
Although I like the song I am sharing today, it is not one of my favorites. But the reason I am posting it is that it reminds me of the many wonderful times I was allowed to spend in southern California. I haven’t been there for so long and miss it a lot. Due to the current Corona problems, I have no idea when I can go there again.

But I am neither sad nor angry. I am already feeling the joy of standing at my favorite viewpoint again and gazing out into the wideness of the Pacific ocean. I can already hear the sound of the waves and the sea lions bark. I can smell the salty air and see the dolphins jumping around from joy. I am already there in my heart. I think I never left.

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.




When you can feel it that vividly in your heart then California will certainly always be a part of you. Hoping the pandemic/Covid crisis and the affects clear out soon so that you can experience SoCal fully again. Blessings, dear friend.

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That’s exactly how I feel about it too. Cali has become a place in my heart and is always with me wherever I am. One day, I will see it all again but the best part is that I have seen it so often already. No one can take it away! Thank you, Sylvester!

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Awh, thank you, sis! I am really grateful that I have such a huge collection of memories. They mean even more now. Another example that we must never postpone what we would love to do. I am glad, I did my trips. No one can take the memories away😊


It is sad to miss something that has so much meaning dear lady. But our hearts will hold it because of that connection. And hopefully you can walk its beaches again soon (((Hugs until it is done))) 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏼 🦋
Great beat by the way 😀

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I walked those beaches, stood at that spot, watched the ocean, absorbed the atmosphere so very often. I only need to close my eyes and I am there. And I know for sure that the day will come when I am experiencing this all in person again… how much more appreciated it will be! Thank you, Mark!

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