About Me

Hi, I am Erika! I was born in Vienna but grew up in another part of Austria and in the Principality of Liechtenstein (within the Swiss Alps) where I still live. I am a wife and mom of three grown-up kids, working as a compliance officer and running my Therapie Practice Because you Matter…  – next to being a singer and author.

For a long time, I was dominated and controlled by fears and outside influences.  From teenage times to adulthood my life was overshadowed by destructive thought patterns. I believed that this was what life was meant to be for me since I never knew something else. But one day I stood up and started to face my fears one by one. My life changed completely.  Today I grab my chances and lead the life I always wished for. In order to share my life-changing insights I wrote I’m Free – Awareness of Who You Are by Discovering Who You Are Not!


When I started blogging in May 2014 I had no idea what this was about. I did it in order to promote my book and was trained therefore by my publisher. Over time I have found my own way of blogging and what I really want to share with as many people as possible. So my blog has become a place for everyone to pause for a moment, to lighten up the heart, to smile, to get inspired, and to fuel with good vibes. We are all wonderful beings who came into this world in order to explore, discover, experience, create, and simply enjoy the given life in a human body with all senses. I want you to open your heart in order to hear, see, and feel clearer about yourself, your life, and the world. Therefore we need the happenings in our lives as signposts and tools. It is neither good nor bad – it simply is. Whatever happens has its reason in order to show us something or make us develop something. Life is simply all about living with everything it has in store for us.

I am not sitting on a cloud with an enlightened smile on my face all day long. I am dealing with my challenges as everyone does. But since I believe what I wrote above I have no excuse. Anyway, I can be angry, stubborn, impatient, sad, and frustrated as well. But I know that these characteristics are part of my experience but not part of me. I am happy as a basic condition of my being. Therefore I don’t deny negative feelings because I know that they will show me something in order to discover a new part of myself.

Reach out for the stars
but only as high
as your feet can still touch the ground!

In Love and Light!


Hi, Robert! Thank you very much for stopping by and sharing your article. I took a quick look and saw that you are working with Bachblüten. I use them too, due to what the client needs. the power of nature is unbelievable. Nature has something for whatever issue we are dealing with… mentally and physically!
Your article is very long and therefore I need to get back to your article later when I have some more time. I hope you don’t mind.
Have a good day!!

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Wow, Erika! You live in such a beautiful part of the world and I loved the background to your photo. It was great to find your blog and I find your understanding of darkness and light, refreshing and consistent with my own outlook. Fear has been a big part of my life too and I am becoming more resilient the more I step out of my comfort zones and find that “I’m not dead!”
Best wishes,

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Isn’t that such a liberating moment when we decide to take fear the power to control our lives? That moment when we realize that no one but we ourselves can limit us is THE breakthrough!! Life changes immediately. It is very nice to meet you, Rowena and I am glad to see the light that shines brighter and brighter on your path!


Hi, Lauren! Welcome to the community. I am happy you got in touch. Thank you for that kind comment. I appreciate it very much and I am looking forward to talking more often to you from now on. 😊

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