#RomanticTuesday Song

I was 16 when I went to London for the second time in my life. Not only London was special but the fact, that my best friend went along. It was her first trip to a foreign country and that even with a plane! However, on my way back I had some singles (remember?) in my suitcase like Breaking Up My Heart (Shakin’ Stevens), Material Girl (Madonna), and the one below. Who remembers?

Chain Reaction – Diana Ross

In Love, Light, and Health

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


OH, Yes… I remember those records… 🙂 and a little further back too 🙂 My very first record I bought was by Chuck Berry… called my ding a ling on vinyl…. it was a hit in the charts at the time… 🙂 I was 18… 🙂

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You Know Erika.. I still have that same Record.. I remember my Dad saying how rude it was… I laugh now when I think back…..
Much like now as a Grandma myself I hear modern day music with all the bad language within it.. Not musical at all… Which reminds me of my own Gran, when I loved the Rolling Stones.. hahaha….. and what she said about Mick Jagger.. hahahahaha.. 🙂 LOL>.. Full circle.. ❤ 🙂

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Haha, I understand you well. So far I am still going with most of today’s music (as long as I can sing to it, I might like it…lol)… but ask me in a few years when I am a Grandma too 😄

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Thank you, Mark 😊That is a funny way to look at it… lol. But you know what? This scares me more, to be honest. I definitely don’t want to become 30 or 20 anymore… 😂 I am absolutely fine… haha!!

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There must be something about spring in 1986… lol! This song always brings smiles to my face and happy feelings to my heart. Even more now since I see that you feel similar about it 💖


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