
Forever And Ever

As long as every spring
the birds do sing their song
As long as roses bloom
Under the summer sun

As long as every fall
The leaves get red and bright
As long as snowmen greet
From wonderlands of white

As long as rainbows glow
And stars do fill the night
As long my heart will form
Two arms to hold you tight

Yet if the world breaks down
And life ceases to be
Our love will never die
In all eternity

In Love, Light, and Health

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Thank you Erika Such a beautiful poem and so right just now, as the world seemingly is breaking down… LOVE more than anything else is what matters and its what will heal it and bring it back to wholeness.
( on a different note.. Your image took me by surprise, in that it is similar, not the same, but two orbs, is what I am in the process of painting right now ) love it when serendipity knocks … I will give you a sneak hint about my painting… Its the moving from the Old World into the New one…. 🙂
Sending love and well wishes Erika… Have a peaceful, fulfilling day my friend ❤

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Wow, it happened again! I am speechless. I cannot wait to see it, Sue. This is simply awesome. What a connection or what a wonderful way to prove that intuitive minds just see. Goosebumps moment 💖

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