Haiku – Home

My face in your palm

Everything is alright

Finally, I’m home

I am checking out the Gutenberg editor with this haiku. Still there are some open questions but I am getting closer… lol.

Can someone tell me why I can set the header as a circle image (and it does show up as a circle in the draft) but in the post it appears original?

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Love, Poetry


Now that is interesting Erika. When I loaded this page, for a split second that image was round before going to the rectangle. It’s like you’ve asked it to be round but it is having an argument with itself and changing back.
Is there a final default setting somewhere that is causing the problem? 😀

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Yes, yes, this is what I saw too, when I checked it out. So glad, you saw this too. That is a good point with the default settings. I will check that out. Thanks a lot for your feedback 👍

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There is no place that can be more home than the caring heart of a beloved person.
I am afraid to agree with you… it is not really difficult, only a little confusing in the beginning untirl you know where you find the buttons you are used to.


Thank you, sis. It is so funny, when I clicked on the top image I embedded I have the option to simply leave it as usual or give it a circular shape. And so funny that the shape changes in the draft but not in the published post. Perhaps it is a difference if it is used as a header or anywhere else in the post. However, at least I get to see what all there is possible… gosh, it will take me ages to see through all the options 😂


Hi, Olga, I stayed away so far but since they will change anyway sooner or later I just had some time and thought, I go for it. It will take a while until it becomes routing but it is really cool what options there are given.


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