Peace To The World

Instead of writing a poem today, I ask all of you to take 2 minutes – only 2 minutes – to look within, and focus on a peaceful and loving world – the world we all want to live in. Hold this image in your heart and create a ball of love and light within you. Project it onto the vulnerable areas and people involved to bring healing where it is needed the most. Please, don’t forget that the person who caused the chaos may need the most healing.

Send tranquility to the minds of those who act aggressively to soften their hearts.
Send reason and clarity to those who react.
Send strength and faith to those who stand fearfully and desperately in between.
Send compassion and awareness to the rest of the world and ourselves
for each of us is called to support the victims and provide peace in whatever way we can.

Don’t be against something. Don’t be against war or Putin.
Agression provokes more aggression.
Pressure creates counterpressure.
Instead, be for peace, love, and healing in this world.
We need to build brigdes not gaps.
Hands can only be taken when they are reached.

It may look like there is not much the individual can do, but there is! Sending love, strength, and healing is something everyone can do… actively and repeatedly. We are one world, one population, and we all need each other – most of all in situations like this.

Thank you💖

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Love, Peace


Reblogged this on From guestwriters and commented:

There is no reason to keep strangling life and wounding this earth.

Each of us plays an important role in spreading the message of peace and love.
We should show to others there are ways to get to that better place where all of us can live in unison and peace.

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