
I checked YouTube for some joyful videos. I simply put in the word JOY, and the first thing that popped up was an 80s boy group. I remember their song and it made me giggle instantly. It sounds like they hardly tried to imitate Modern Talking – obviously not very successful. When I checked out the video, I immediately decided to share it today. The song, the video, everything is so constructed which gave me such a good laugh. I could not remember how bad it was. I thought this must be the most embarrasing 80s song 😂 Do you know a worse one?
However, I hope it gives you some joyful moments😂

Touch By Touch – Joy

In Love, Light, and Health

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


80s, Hits by years


LOL!! It was cool back then and is rather funny today… haha. Your words are making me smile, Sue! It is something I so apprecate about you actually 😊💖


I think it sounds like an ’80s European Song Contest entry. I bet it would have got a top-five placing back then. I loved Modern Talking. I can’t help but share my favourite song of theirs, Erika.

It brings back so many great memories.

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You are right, that would have made a typical song for a European Song Contest at that time… lol.
Oh, I loved Modern Talking (up to a certain amount of alike sounding songs… lol) But the first one which you shared truly is my favorite too. I remember when it was released 1985. On one of our class’s skiing days I was humming it all day!

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Oh no, are you from Australia? Another blogger from Australia was not able to watch it either. But yes, maybe it is just the embarrassment factor that may be too high 😅

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No, US. They are often real strict about copyright here, so not surprised. And, yeah, from the description the embarrassment factor might be a little too high 😉

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Haha, isn’t it crazy? We did not think of anything bad in the 80s when this song was released. But watching it today is simply 😂😂
At least, the Brotherhood of Man song is now out of your head… lol

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Oh, no, so sorry about that. Probably it is simply too embarrassing to watch for Australian eyes😂 🤣 Perhaps you find a different official video of that song on YouTube!

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