Daily Kind Quote

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In Love and Light

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Well said, un important lesson I am still working on… lol. It needs a calm mind and then simple solutions can happen. Thank you, Sylvester, you too!


Erika, this is more true than not. For years, I have witnessed solutions that are over-engineered. My reaction has tended to be why did someone make this so complicated? Granted, problems are complex and the solutions often need to be multi-faceted, but they need not be complicated in and of themselves.

I am reminded of the child who solved a problem about a delivery truck that was wedged under a too short overpass. The truck could not be moved forward or backwards. After much head-scratching by the adults, a child suggested “why don’t you let air out of the tires?” It worked.


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Yes, exactly. We are often so driven by the conviction that solutions cannot be simple. And as you said, this probably comes from being too deep in a complex problem. But with some distance and solution-oriented mind, we find the best solution in no time – like the child did. I love that story. thank you, Keith!

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Erika, I like your second sentence. What people fail to consider is cost – it tends to be easier to execute, administer and communicate a simpler change which means it is more cost effective. Keith

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You are so right! That is a very good example drawn from life, Keith. Too often, people scratch the surface or keep repairing the facade instead of looking a little deeper and making a small adjustment in the base. Thank you, Keith!

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