Market Life

Most of you know that I have a company that offers energetic and physical treatments, meditation, and personal coaching. Also, many of you know (also because of my website I shared lately) that I produce and sell several kinds of natural cosmetics. I am an aromatherapist and I am also educated in phytotherapy (the teaching of healing plants). Producing my own natural cosmetics with this background was only a logical consequence.

Since last December, I have begun going on markets to be more apparent in addition to my online shop. I was (and still am a bit) very nervous, at first, and have set myself small goals to find patience in the process.

  • First goal: I want to sell at least one item
    (When I sold a lip balm right after the first market opened up, I was already happy!)
  • Second goal: I want to sell a few items to feel like something moved.
  • Third goal: I want to turn over enough to cover the stand rent.
  • Fourth goal: I want to go home with a plus.

Meanwhile, I participated in one Christmas market and three spring markets. I really got hooked. I love the market feeling, talking to interested people, and sharing some knowledge. It is a joy standing there with my growing stock of natural body care, realizing my dream by seeing my products make other people feel better or make them keep good health. And on each one of those markets, I realized all four goals. However, below I want to share some photos of the four past events.

Christmas Market December 1st, 2023

It was the only weekend when we really had snow last season. It snowed all night and then all day long. We had to remove the snow from the booth roof several times. And it was pretty cold. But the experience was priceless, and the contentment and joy of being part of this event warmed my heart.

Spring Market, March 16th and 17th, 2024

This time, we could be indoors. The weather was not too bad but I was glad not to consider all possible conditions. We had lovely market neighbors and it was a fun time all over.

Spring Market, May 4th, 2024

I was excited to participate in this market. When I registered, the registration deadline had officially expired already and they were also not sure whether they still had a stand left for me, since I don’t have my own. But everything worked out well and I had the perfect spot. Although it was pretty cool until the mid-afternoon since we had a shadow place, I was glad my products were not exposed to the sun. However, the weather was fantastic although the forecast said, it would be cloudy all day, and maybe even rainy.

Arts and Crafts Market, May 11th, 2024

This was the last market for this spring season. It was a small market combined with a flea market. People complained a bit that there was not a lot of “traffic” on the market. One of the reasons was probably that there was a holiday on Thursday and many made it an extended weekend. However, I can’t complain but I am content with the result again.

I already registered for a big market in August. And of course, I plan on participating at some Christmas markets this year. We will see how this all is developing. It is a lot of work but also a lot of fun, that’s for sure!

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


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