Love Is The Answer

Insecurity usually manifests itself as shyness, subservience, or weakness in decision-making. But at least as often it shows itself in the form of oppression, arrogance, envy, and dogmatism.

When insecure people occupy a position of power, there is a great danger that they want to keep others small. They want to shift their own problems from themselves to those who seem to be “at their mercy”. These can be superiors, educators, leaders of a group, or a bully. These people usually gather around themselves only insecure people, because it is easier for them to keep them undercontrol. They would never accept anyone as an equal or even give them the opportunity to make something wonderful out of themselves.

Interestingly, insecurity has two such opposing faces. One is directed against itself, the other tries to protect itself by being directed against others. Both forms have a similar cause, which can be found in formative experiences: Influencing by confidants at a young age, traumatic experiences, feelings of guilt, rejection, experienced emotional coldness, or a combination of all of these.

Oppressive personalities can barely be content. There is a lack of love and, of course, first and foremost self-love. I am only dependent on the affection, encouragement, recognition of others if I do not give it to myself. Unfortunately, the reason why insecure people let themselves be bullied by another insecure person is that they feel accepted – as long as they follow the appropriate rules. They stick to those rules that give them supposed security. But in the end, it makes them even more depending and insecure. A vicious circle that can only be broken if the tyrant is exposed in his insecurity. Never will a satisfied, down-to-earth person make others small or tell them they are not worthwhile. Never would he slow down the growth process of another person but would watch and encourage it with joy.

We all experience times of uncertainty. We all are often shaken to and fro by life. And we all sometimes need someone to give us security and safety in our vulnerability. These are the moments when people connect through love. After natural disasters or man-made tragedies, we see again and again how helpers and those seeking help find each other. And that is how it should be. It is only important that we, as people seeking help, make sure that we do not sell our souls. The human being is geared to grow, to shine, to unfold. Everything else is against human nature and causes pain and illness. Whoever acts oppressive, limiting, and dictatory acts against human nature.

Unmask the oppressor and distance. And here comes the essence of this post: Realize that they need support themselves the most so that they no longer hold on to false security in dominating others. If we understand what the problem is, we can also release ourselves from the energy of that person and understand their own inner fight at same time. Understanding is the key. And the power to turn that key around is love. Only love supports human nature. Let’s celebrate everybody’s potentials: Our own and those of others.

As always: Love is the answer!
Love yourself and insecurity has no grip.
Love yourself and you are independent of any approval, appreciation, or attention from anyone.
Love yourself and your appreciation goes to everyone and will be returned. We need love to defeat insecurity and the resulting fear

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Nico, I wrote that post about 10 days ago. And I can assure you that your current president has inspired it a lot… lol! He is such a great example of how a leader should NOT be!!
And thank you for your kindness, dear Nico. Have a blessed day!

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