Fill Your Years With Life

We hear it so often that we should enjoy life, not put anything off, let our soul unfold and follow the call of the heart. There are commitments, yes, but not all of them are real commitments. Many we do out of habit, even though times and circumstances have changed and the reason we took them on no longer even exists. We sometimes need to stop and examine how we are actually filling life. Is it only filled or is it also felt?

The recent death of a former classmate and buddy brought this home to me again in a powerful way. He was one of those who lived life to the fullest. He was industrious throughout his life, built a business, was involved in society both professionally and personally, and always put his innovative ideas into practice. He lived his life very consciously. It almost seems as if he knew that he would not have as much time as others. And as he himself said to a priest some time before his death, he probably lived many more years than his body was in the world. But he did nothing out of any pressure or apparent obligation, but because it was simply him. And the closer he got to death, the more he lived. He made a profoundly thought-provoking statement, which was also on his obituary: “I’ve never been healthier than I am now, since I’ve had the cancer.”

At one point we need to make the decision, whether we want to live or only exist. If we let our joy and mood be controlled and directed by circumstances, we can impossibly live. It’s not about quitting our jobs and spending the rest of our lives on an island partying. What I’m saying is: do what you do with your heart. Yes, get involved and spread your flags everywhere. Touch people with the way you are and with what you want to give. Let your soul reach out into the world, bringing the world into your heart. If you have something on your mind, don’t wait. You never know how much time you will be given. Be the best person you can be so that you always have a light heart. And let your joy for life grow from there. Share it in your actions and use its power to achieve your wildest dreams.

Don’t waste your time doing things that you do only out of habit
without understanding the reason behind them.
Instead, replace them with new tasks and a fresh attitude
to fill your years with life and not your life with years (as Lincoln said).

In Love and Light

About the Author

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The purpose of my blog is to inspire and shine a light on the beauty and power of the wonderful being inside your body. You came into this world to share what only you can give. Remember who you really are, conquer the world the way you always wanted to, and become the blessing to us all that you were meant to be.


Life, Soul


I am so sorry for this loss Erika but heartwarming to see your friend was a bundle of positivity and impacting lives in making a difference. We can always make small gestures to empower and uplift our surroundings or cause we care or feel strongly about.

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