Monday Song

Last weekend was the first one of my phytotherapy education. I am excited that it finally started. But it also means, that on 8 weekends during this year I will be in a classroom all day from Friday through Sunday. I decided that on those weekends I won’t work on any posts for my blog. Therefore, today there will be no Monday post. But instead, I scheduled a song post once again.

As I said, I am very excited about my education. But I am also very happy that I have reduced my work hours as a compliance officer. Now, I have more time again for my projects, for my therapy practice, and for all of those things I needed to put at rest but missed so much. My energy is coming back and my stress level slowly calms down again. Yay, let’s get it on. Happy Monday!

Get It On – T. Rex

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


70s, Song of the Day


Great news!! It’s important to try and keep a good quality of work and life balance. I say this mostly to myself in this moment because I tend to push mysrlf too hard and then I crash. How exciting for you to be learning something new! What’s this kind of therapy all about? I see you commented about aromatherapy too. I practice that and it was my main source of pain relief and distraction when I was in labor with Miles. Now I’m really into sound healing frequencies and it works wonders for me during meditation. Sending you all my love Erika, my kindred spirit and fellow writing friend💜👏🙏😊🙌

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Hi, Maria. I noticed that I spent too much time with what I had to do (which had no meaning to me) and I missed working with nature more and more. Phyto therapy is the teaching about plants, about their effects, their indications, how to make tinctures,… A very good addition to my aromatherapy. I am convinced about the power of plants and it is amazing that we have all that power around us😊

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Oh la la…I love this and firmly believe that! Every ailments can be corrected by what grows naturally out of the ground, that is how Mother Nature works. Super interested to hear more about this work while you learn and share about it. So happy for you😊💜✌

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Yes, it can or at least it can be supported or effects of medical treatments can be decreased. I don’t know if you have seen it yet, I posted about plants and their effects under “Health & Beauty” (in the menue bar). Just in case you are interested. I lobe working with planrs and feeling the alignment with mother nature. I will definitely share insights and information over time👍😊

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Thank you very much, Sylvester. The fulfillment is exactly what gives me energy although it demands a lot next to all my other activities and duties😊


Thanks a lot, Mark. I am very happy that I took that step. It will be tough at times regarding my time-management. But it is definitely worth it.
Me neihter but it was on my mind while being excited to finally start this course… lol

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I thought of doing this for a while in addition to aromatherapy. Of course, it is a lot of learning again next to everything else I am already doing and very time-consuming for the coming three years. But I am really excited that the course finally began.
Thank you, sis, and happy Monday to you too 💖

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