My Little Paradise #3

Today, I would like to take you to the east side of my garden. It contains the enclosure for my tortoise and my herbal garden. One of the most impressive plants in my garden is a beautiful willow. I planted it 19 years ago when we moved in. It was removed and replanted twice. For several years it stayed just the same until all of a sudden it began to literally reach out to the sky. We cut it last year because it grew too big and almost touched the house.

The willow stands right inside the enclosure of my tortoise, Hercules. In that enclosure, there are also two black currant bushes and one of my three summer lilacs. I am reaping lots of berries every year. Those black currant plants are doing great every year, regardless of the kind of summer.

Here we go with the other two lilac bushes. All three are having a different kind of purple color. They are not growing as high as they used to. Maybe the crucial time for them to grow was too wet or too dry. Usually, they reach about twice my size, almost like the big hibiscus which I planted about 18 years ago. It has grown from a really tiny plant to a giant.

There are always lots of butterflies visiting. This kind of butterfly used to visit the most but has been rarely seen during the past 5 to 10 years. It is a peacock butterfly.

The last section is my herbal garden. I created it just this late spring. It was the former spot of our guinea pigs’ enclosure. We broke down the big shelter since we don’t have any guinea pigs for three years. There is still room for plants in my herbal garden. So far, I planted hyssop, thyme, lemon balm, milfoil, peppermint, savage, garden lovage, chamomile, calendula, buckwheat, and some strawberries and basil I got from friends. There are more plants on my list. I am reaping those plants and drying the parts for making tinctures, oils (on the further run balms and creams), tea, or I am using them in the kitchen for salads, general meals, or making herbal salt. On a different place in my garden, I am also having rosemary and more healing plants for use in my therapy practice.

Just a reminder, these pictures were taken on different days between May and July. That’s why some same plants may appear different in size and development.

Have a lovely day!

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Love your tortoise house and newly planted herb garden Erika.. And your Budliah butterfly bush lovely.. And the butterflies love it so much… We also have one in our garden and it so attracts them..
Loved all of your slideshows and images Erika…. What a stunning location and view too..
Sending love and well wishes my friend ❤ 💚🙏

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I am very lucky with this place. The older I am the more I treasur it. Over the years it changed its face several times but now it is as I really want to keep it and go from there to expand. Thank you so much, dear Sue 💖

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Does the wildlife eat those blackcurrants before you get to them, Erika? We grew blueberries this year, and although I gathered a small harvest, the birds got the rest. Of course, I don’t mind, but I wish they hadn’t been so greedy. And I wonder why the Willow tree decided to grow some more all of a sudden? Maybe something to do with climate change?

Another lovely spot. Enjoy all the herbs. Freeze some of them for use in the winter. That’s what we do.

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No, for some reasons they birds or any other animals catch the berries before we do. I am surprised actually but glad about it. This year, I mad jam, jelly, and syrup from the berries… yum.
The willow seemed to stop growing during 3 to 4 years. Its branches were hanging down and all of a sudden it was like reaching out to the sky. It grew about four times its size in only 5 years and after a few more years it has become a majestic tree. It is interesting that the breakthrough of the will began around the same time when I began to work on mine. It was also a present of my father when we moved into the house. He died 8 years ago and to me it appears as if the willow grows in a way that feels protective. I love my willow!
I am drying my herbs constantly. That way I can use them for any purpose and they are not expiring. Right now the room is full of drying herbs… haha. the chamomile is growing wild for a few days now.

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Awh, yes! Vicky is lucky. She can run freely in your huge garden can’t she? Unfortunately,our garden is not tortoise safe and Hercules would escape. I wonder how Vicky and he would be doing. Has Vicky always been the only tortoise?

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She has a compound for most of the time but when we’re out and about we let her roam. The garden is pretty secure but she does get out. Happily we’re known as the tortoise people!!

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I can never get enough from looking at my plants and I couldn’t stop taking pictures. I always thought I’d had an even better angle, the light was better, the flower was more beautiful… lol


Monday morning beauty!! How blessed you are to have such a terrific herb garden for all of your cooking and homeopathic needs Erika! Your tortoise is so cute, I’ve always wanted one myself and of course I love that you included a shot of a butterfly 🦋 Have a wonderful week, so much love to you always ❤ 💖 💗

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I do feel blessed and never take it for granted. I love drying the herbs and making oils (and from there balms and creams), tinctures, teas, and more from those herbs. It is my passion and I feel so alive working with nature. I was amazed to finally see this kind of butterfly again. There will be more butterflies in my garden post on Friday 😊

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I love that you have so many uses them for them, God’s gift for healing. I’m looking forward to Friday. Butterflies hold a special place in my soul. My Nana always shows up as one and now she takes the form of a bluejay too. So special 🥰

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The butterfly has been part of my corporate identity for about 15 years. It is my symbol of transformation and liberation. I love how you picture your Nana in them. 💖

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This is awesome that I could inspire you or a herb garden. You know, you already have some precious herbs in your garden. Hehe, that smile is kind of imprinted meanwhile… lol

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