About Me

Hi, I am Erika! I was born in Vienna but grew up in another part of Austria and in the Principality of Liechtenstein (within the Swiss Alps) where I still live. I am a wife and mom of three grown-up kids, working as a compliance officer and running my Therapie Practice Because you Matter…  – next to being a singer and author.

For a long time, I was dominated and controlled by fears and outside influences.  From teenage times to adulthood my life was overshadowed by destructive thought patterns. I believed that this was what life was meant to be for me since I never knew something else. But one day I stood up and started to face my fears one by one. My life changed completely.  Today I grab my chances and lead the life I always wished for. In order to share my life-changing insights I wrote I’m Free – Awareness of Who You Are by Discovering Who You Are Not!


When I started blogging in May 2014 I had no idea what this was about. I did it in order to promote my book and was trained therefore by my publisher. Over time I have found my own way of blogging and what I really want to share with as many people as possible. So my blog has become a place for everyone to pause for a moment, to lighten up the heart, to smile, to get inspired, and to fuel with good vibes. We are all wonderful beings who came into this world in order to explore, discover, experience, create, and simply enjoy the given life in a human body with all senses. I want you to open your heart in order to hear, see, and feel clearer about yourself, your life, and the world. Therefore we need the happenings in our lives as signposts and tools. It is neither good nor bad – it simply is. Whatever happens has its reason in order to show us something or make us develop something. Life is simply all about living with everything it has in store for us.

I am not sitting on a cloud with an enlightened smile on my face all day long. I am dealing with my challenges as everyone does. But since I believe what I wrote above I have no excuse. Anyway, I can be angry, stubborn, impatient, sad, and frustrated as well. But I know that these characteristics are part of my experience but not part of me. I am happy as a basic condition of my being. Therefore I don’t deny negative feelings because I know that they will show me something in order to discover a new part of myself.

Reach out for the stars
but only as high
as your feet can still touch the ground!

In Love and Light!


Hi Erika I just read your Bio you’re born in Vienna I love Vienna I have been there twice and I had great time and beautiful memories! Is that your voice singing in the video? Love that song! And you looks great in the photos you’re sunshine! I am glad and happy that we came across each other in this huge blog world… 🙂

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Of course I’ve been to Italy several times. It basically is only a 3 hour drive. You are so lucky to live in California. My dream place to be. I fell in love with So Cal 6 years ago and go there at least once a year.

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Awh, thank you, Carolina! I am really happy you like it. That was my first song. I even presented it live at an international event and at the book presentation of the German edition of “I’m Free”.


Hi Erika …. we meet again! Apparently you are our latest Follower. Many thanks. I hope you get as much pleasure out of reading our (me and Ray) various Posts, as we get out of writing them If it is not already obvious, Ray’s contributions are limited to the “Dog Stories” Category in that he keeps giving me ideas to write about. The “Just Thinking” and “Dear Diary” Categories are just me! Enjoy! Colin.

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I am really pleased that you followed me back☺ you are really kind 🙂 and I would love to learn a lot from you in my journey of writing. Thank you so much for all the nice words:) you have motivated me to write further☺

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Love you too… I don’t know what to call you. I guess mam is appropriate.. And thank you for the advice.. I will surely keep it in mind☺

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Hi, Tom! Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by and following me. That means you are Austrian! That means you speak German? I am from Vienna like your father.


I love these international connections! I don’t think your German writing is worse than my English writing… lol. I am still checking lots of translations and spellings. But over all it is working well. That way: Schön, dich hier zu treffen, Tom! 😀


What a delightful introduction to yourself Erika… And if I may add DivineHuman sister… So pleased to meet you here, you reflect how I feel and that makes me feel grand… IAM busy as a happy bee preparing to publish my first book, sharing with others my magnificent and magical experience waking up to who IAM… All of me… Maybe as an establish writer you have some tips for me or things you wouldn’t do? In the meanwhile we smile and enjoy all life… Until soon, love Barbara

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Hi Barbara! First of all thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comment. The first boo, wow, that’s so exciting! Of course I would love to give you tips. But it always depends on where you want to go with your book. I just don’t know at which point you are at the moment? Do you already have a publisher? For my English book I went with Balboa Press. It costs little but the service is excellent.

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