#RomanticTuesday Song

Happy Romantic Tuesday, everybody! Every decade has brought up some legendary artists and songs. To me, still, the 80s are the top decade regarding this. A decade which changed the world of music forever and until today, the songs are played frequently on the radio stations together with brand new songs. So, today, I am sharing a lovely song for a slow dance from one of the greatest artists that emerged in the early 80s.

Crazy For You – Madonna

In Love, Light, and Happiness

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


I love this song, you couldn’t have chosen a more romantic one for romantic Tuesday. Forgive my tardiness but as I mentioned before WordPress is trying to keep us apart ( what are they afraid of??) lol! I have to go searching the reader for your awesome blog! Sending love ❤️

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It is still a phenomenon that this happens and WP is hiding my blog from you. I am sorry, you have to make such an effort to come here but I appreciate it even more that you do. Thank you, Holly 💖


We do … I was reminde It was Debby Harry’s Blondie’s Birthday the other day, which brought home to me my own age lol… As she is but nine years older and was an idol of mine 🙂 That really triggered LOL 🤣😆😅

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Wow! Yes, that makes you think… I have the same thoughts at times. All the people around me are getting older and all of a sudden I recognize that I do too… lol!

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I know…. I noticed it most when I went home to my village I grew up in and met the people I went to school with… Oh my that was an eye opener for me… We keep this image in our hearts of them…. I am sure I was just a shock to them.. 🙂

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I don’t know… we might feel the body’s age but I am sure that it will feel peculiar since our inner being might have not aged a moment… lol!

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