week. Have an uplifting week, Erika.

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Right, as long as we keep thinking the way we have always done, and our parents, and any ancestors, we are kept on a leash. The same with any circumstances we are experiencing in that very moment. But understanding that our thoughts are only bound to our own imagination and fear cuts that leash. Thank you very much.


It’s so true, the Universe will send us exactly what we need for our lives. Living as a shaman, I’m aware of such magic and witness miracles quite often. We’re much more magical and powerful than we believe often times. By releasing fear, we no longer blocks our blessings❤🙏 Beautiful post Erika❤ We can and do create our own reality ✨✨🎆🌠

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Exactly, fear is the door between possibillity and limitation. An amazing insight, once experienced that fear is an inner decision! Thank you, Maria, blessings your way 😊💖

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Haha, actually, I thought the same when I read the quote. But then I thought, hey, you already begin to limit yourself again… lol! I think, sometimes we need to trust our gut feelings. Many decisions we made – perhaps even the most important ones – were made without us knowing the outcome…


We blind ourselves to those little wonders, fear blocks our vision to them. But the very act of facing them, finding that courage, will set us free. That freedom you spoke of will light our path, our hearts and our dreams each step we take.
Great post dear lady, may your ship always face your horizon 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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Yes, it is us and only us who take the sight due to a particular perspective. We need to learn to step back in faith and look at the bigger picture or at least assume that there is more than one possible path! As you said, fear blocks the vision. Only when we break the wall of fear we realize how strong its blocking power is. Thank you very much, dear Mark, I will always do my best to never lose the horizon out of sight… and you too 😊

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Hi, Mihran, I am pleased you think and feel that way. We need to stay open and the best possible solution will show up! There are so many lessons to learn these days, aren’t there?


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