Daily Kind Quote

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In Love and Light

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Dont have fear, break the gear! 😉 Good one, Erika! Hope you had a beautiful weekend, without any storm, however they called them, with a female name. 🙂 Why not “Horst”, or “Franz-Josef” (Strauß)?. Lol Best wishes, Michael

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Awesome statement, Michael! Is that one from you? If yes, may I quote you again? I love this!
Haha, you are right! Also, why always female names? Perhaps because women are doers 🤔😅Do you think Franz-Josef (Strauss) would fit a storm with such wind speeds… lol
How was your area affected by the storm?

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Hi Erika. Every now and then I have to question your choice of words. The use of “purpose” is very wrong here. The purpose of fear is to put our reflexes on a high alert because of a perceived threat. I would respectfully suggest an alternative – “Fear can keep you from seeing your own genius”

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Hi, Colin. No problem. That’s what blogging is about, exchanging thoughts, discussing different perspectives, and also clarifying possible misunderstandings, right? That’s why I appreciate your inputs.

In this case, the use of “purpose” is only wrong if fear is put on the same level like instinct, intuition, negative gut feeling,.. But again, I differ between the two and therefore define fear as a consruct of thoughts, which paralizes the mind to keep it in an undesired comfort zone. It will cause us to always find excuses to explain why we don’t move and why we even use fear as an excuse itself.
But on the other side, there are the inner voice or instinct which keep our minds clear and make us see ways out of a situation instead of making us its prisoners.
You know, I understand what you mean, but since I define fear differently, the word “purpose” is used here on purpose. I don’t claim it to be an official definition. But it is my definition which helps to differ between the two sides. Does this make sense to you?

This has been a very interesting topic for many years because fear held me in its grip for decades but my instinct made me step over and eventually break out of it which made me write my book. Thank you again for this input, Colin.

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Yes I understand exactly what you mean, and totally agree with your concepts/perspectives. The issue is that you are making a finite statement (stress finite statement) which is incorrect.

Example : The purpose of women is to have children.

That is totally wrong for the same reasoning. Women may want to have children, but some would be upset if you said that was their purpose. Some women may not want children, but see their life purpose in other areas.

To quote a fellow blogger who I greatly respect – “Does this make sense to you?”

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As I said, I know what you mean and from your perspective it makes sense.
But again, I make this finite statement because of the way I define fear. And I stick with my definition that fear is something we don’t need but which only restricts. BUT I explain what instead does support and keep us from harm. Your example would be fitting if I did not provide an alternative for fear.

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“my definition that fear is something we don’t need but which only restricts.” Sorry Erika, but fear does not “only restrict”. You can of course define it however you wish, but without a context, it is a very good chance of being misunderstood.. Fear is inherently built into our “wiring” as a survival tool. To say fear “only restricts” is not understanding our inner functionality. I suspect the German > English maybe the issue however, if you establish a context, then all would be clear.

“Fear is totally counter-productive in the context of pushing our boundaries; trying something new; meeting new people, or doing anything that takes us out of our comfort zone. Sadly fear of failure and/or fear of ridicule (e,g.) so often prevent the individual from even trying.”

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“Fear is totally counter-productive in the context of pushing our boundaries; trying something new; meeting new people, or doing anything that takes us out of our comfort zone. Sadly fear of failure and/or fear of ridicule (e,g.) so often prevent the individual from even trying.”
Exactly, Colin! This is going along wonderfully with my definition of fear.

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