365 Thoughts of Healing – #261

For today, I’d love to share another page of my latest book 365 Thoughts of Healing. Today is the 261st day of the year. So, let’s go with the according page. Have an inspired day!

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New Book: 365 Thoughts of Healing – # 343

365 Thoughts of Healing is available on Amazon
as an e-book (at any Amazon marketplace)
or paperback (except at .com.au and .co.jp)

The links above lead you to amazon.com
but you can purchase the book on any Amazon marketplace.

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Marriage Unarranged #ReleaseDay #PubDay

Today is the day and the first novella of my blog sister is published. Hop over and get your copy!

Ritu Bhathal

Finally, the day has come!


No, not sit in a drinking establishment and sup a gin or three all day (though that may be quite fun!) but Publication Day.

After all this time, my book baby has finally been delivered!

Yes, Marriage Unarranged is finally out there, in the world, delivered to at least fifty Kindles this morning, and the paperback is also available too.

How am I feeling?

A bag of nerves. The feedback will hopefully start to filter in soon, and I know I love my book baby, but I really want you to love it too!

Described as Chickpea Curry Lit – Chick Lit with an Indian twist! And not just for chicks, you chap(patti)s too!

Graphic made by Kate Rock ❤

‘Chick Pea Curry’ Lit, Chick Lit with an Indian twist

It all started ended with that box…

Aashi’s life was all set.


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New Release: Mom Plus Nine Cooks

A lot of you know our lovely Lynn. And those who don’t… why? Oh, perhaps because she was not very present for the past year. But you know what? She is back with the best explanation ever about her absence. Silently and humble, as she is, she was working on her cookbook.

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