Fall Beauties

Today, I would like to share a few photos of my garden again that I took over the past two weeks, and the last ones only yesterday. I am amazed by how many spring flowers are blooming for a second time or how many others are still blossoming.

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My Little Paradise – #5

Here we go with the last visit to my little oasis. I began to replant this part of the garden this spring. Therefore some plants are only settling. Still everything is developing and most plants have grown even bigger than they look on the picture. Also here too, I took pictures between May and July to catch the flowers at their most beautiful stages. I leave you with a collection of impressions.

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My Little Paradise #4

And forward we go with the tour around my garden. This time we stop at my rose garden. I love roses, but seriously, who doesn’t. I have had roses all over the place but wanted to create a spot only dedicated to that queen of flowers too. I created this part of the garden this Spring. I am cutting the roses frequently. That way, they are blooming during the whole season over and over again. A joy to see!

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My Little Paradise #3

Today, I would like to take you to the east side of my garden. It contains the enclosure for my tortoise and my herbal garden. One of the most impressive plants in my garden is a beautiful willow. I planted it 19 years ago when we moved in. It was removed and replanted twice. For several years it stayed just the same until all of a sudden it began to literally reach out to the sky. We cut it last year because it grew too big and almost touched the house.

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My Little Paradise #2

Today, I would like to share another spot in my garden: The front yard. Also here, I took pictures from spring (unfortunately I missed to take more pictures then) on in order to show the several plants over the months and the different faces of the place. So, don’t be confused.

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My Little Paradise #1

During the coming summer weeks, I will change my posting routine. I want to take my time to work on my projects and studies peacefully and more focused. Also, I will put enjoying myself and the weather first for charging my batteries and centering myself again. That means I won’t be posting daily but will take the chance to share pictures of my garden occasionally, as well as posting spontaneous when inspiration hits me. I will be back at my regular postings any time in August. But now let me take you to the first stop in my garden.

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Today, I would like to share some photos of the place I live or actually what I see when I look out of my windows or being in my garden. I hope you feel the energy and peace a little bit that is coming from this place. To me, it is anything but a challenge to stay at home. I can finally absorb this all a little more and it fills me totally – much needed. While preparing this post, all I can hear is the sound of the birds.

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